LAS-XD 07.003 Laboratory belongs to Dong A Landscape Construction Consulting Joint Stock Company

Số 4E đường số 3 khu phố Mỹ Tân, Phường 7, thành phố Bến Tre, tỉnh Bến Tre.
Tax code
Lab Name
Materials testing and construction inspection laboratory. 
Laboratory address
Số 4E đường số 3 khu phố Mỹ Tân, Phường 7, thành phố Bến Tre, tỉnh Bến Tre.
Recognition date
Recognition content
The list of experimental criteria eligible for specialized construction activities of LAS-Construction 07.003 laboratory includes: Soil; Aggregate for concrete and mortar; Crushed sand for concrete and mortar; Concrete and mortar; Cement; Steel; Cables, wedges, anchors; Water; Additives; Asphalt; Asphalt concrete; Mineral powder; Emulsion, liquid asphalt; Geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids, threads and geotextile products; Absorbent wick; Waterstop tape, joints; Plastic pipes and accessories (PVC, HDPE); Gabions, stone mats; Fired clay bricks; Self-inserting concrete tiles; Concrete block bricks; Terrazzo tiles; Cement floor tiles; Lightweight concrete bricks - foam, non-autoclaved gas; Lightweight concrete bricks - foam, autoclaved gas; Refractory bricks; Tiles; Paint; Wall putty; Bentonite; Box culvert - sewer pipe; Traffic signal painting, thermoplastic road surface painting; Roofing tiles; Testing the foundation and road surface at the site. Technical standards used for tests are fully listed, including Vietnamese and foreign standards (if any). When there is a new version of a technical standard replacing the old standard, the corresponding new standard must be applied. This Certificate is valid for 5 years from the date of signing and replaces Certificate No. 69/GCN-BXD dated April 15, 2021 of the Ministry of Construction.
Certificate 1552/GCN-SXD Bến Tre
Last update
11/11/2024 - First update
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