xóm tái định cư mới, thôn An Thọ, An Khánh, Hoài Đức, Hà Nội
Laboratory address
LK8-5, khu Tổng cục V, thôn Yên Xá, Xã Tân Triều, Huyện Thanh Trì, Hà Nội
Recognition content
The list of testing criteria eligible for specialized construction activities of the LAS-Construction 1733 laboratory includes: Cement testing; Mechanical testing of aggregates; Testing of concrete and heavy concrete mixtures; Testing construction mortar; Tile testing; Bentonite solution testing; Metal mechanical testing; Field testing; Testing geotextiles, permeable wicks, geogrids; Testing waterproof membranes and water-resistant tapes; Wood testing; Plasterboard testing; Testing tiles and paving stones; Testing concrete sewer pipes, box culverts, underground jacked culverts, manholes, separate wells, culvert pillows; Paint testing; Test electrical wires and accessories; Testing PVC, PP, PE, HDPE plastic pipes; Testing mineral powder in BTN; Testing of cement-reinforced soil and rock; Asphalt concrete testing; Testing bitumen, liquid asphalt, emulsion; Laboratory soil testing; Testing rubber and ball bearings; Testing of foam rubber – joint filling material; Testing concrete sleepers.
Technical standards used for tests are fully listed, including Vietnamese and foreign standards (if any). When there is a new version of a technical standard replacing the old standard, the corresponding new standard must be applied.
This certificate is valid for 05 years from the date of issue, replacing Certificate No. 593/GCN-BXD dated October 23, 2017 and Certificate No. 70/GCN-BXD dated January 28, 2019.