Công ty cổ phần tư vấn thiết kế và xây dựng Hưng Thịnh

Found: 21:56 05/09/2024
Certificate of Capacity in construction
Số 18 Tổ 20, Phường Văn Đẩu, Quận Kiến An, Hải Phòng
Nguyễn Văn Sáu  
Chủ tịch HĐQT kiêm Giám đốc
Tax code/ Establish decision no.
Certification date
Granting agencies
Sở Kế hoạch và Đầu tư Hải Phòng

Field of activity

No. Number of certificates Category Extended category Rank Expired date
Khảo sát xây dựng
Khảo sát địa hình
Thiết kế, thẩm tra thiết kế xây dựng công trình
Thiết kế, thẩm tra thiết kế xây dựng công trình: dân dụng, thủy lợi, cấp nước - thoát nước
Thi công xây dựng công trình
Thi công công tác xây dựng công trình: thủy lợi, cấp nước - thoát nước
Tư vấn giám sát công tác xây dựng công trình
Tư vấn giám sát thi công công tác xây dựng công trình: dân dụng, thủy lợi, hạ tầng kỹ thuật (cấp nước – thoát nước)

This construction organization is also a contractor. The results of data analysis for contractors CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN TƯ VẤN THIẾT KẾ VÀ XÂY DỰNG HƯNG THỊNH are as follows:

  • Participated in 2 bidding packages, of which 2 were won, 0 were lost, 0 are pending results, and 0 were canceled.
  • Total value of winning bid packages (including joint ventures): VND (In which VND are designated bid packages; VND are bid packages with KQLCNT but no TBMT; VND is bidding packages not linked to the Contractor Selection Plan)

    Note: This is the total value of the bid packages that the contractor has won, including bid packages participating as a joint venture. This figure is calculating the total value of the entire joint venture. Because the participation rate in the joint venture is not announced, we do not have the basis to accurately separate the data for each member of the joint venture. The above figures may be larger than the actual figures that the contractor won.

  • Total bid-winning value as an independent party: VND (Of which VND is for designated packages; VND is for packages with contractor selection results but no Tender Notice; VND is bidding packages not linked to the Contractor Selection Plan)
  • Total value of bidding packages participated in and won as a consortium: VND (Of which VND is for designated packages; VND is for packages with contractor selection results but no Tender Notice; VND is for packages with contractor selection results but no Tender Notice) (Winning bid value of all consortium members)
  • Lowest bid rate when participating: 75.13% (Only calculated based on packages that have published estimated prices or package prices)
  • Average bid-winning price compared to the estimated price: 77.92% (Only calculated based on packages that have published estimated prices or package prices)
  • Provinces participated in the bidding: Hải Phòng (1), Undefined (1)
  • Has relationships with 2 Bid Solicitors
  • Has competed against 4 contractors in 1 bidding packages, won 1 packages, lost 0 packages, 0 are pending results, and 0 were canceled.
  • Has collaborated with 1 contractors in 1 bidding packages, won 1 packages, lost 0 packages, 0 are pending results, and 0 were canceled.
  • Received 0 penalty decisions due to violations of bidding regulations.
The DauThau.info software compiles and analyzes information from the national bidding database
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