Recognition content
The list of experimental criteria eligible for specialized construction activities of LAS-Construction 1126 laboratory includes: Physical and chemical testing of cement; Mechanical testing of aggregates for concrete and mortar; Physical and mechanical testing of concrete mixtures and heavy concrete; Mechanical testing of mortar; Physical and mechanical testing of masonry bricks, self-inserting concrete bricks, and concrete block bricks; Tile mechanical testing; Acid asphalt emulsion test; Testing mineral powder materials in asphalt; Asphalt concrete testing; Bitumen testing; Paint; Metal inspection and welding fields; Laboratory soil mechanical testing; Field testing; Construction water; Wastewater; TN cement floor tiles and granito tiles; TN ceramic tiles; TN refractory materials; Physical and mechanical testing of asbestos-cement tiles; Physical and mechanical testing of bentonite solution; TN construction wood mechanics; Testing soil-cement mixture; Testing of bridge bearings and expansion joints; Mechanical testing of refractory materials; Air noise testing experiment; Testing the main properties of epoxy glue; Composite material testing. Technical criteria used for tests are fully listed, including Vietnamese and foreign standards (if any). When there is a new version of technical standards to replace the old standards, the corresponding new standards must be applied. This certificate is valid for 05 years from the date of issue and replaces Decision No. 355/QD-BXD dated July 24, 2014 by the Minister of Construction.