LAS-XD 487 Laboratory belongs to Toan Chinh Construction Survey Consulting Company Limited

số 123+125 đường Xô Viết Nghệ Tĩnh, quận Cẩm Lệ, thành phố Đà Nẵng;
Tax code
Lab Name
Laboratory of construction materials and soil mechanics;
Laboratory address
số 123+125 đường Xô Viết Nghệ Tĩnh, quận Cẩm Lệ, thành phố Đà Nẵng;
Lab code
Recognition date
Recognition content
The list of testing criteria eligible for specialized construction activities of LAS-Construction 487 laboratory includes: Mechanical and physical testing of cement; Aggregate testing for concrete and mortar; Testing construction mortar; Heavy concrete and concrete mixtures; Laboratory soil mechanical testing; Testing of metal materials and metal products; Construction stone testing; Asphalt testing; Liquid asphalt testing; Asphalt emulsion testing; Asphalt concrete testing; Field experiments; Testing physical and mechanical properties of bentonite; Mechanical testing of self-inserting concrete bricks; Mechanical testing of concrete bricks; Testing physical and mechanical criteria of masonry bricks; Water testing for construction; Water chemical analysis test for construction; Testing mineral powder materials in asphalt concrete; Testing of tiles; Testing natural paving stones; Paint and varnish testing; Testing of soil, cement-reinforced stone and soil-cement mixture; Terazo tile testing; Testing chemical additives for concrete; Testing activated mineral additives for concrete; Plasterboard testing; Testing of lightweight concrete - autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) bricks; Testing of lightweight concrete - foam concrete bricks, non-autoclaved gas; Testing waterproofing sheets based on modified bitumen; PVC waterstop tape testing; Wall paint and emulsion paint testing; Testing geotextiles, wicks, wick covers, geogrids; Testing waterproof membranes; Testing rubber materials; Testing construction glass materials; Testing natural wood materials; Testing artificial wood board materials; Fly ash testing; Blast furnace crushing plant testing; Testing PVC and HDPE pipes; Testing cement floor tiles; Test tiles and glazed tiles. The technical standards of the test are fully listed, including Vietnamese and foreign standards (if any). When there is a new version of a technical standard replacing the old standard, the corresponding new standard must be applied. This Certificate is valid for 5 years from the date of issue, replacing Certificates No. 65/GCN-BXD dated January 22, 2018 and No. 529/GCN-BXD dated May 27, 2019.
Certificate 152/GCN-BXD
Last update
07/03/2022 - 6th update.
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