số 5055, khóm Hà Bao 1, thị trấn Đa Phước, huyện An Phú, tỉnh An Giang.
Lab Name
Materials laboratory and construction inspection.
Laboratory address
đường số 13, khu dân cư Sao Mai, thị trấn Cái Dầu, huyện Châu Phú, tỉnh An Giang.
Recognition content
The list of testing criteria eligible for specialized construction operations of LAS-Construction 842 laboratory includes: testing criteria stated in the List attached to Certificate No. 67/GCN-BXD dated March 23 2023 of the Ministry of Construction: Cement mechanical testing; Heavy concrete and concrete mixtures; Test concrete aggregates and mortar; Laboratory soil mechanical testing; Testing physical and mechanical criteria of metals and metal welds; Asphalt concrete; Bitumen; Liquid asphalt; Acid-based asphalt emulsion; Field testing; Mechanics of mortar and construction mortar mixtures; Mechanical testing of masonry bricks; Physical and mechanical testing of concrete bricks, cement bricks, and tiles; Mechanical testing of autoclaved aerated concrete; Mechanical testing of concrete blocks; Physical and mechanical testing of fired clay tiles; Tiles, paving stones, Terrazzo tiles.
Technical standards used for tests are fully listed, including Vietnamese and foreign standards (if any). When there is a new version of a technical standard replacing the old standard, the corresponding new standard must be applied.
This certificate takes effect from the date of signing. This Certificate is valid until March 23, 2028 according to Certificate No. 67/GCN-BXD dated March 23, 2023 of the Ministry of Construction.
Certificate 2750/GCN-SXD An Giang