Số 28 phố Lò Đúc, phường Phạm Đình Hổ, quận Hai Bà Trưng, thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam.
Lab Name
Laboratory and construction quality inspection.
Laboratory address
Số 25, ngách 94, ngõ Tự Do, phố Đại La, Quận Hai Bà Trưng, thành phố Hà Nội, Việt Nam.
Recognition content
The list of testing criteria eligible for specialized construction activities of LAS-Construction 24,036 laboratory includes: Cement testing; Heavy concrete and concrete mixtures; Physical and mechanical testing of aggregates for concrete and mortar; Testing construction mortar; Laboratory soil mechanical testing; Inspection of construction steel; Testing mineral powder materials in asphalt concrete; Mechanical testing of masonry bricks; Mechanical testing of self-inserting concrete bricks; Mechanical testing of concrete bricks; Testing Terrazzo tiles; Tiles; Pressed cement tiles; Lightweight concrete - foam concrete bricks, non-autoclaved gas; Lightweight concrete - foam concrete bricks, autoclaved air (ACC); Bentonite mechanics; Field testing; Wire; Physical and mechanical properties of the paint film; Wall paint – emulsion paint; Epoxy paint; Waterproofing materials – bitumen emulsion paint; Putty putty; Plasterboard; Artificial paving stone; Natural paving stone, Expanded bar.
Technical criteria used for tests are fully listed, including Vietnamese and foreign standards (if any). When there is a new version of technical criteria to replace the old criteria, the corresponding new criteria must be applied.
This certificate is valid for 05 years from the date of issue and replaces the Certificate of eligibility for specialized construction testing activities No. 161/GCN-BXD dated March 11, 2019 and No. 47/GCN-BXD dated March 11, 2019. March 14, 2022 of the Ministry of Construction.
Certificate 17/GCN-SXD Hà Nội