Construction Inspection and Equipment Technology Consulting Joint Stock Company 378

TT3.11 Khu nhà ở 183 phố Hoàng Văn Thái, quận Thanh Xuân, Tp. Hà Nội.
Tax code
Lab Name
Construction testing and inspection center.
Laboratory address
LK TT4, Ô số 7, Khu đô thị vov Mễ Trì, Quận Nam Từ Liêm, Tp. Hà Nội
Lab code
Recognition date
Recognition content
The list of testing criteria eligible for specialized construction activities of LAS-Construction 378 laboratory includes: Testing of cement and cement clinker; Testing concrete aggregates and mortar; Testing the physical and mechanical criteria of crushed sand; Testing lightweight concrete aggregates; Testing of chemical and mineral additives; Testing of fly ash and hardening materials; Concrete and mortar mixture; Ready-mixed cement mortar; Tile adhesive mortar; Testing soil cement piles; Testing crushed stone aggregates and natural cement reinforced aggregates; Soil testing; Testing asphalt, liquid asphalt; Testing mineral powder in asphalt concrete; Metal testing and metal welding; Bentonite experiment; Brick experiment; Testing frames and doors; Testing of concrete bricks; Testing of PVC and uPVC pipes and fittings; Testing PE, HDPE, PR, PPR pipes; Testing electrical conduit, box conduit, protective conduit, gene conduit; Putty experiment; Plaster experiment; Testing residential electrical wires; Emulsion paint testing; Glass testing; Testing waterproofing materials, polymers, waterproofing membranes, waterstop tapes, rubber gaskets; Testing rubber pillows; Testing of coposite panels; Compact plate test; Testing industrial wood fiberboard, MDF board, plywood board, artificial wood; Construction water testing; Field experiment. Technical standards used for tests are fully listed, including Vietnamese and foreign standards (if any). When there is a new version of a technical standard replacing the old standard, the corresponding new standard must be applied. This certificate supplements Certificate No. 363/GCN-BXD dated June 13, 2018 of the Ministry of Construction and is valid until June 13, 2023.
Certificate 25/GCN-BXD
Last update
07/03/2022 - 6th update.
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