Xóm Đồng Tâm, xã Nam Điền, huyện Nam Trực, tỉnh Nam Định
Laboratory address
Xóm Đồng Tâm, xã Nam Điền, huyện Nam Trực, tỉnh Nam Định
Recognition content
The list of testing criteria is eligible for specialized construction activities of LAS-XD 39.008 laboratory including: Cement; Correspondent and mortar, sand leveling, gravel macadam; Heavy concrete and concrete mixture; Building mortar, mortar without shrinkage; Brick physics, paving stones; Soil physics and stone in the room; Metal and metal materials; Asphalt concrete; Mineral powder materials in asphalt concrete; Acid -based asphalt emulsion; Bitumen asphalt, liquid asphalt, polymers; Water analysis for construction; Drilling solution (bentonite material, bentonite polymers); Geotechnical fabric - absorbent wick and absorbent wick cover, geotextile, HDPE membrane, and geotextile products; Chemical additives for concrete; Plasterboard and reinforced plaster panel; Vulcanized rubber, waterproofing materials - CPE panels, PVC water blocks, pillows; Construction glass; Wood; Artificial wooden boards; Plastic pipes and accessories; Composite materials; Plaster powder, wall powder; Paint; Traffic signals - Materials of thermoplastic reflective lines, solvent systems; Scene.
The technical standards of the test are fully listed, including Vietnamese and foreign standards (if any). When there is a new version of the technical standards of the old standard replacement test, the corresponding new standard must be applied
This certificate takes 05 years from the date of signing.