Số 15 đường Phan Sào Nam, phường Tứ Hạ, thị xã Hương Trà, thành phố Huế.
Lab Name
Materials laboratory and construction inspection.
Laboratory address
Số 15 đường Phan Sào Nam, phường Tứ Hạ, thị xã Hương Trà, thành phố Huế.
Recognition content
List of experimental criteria eligible for specialized construction activities of Las-XD 56.009 laboratory including: Cement experiment; Heavy concrete and concrete mixture; Experimental experiments for concrete, mortar and chips; Land mechanical experiments in the room; Test construction steel and weld; Testing at the scene; Construction mortar experiments; Experimental mechanics of baked clay bricks.
Technical indicators used for tests are fully listed, including Vietnamese and foreign standards (if any). When there is a new version of the technical standard to replace the old standard, the corresponding new standard must be applied
This certificate takes 05 years from the date of signing.