Softlines Laboratory

Số hiệu
VILAS - 634
Tên tổ chức
Softlines Laboratory
Đơn vị chủ quản
Intertek Testing Services (Cambodia) Company, Limited
Địa điểm công nhận
- No. 13 AC. Street 337, Sangkat Boeung Kak I, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tỉnh thành
Thời gian cập nhật
11:21 21-03-2024 - Cập nhật lần thứ 1.
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Chi tiết
Tên phòng thí nghiệm: Softlines Laboratory
Laboratory: Softlines Laboratory
Cơ quan chủ quản: Intertek Testing Services (Cambodia) Company, Limited
Organization: Intertek Testing Services (Cambodia) Company, Limited
Lĩnh vực thử nghiệm: Hóa, Cơ
Field of testing: Chemical, Mechanical
Người quản ý/ Laboratory manager: Mr. Ramon V.Macaraig Jr.
Người có thẩm quyền ký/ Approved signatory:
TT Họ và tên/ Name Phạm vi được ký/ Scope
Mr. Ramon V.Macaraig Jr Các phép thử được công nhận/Accredited tests
Mr. Rakea Heng
Mr. Denter Laxina
Mr. Suman Chanadra Das Các phép thử Hóa được công nhận/Accredited chemical tests
Mr. Piseth Mey
Ms. Jenilyn Santiago Các phép thử Cơ được công nhận/Accredited mechanical tests
Mr. Sovandy Thav
Số hiệu/ Code: VILAS 634
Hiệu lực công nhận/ Period of Validation: 05/03/2025
Địa chỉ/ Address: No. 13 AC. Street 337, Sangkat Boeung Kak I, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Địa điểm/Location: No. 13 AC. Street 337, Sangkat Boeung Kak I, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Điện thoại/ Tel: +855 23 885 421 Fax:
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
Lĩnh vực thử nghiệm: Hóa Field of testing: Chemical
TT Tên sản phẩm, vật liệu được thử Materials or product tested Tên phép thử cụ thể The name of specific tests Giới hạn định lượng (nếu có)/ Phạm vi đo Limit of quantitation (if any)/range of measurement Phương pháp thử Test method
Fabric, Garments Determination of pH of the aqueous extract 1 ~ 14 AATCC TM81:1996e2 (2016)e ISO 3071:2020 JIS L1096 : 2010 (Sec. 8.37, Method A) BS EN ISO 3071:2020 AS 2001.3.1:1998 (R2016) GB/T 7573:2009
Leather Determination of pH of the aqueous extract 1 ~ 14 BS EN ISO 4045:2018
Fabric, Garments Fiber Analysis-qualitative AATCC TM20:2013 (2018)e
Fabric, Garments Fiber Analysis-quantitative Up to 100% AATCC TM20A:2020 BS 4407: 2007 ISO 1833:2020 (Part 1-3,12,18) ISO 1833:2019 (Part 9,10,13,14,15,16,17,19,21) BS EN ISO 1833 : 2020 (Part 1,2,8,17) BS EN ISO 1833:2011 (Part 24) BS EN ISO 1833 : 2020 (Part 25,26) BS EN ISO 1833 : 2020 (Part 3,12,18,21,28)* 73/44/EEC and 96/73/EC Amd 2008/121/EC (Regulation (EU) No. 1007/2011) AS 2001.7:2005
Detection of Formaldehyde 10 mg/kg AATCC TM94:2020
Fabric, Garments Determination of Formaldehyde content UV VIS method 10 mg/kg BS EN ISO 14184-1:2011 BS EN ISO 14184-2:2011 ISO 14184-1:2011 ISO 14184-2:2011 AATCC TM112:2020 JIS L 1041:2011 GB/T 2912.1:2009
Leather Determination of Formaldehyde content HPLC method 5 mg/kg EN ISO 17226-1:2021 SOP-CHEM-027, Issue: 01/00: 2018
Determination of Formaldehyde content UV-VIS method 5 mg/kg EN ISO 17226-2:2019 SOP-CHEM-027, Issue: 01/00: 2018
Paint and Other Similar Surface Coatings Determination of total Lead (Pb) content ICP-MS method 20 mg/kg CPSC-CH-E1003-09.1:2011 (16 CFR 1303 /CPSIA 2008 - Public law No. 110-314 – Title 1 -section 101) ASTM E1645:01(2007) ASTM F963-11 (2) SOP-CHEM-003, 01/02:2015
Textile & accessories including print on textile or leather items and polymeric products (eg, plastic) Determination of Phthalates content Group-1 [ DBP; BBP; DEHP; DNOP; DINP; DIDP] Group-2 [DIBP; DIPP; DPENP; DHEXP; DCHP; PIPP; DMEP; DIHP; DHNUP; DMP; DEP; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dipentylester, branched & liner;] GC-MS method 100 mg/kg (each) CPSC-CH-C1001- 09.4:2018 BS EN ISO 14389:2014 BS EN 14372: 2004 ISO 16181:2021 GB/T 22048:2008 SOP-CHEM-018, 01/00:2015
Textile fabric, Garment, Determination of Chlorinated Organic Carriers (COC) content Dichlorobenzenes; Trichlorobenzenes; Tetrachlorobenzenes; Pentachlorobenzene; Hexachlorobenzene; Chlorotoluene; Dichlorotoluenes; Trichlorotoluene; Tetrachlorotoluene; Pentachlorotoluene. GC-MS method 0.1 mg/kg (each) DIN 54232:2010, SOP-CHEM-019, 01/00:2019
Textile fabric, Garment, Leather Determination of Organotin Compounds (OTC) content n-Butyltin trichloride (MBT); Di butyltin dichloride (DBT); Tributyltin chloride (TBT); Tetrabutyltin (TeBT); n-Octyltin-trichloride (MOT); Di-n-Octyltin-dichloride (DOT); Trioctyltin-chloride (TOT); Triphenyltin-chloride (TPhT); Tricyclohexyltin-chloride (TcHT); Methyltin trichloride (MeT); Dimethyl Tin (DMT); Trimethyl Tin (TMT); Di-n-propyltin-dichloride (DProT); Diphenyltin-dichloride (DPhT). GC-MS method 0.05 mg/kg (each) Intertek Global Harmonized SOP CO 06.TP: 2010 (Refer: DIN EN ISO17353:2005 ISO/TS 16179:2012) SOP-CHEM-020, 01/01:2017 SOP-CHEM-020, 01/01:2017
Textile fabric, Garment, Leather, Silica Gel Determination of Dimethyl Fumarate (DMFu) content GC-MS method 0.1 mg/kg ISO 16186: 2021 SOP-CHEM-022 Issue: 01/01:2017
Plastic Determination of Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT) content GC-MS method 1.0 mg/kg Intertek Global Harmonized SOP HC100.TP: 2010 (Refer: ASTM D 4275-09), SOP-CHEM-024, Issue: 01/00:2016
Plastic Determination of Bisphenol A LC-MS/MS method. 0.01 mg/kg Intertek Global Harmonized SOP CO 11.TP: 2019 SOP-CHEM-023, Issue: 01/01:2019
Non-metal Children’s Products Determination of total Lead (Pb) content ICP-MS method 20 mg/kg CPSC-CH-E1002-08.3:2012 (CPSIA 2008– Public law No. 110-314) EPA 3051A: 2007 ASTM D F963-11 Clause, SOP-CHEM-002, Issue: 01/02:2015
Children’s Metal Products (Including Children’s Metal Jewelry) Determination of total Lead (Pb) content ICP-MS method 20 mg/kg CPSC-CH-E1001-08.3:2012 (CPSIA 2008 - Public law No. 110-314), SOP-CHEM-001, Issue: 01/02:2015
Textile & Leather trims including print and polymeric materials Detection of PVC Beilstein Method-Flame Test Positive/ Negative SOP-TEXT-069 : 2014 (Reference: CCI Notes 17/1), SOP-CHEM-009, Issue: 01/00:2015
Textile, Plastic & Leather Determination of AP (Octyl Phenol & Nonyl Phenol) and APEOs [Octyl Phenol Ethoxylates (OPEO congeners 2-16) & Nonyl Phenol Ethoxylates (NPEO congeners 2-16)] LC-MS/MS Technique. OP & NP: 3 mg/kg (each) OPEO & NPEO: 10 mg/kg (each) ISO 18254-1:2016 ISO 18218-1:2015 SOP-CHEM-008, Issue: 2:2016
Leather Determination of Chromium (VI) content (Non- Aging) UV-VIS method. 1.5 mg/kg ISO 17075-1:2015 BS EN ISO 17075-1: 2017 SOP-CHEM-014, Issue : 01/00:2015
Determination of Chromium (VI) content. (Aging) UV-VIS method. 1.5 mg/kg ISO 17075-3:2017 SOP-CHEM-014, Issue : 01/00:2015
Paper, Polymer Determination of Chromium (VI) content. UV-VIS method. 1.5 mg/kg EPA 3060A:1996 SOP-CHEM-014, Issue : 01/00:2015
Textile fabric, Garment, Leather Determination of Banned aryl amines from Azo Dyes: [ o-Tqluidine (95-53-4); 2-Methoxyaniline (90-04-0); p-Chloroaniline ( 106-47-8); p-Cresidine (120-71-8); 2,4,5 -Trimethylaniline(137-17 -7); 4-Chloro-o-Toluidine (95-69-2); 2,4-Toluylenediamine (95-80-7); 2,4-Diaminoanisol (615-05-4); 2-Napthylamine (91-59-8); 2-Amino-4-Nitrotoluene (99-55-8); 4-Aminodiphenyle (92-67-I); 4,4'-Oxydianiline (101-80-4); Benzidine (92-87-5); 4,4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane (101-77-9); o-Aminoazotoluene (97-56-3): 3,3'-Dimethyl-4,4'- Diaminodiphenylmethane (838-88-0); 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine (119-93-7); 4,4'-Thiodianiline (139-65-1); 3,3' -Dichlorobenzidine (91 -94-1); 4,4'-Methylene-bis-(2- Chloroaniline) (101-14-4); Dimethoxybenzidine ( 119-90-4); 2,4-Xylidine (95-68-1); 2,6 -Xy lidine (87- 62-1 ) : P-Aminoazobenzene (60-09-3)] GC-MS & HPLC-DAD method. 5 mg/kg(each) BS EN 14362-1 : 2017 BS EN 14362 -3 : 2017 DIN EN ISO 17234-1 : 2020 BS EN ISO 17234-2 : 2011 GB/T 17592 :2011, SOP-CHEM-005, 01/06:2020
Metal & Metal Alloy Screening Test for Nickel Release Positive/ Negative <0.5 μg/cm2/week EN 12471:2002, SOP-CHEM-011, Issue: 01/00:2015
Determination of Nickel Release ICP-MS method 0.05 µg/cm2/week EN 12472:2005 + A1:2009 EN 1811:2011 +A1:2015 SOP-CHEM-012, Issue: 01/00:2015
Paper, Polymer Determination of Metal (Pb, Cd, Cr, As, Hg) in Packaging Material ICP-MS Technique 5 mg/kg (each) SOP-CHEM-017, Issue: 01/01:2017
Textile Determination of Extractable Metal (Sb, As, Hg, Pb, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Cr (VI)) ICP-MS method As, Pb: 0.1 mg/kg Co, Ni: 0.3 mg/kg Sb, Cu: 1.0 mg/kg Cd: 0.03 mg/kg Hg: 0.01 mg/kg Cr: 0.5 mg/kg ISO 105-E04:2013 DIN 54233-2:2010, SOP-CHEM-015, Issue: 01/01:2017
Textile, Metal, Plastic Determination of Soluble Metal (Sb, As, Pb, Cd, Ba, Se, Hg, Cr) ICP-MS method 5 mg/kg (each) EN 71-3:1994+A1:2000 SOP-CHEM-015, Issue: 01/01:2017
Textile, Metal, Plastic Determination of Total Cadmium (Cd) content ICP-MS Technique 5 mg/kg BS EN 1122:2001 SOP-CHEM-010, Issue: 01/01:2017
Textile Determination of Quinoline 10 mg/kg (ppm) DIN 54231:2005
Rice Determination of elements (Pb, Cd, Cu, As, Hg) ICP-MS method Pb: 0.4 mg/kg Cu: 3 mg/kg Cd, As, Hg: 0.01 mg/kg AOAC 999.10
Wastewater Determination of elements (Pb, Cd, Cr, Hg, Co, Ni, Sb, As, Cu, Zn, Mn) ICP-MS method 5 µg/L(each) EPA 3051A:2007
Determination of pH value 1 ~ 14 SMEWW 4500-H+ :2017 ISO 15023:2008 US EPA 150.1:1982 GB/T 6920: 1986 SOP-ENV-002, Issue:01/01:2019
Determination of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) with glass microfiber filter (pore size 1.2 µm) 5 mg/L SMEWW 2540D:2017 GB/T 11901:1989 EPA 160.2: 1971 SOP-ENV-003 Issue: 01/01:2019
Wastewater Determination of Biological Oxygen Demand after 5 days (BOD5) 5 mg O2/L SMEWW 5210B:2017 HJ 505:2009 APHA 5210: 2001 ISO- 5815-1-2: 2019 EN-1899-1: 1998 US EPA405-1:1974 SOP-ENV-004, Issue: 01/01:2019
Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 30 mg O2/L SMEWW 5220D:2017 HJ 828:2017 ISO 6060: 1989 US EPA410.4:1993 APHA 5220D: 1997 GB/T 11914 : 1989 SOP-ENV-005, Issue: 01/01,2019
Determination of Oil & Grease 5 mg/L SMEWW 5520B: 2017 HJ 637-2018 ISO 9377-2: 2010 US EPA 1664 : 2010 SOP-ENV-006, Issue: 01/01:2019
Determination of Color Method B 2 ISO 7887:2011 SOP-ENV-007 Issue: 01/00:2018
Determination of Conductivity 5 μmhos/cm SMEWW 2510B:2017 EPA 120.1 : 1982
Toys (Surface Coating, Substrate Materials) Determination of Soluble Test for elements (Pb, Cd, Cr, As, Sb, Hg, Se, Ba) ICP-MS method 5 mg/kg (each) ASTM F963-17 clauses 8.3.1 to 8.3.5, SOP-CHEM-015, Issue: 01/01:2017
Textile fabric, Garment, Leather Detection of Allergenic & Carcinogenic Dyes: Disperse Blue 1; Disperse Blue 102; Disperse Blue 106; Disperse Blue 124; Disperse Blue 26; Disperse Blue 35; Disperse Blue 3; Disperse Blue 7; Disperse Brown 1; Disperse Orange 1; Disperse Orange 11; Disperse Orange 149; Disperse Orange 3; Disperse Orange 37/76; Disperse Orange 61; Disperse Red 1; Disperse Red 11; Disperse Red 17; Basic Red 9; Basic Violet 14; Basic Violet 3; Disperse Yellow 1; Disperse Yellow 9; Disperse Yellow 3; Disperse Yellow 39; Disperse Yellow 49; Disperse Yellow 23; Solvent Yellow 1; Solvent Yellow 2; Solvent Yellow 3; Acid Red 26; Direct Red 28; Direct Black 38; Direct Blue 6; Direct Brown 95; Navy Blue; LC-MS/MS method 15 mg/kg (each) DIN 54231:2005 SOP-CHEM-007, Issue: 01/01:2018
Textile fabric, Garment, Leather Determination of Chlorinated Phenol (TriCP, TeCP & PCP) and O-Phenyl Phenol content GC-MS Technique 0.05 mg/kg (each) ISO 17070:2015 SOP-CHEM-025, Issue: 01/02:2019
Textile & accessories including print on textile or polymeric products (eg, plastic/rubber) Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). Naphthalene; Acenaphthylene; Acenaphthene; Fluorene; Phenanthrene; Anthracene; Fluoranthene; Pyrene; 1-Methylpyrene; Cyclopenta(c,d)pyrene; Chrysene; 5-Methylchrysene; Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(b)fluoranthene; Benzo(k)fluoranthene; Benzo (j)fluoranthene; Benzo(a)pyrene; Benzo(e)pyrene; Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene; Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene; Benzo(g,h,i)perylene; Dibenzo[a,e]pyrene; Dibenz[a,h]pyrene; Dibenzo(a,i)pyrene; Dibenzo[a,l]pyrene. GC-MS method. 0.2 mg/kg (each) AfPS GS 2019:01 PAK SOP-CHEM-029, Issue: 01:2018
Ghi chú/Note:
  • ISO: International Organization for Standardization
  • AATCC: American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
  • CAN/CGSB: Canadian General Standards Board
  • GB/T: Guo Biao Test (China Standards)
  • SOP-CHEM, SOP-CO, SOP-HC, SOP-TEXT, IHTM- Laboratory developed method
  • AS: Australian standard
  • BS EN: British Standards European Standardization
  • DIN: Deutsches Institut für Normung
  • JIS: Japanese Industrial Standards
  • EPA: Environmental Protection Agency (United States)
  • SMEWW: Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater
  • CEN : European Committee for Standardization
  • ISO/TS: International Organization for Standardization/Technical Specification
  • CPSIA: Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
  • CPSC: Consumer Product Safety Commission (United States)
Lĩnh vực thử nghiệm: Cơ Field of testing: Mechanical
TT Tên sản phẩm, vật liệu được thử Materials or product tested Tên phép thử cụ thể The name of specific tests Giới hạn định lượng (nếu có)/ Phạm vi đo Limit of quantitation (if any)/range of measurement Phương pháp thử Test method
Fabric, Garments, Yarns, Threads Construction Test: Stitch Density, Weft Knit BS 5441 : 1988 + A1 : 2019 ASTM D3887-96 (2008) Section 12 AS 001.2.6:2001 (R2016)
Determination of Fabric Weight exclude oven. Dry method ASTM D3776/D3776M-20 BS EN 1773: 1997 BS EN 12127: 1998 DIN EN 12127: 1997 AS 2001.2.13:1987 (R2016)
Determination of Thread per Unit Length, Woven ASTM D3775-17e1 BS EN 1049-2:1994 ISO 7211-2: 1984 (method A, B) AS 2001.2.5:1991 (R2016)
Determination of Linear Density of Yarn Removed From Fabric ASTM D1059-2017 ISO 7211-5: 2020 BS ISO 7211-5: 2020 AS 2001.2.23:1990 (R2016)
Determination of Fabric Width BS EN 1773: 1997 ISO 22198:2006 ASTM D3774-18 DIN EN 1773: 1997
Fabric, Garments, Footwear, Accessories such as Hat, Handkerchief Determination of Tearing Strength Elmendorf Tear Tester ASTM D1424-09(R2019) BS EN ISO 13937-1: 2000 ISO 13937-1: 2000/ Cor 1: 2004 DIN EN ISO 13937-1: 2000 AS 2001.2.8: 2001 (R2016)
Tearing Strength (Single Rip) ASTM D2261-13(2017)e1
Determination of Tearing Strength (Trapezoid) ASTM D5587-15 (R2019)
Determination of Tensile Strength and Elongation Grab Method ASTM D5034-09 (R2017) BS EN ISO 13934-2:2014 ISO 13934-2 : 2014 DIN EN ISO 13934-2 : 2014
Fabric, Garments, Footwear, Accessories such as Hat, Handkerchief Determination of Tensile Strength and Elongation Strip Method BS EN ISO 13934-1 : 2013 ISO 13934-1 : 2013 DIN EN ISO 13934-1 : 2013 ASTM D5035-11(R2019) AS 2001.2.3.2:2001 (R2016)
Determination of Bursting Strength Diaphragm Bursting Method. ASTM D3786/D3786M-18 BS EN ISO 13938-1: 2019 ISO 13938-1: 2019 DIN EN ISO 13938-1: 2019 AS 2001.2.4:1990 (2016)
Determination of Bursting Strength Diaphragm Bursting Method. DIN EN ISO 13938-2: 2020 BS EN ISO 13938-2: 2019 ISO 13938-2: 2019
Determination of Distension and strength surface Ball Burst method ISO 3379:2015
Determination of Seam Strength ASTM D1683 / D1683M-17 (R2018) BS EN ISO 13935-1: 2014 BS EN ISO 13935-2: 2014 ISO 13935-1: 2014 ISO 13935-2: 2014 DIN EN ISO 13935-1: 2014 DIN EN ISO 13935-2: 2014 AS 2001.2.20:2004 (R2016)
Determination of Pocket Attachment Strength AATCC TS-010: 2004
Determination of Seam Slippage BS EN ISO 13936-1,2: 2004 ISO 13936-1,2: 2004 DIN EN ISO 13936-1,2: 2004 AS 2001.2.21:1989 (R2016) AS 2001.2.22:2006 (R2016)
Fabric Garments Accessories such as Hat, Handkerchief Determination of Seam Stretchability ASTM D1683:17(R2018) AATCC TS-015
Small Parts Articles such as buttons, bow, zipper Determination of Mechanical Safety BS 7907 :2017 PD CEN/TR 16792 :2014
Sharp Edge Test BS EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 Section 8 clause 8.11 16 CFR Part 1500.49 ASTM F963-17 clause 4.7
Sharp Point Test BS EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 Section 8 clause 8.12 16 CFR Part 1500.48 ASTM F963-17 clause 4.9
Determination of Small Part BS EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 Section 8 clause 8.2 16 CFR Part 1501 ASTM F963-17 clause 4.6
Impact Test BS EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 Section 8 clause 8.7 ASTM F963-17 clause 8.7 16 CFR Part 1500.50, 51(b), 52(b), 53(b)
Determination of Flexure BS EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 Section 8 clause 8.13 ASTM F963-17 clause 8.12 16 CFR Part 1500.50, 51(d), 52(d), 53(d)
Torque Test BS EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 Section 8 clause 8.3 ASTM F963-17 clause 8.8 16 CFR Part 1500.50, 51(e), 52(e), 53(e)
Tension test BS EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 Section 8 clause 8.4 ASTM F963-17 Part 8.9 16 CFR Part 1500.50, 51(f), 52(f), 53(f)
Compression Test BS EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 Section 8 clause 8.8 ASTM F963-17 clause 8.10 16 CFR Part 1500.50, 51(g), 52(g), 53(g)
Garments Determination of Drawstrings on Children’s Upper Outerwear ASTM F1816-18
Snaps Determination of Snap Attachment Strength ASTM D7142-05(2016)
Snaps Determination of Snaps-Snapping/Unsnapping ASTM D4846-96 (2016)
Fabric, Garments, Footwear, Accessories such as Hat, Handkerchief Determination of Dimensional Stability to Washing AATCC TM135 : 2018t AATCC Laboratory Procedure 2 : 2020* BS EN ISO 6330 : 2012 ISO 6330 : 2012 BS EN ISO 5077 : 2008 ISO 5077 : 2007 BS EN ISO 3759 : 2011 ISO 3759 : 2011 DIN EN ISO 5077 : 2008 DIN EN ISO 6330 : 2013 DIN EN ISO 3759 : 2011 AATCC TS006 BS EN 139: 2005 +A1: 2011 BS EN 5077: 2008 AATCC TS 006 AS 2001.5.4:2005 (R2016)
Determination of Dimensional Stability to Commercial Drycleaning AATCC TM158-1978e10(2016)e AS 2001.5.7:1986(R2016) ISO 3175-2 : 2017 BS EN ISO 3175-2 : 2018 BS EN ISO 3759 : 2011 ISO 3759 : 2011 BS EN ISO 5077 : 2008 ISO 5077 : 2007
Determination of Appearance After Washing/ Colorfastness to Home Laundering AATCC TS 008 BS EN ISO 15487:2018 ISO 15487: 2018
Determination of Appearance After Commercial Drycleaning AATCC R03 ISO 3175-1: 2017 BS EN ISO 3175-1 2018
Determination of Spirality AATCC TM179 :2019 ISO 16322 :2005 Part 1,2,3 AATCC TS004
Determination of Print Durability (Durawash) BS EN ISO 105- A01:2010 BS EN 20105-A02:1995 BS EN 20105-A03:1995 BS EN ISO 6330:2012
Fabric Garments, Footwear, Accessories such as Hat, Handkerchief Determination of smoothness appearance of fabrics after cleansing AATCC TM124-2018t BS EN 20105-A02: 1995 ISO 105-A02: 1993 BS EN 20105- A03: 1995 ISO 105-A03 : 2019 ISO 7768:2009
Determination of appearance of creases in fabrics after cleansing AATCC TM88C-2018t ISO 7769: 2009
Determination of Smoothness of Seams in Fabrics After Repeated Home Laundering AATCC TM88B :2018t ISO 7770: 2009
Determination of resistance to surface wetting Spray Test BS EN ISO 4920:2012 AATCC TM22-2017e ISO 4920 : 2012
Garments Determination of Appearance of Apparel and Other Textile End Products after Repeated Home Laundering AATCC TM143-2018t
Determination of Seam Twist in Garments Before and After Home Laundering AATCC TM207-2019
Determination of Garment Dimensional Stability AATCC TM150-2018t
Fabric, Garments, Footwear, Accessories such as Hat, Handkerchief Determination of Water Resistance Rain test AATCC TM35-2018e ISO 22958 : 2005
Determination of Pilling Resistance Random Tumbler Tester ASTM D3512//D 3512M-16
Determination of Pilling Resistance. Pilling Box method BS EN ISO 12945-1 : 2020 ISO 12945-1 : 2020 DIN EN ISO 12945-1 : 2021
Determination of Pilling Resistance. Modified Martindale method ISO 12945-2: 2000 ASTM D4970 / D4970M – 16 BS EN ISO 12945-2 : 2020
Determination of Pilling Resistance (Elastomeric Pad) ASTM D 3514/3514 M – 16(2020)
Fabric, Garments, Footwear, Accessories such as Hat, Handkerchief Determination of Abrasion Resistance Martindale Abrasion Tester Method BS EN ISO 12947-2 : 2016 BS EN ISO 12947-1,3 & 4 : 1999 ISO 12947-1998, Cor1 2002 Part 1, 2, 3 BS EN 13770: 2002 DIN EN ISO 12947-2007 Part 1,3,4 DIN EN ISO 12947-2017 Part 2 ASTM D4966: 2012 (2016) ASTM D 3885/D 3885-07a (R2019)
Determination of Odour SNV 195651 :2015
Fabric, Garments Determination of elasticity, stretch BS EN 14704-1:2005 BS EN 14704-3:2006 BS 4952 : 92(2002) ASTM D3107-07(2019) ASTM D2594-20 ASTM D4964-96(2020)
Determination of Vertical Wicking AATCC TM197-2011e2(2018)e BS 3424-18 : 1986 (2011) IHTM 017
Determination of Absorbency AATCC TM79-2010e2(2018)e
Determination of Ageing of Sulfur-Dyed Textiles: Accelerated AATCC TM26-2020
Determination of Wrinkle Recovery of Fabrics ISO 9867 :2009
Zipper Strength Tests ASTM D2061-2013 BS 3084: 2006 (R2017) BS EN 16732 :2015
Fabrics Determination of Bow, Skew and Lengthway distortion BS 2819:1990 +A2: 2016 ASTM D3882:2008 (2020)
Determination of Wrinkle Recovery of Woven Fabrics: Recovery Angle AATCC TM66-2017e AATCC TM128-2017e
Clothing, Textiles, Footwear, Children’s Sleepwear Flammability Tests – 45 Degree Angle Test ASTM D1230: 2017 16 CFR 1610: 2008 CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 27.5: 2008
Clothing, Textiles, Footwear, Children’s Sleepwear Determination of Vertical Flammability 16 CFR 1615/1616
Fabric, Garments, Footwear, Accessories such as Hat, Handkerchief Determination of Colorfastness to Burnt Gas fumes AATCC TM23-2015e(2020) BS EN ISO 105-G02 :1997 ISO 105-G02 :1993 Cor1:1995; Cor2: 2009
Determination of Colorfastness to Ozone AATCC TM109-2011(2016)e BS EN ISO 105-G03:1997 ISO 105-G03: 1993
Determination of Colorfastness to Saliva GB/T 18886-2019 Section 35 LMBG 82.10 (2011-12) DIN 53160-2010
Determination of Colorfastness to Water AATCC TM107-2013e2 BS EN ISO 105-E01: 2013 ISO 105-E01: 2013 DIN EN ISO 105-E01: 2013 GB/T 5713-2013 AS 2001.4 E01:2001 (R2016)
Determination of Colorfastness to Light AATCC TM16.3-2020 BS EN ISO 105-B02 : 2014 Method II ISO 105-B02: 2014 DIN EN ISO 105-B02 : 2014 AS 2001.4 B02:2001 (R2016)
Determination of Colorfastness to Water Spotting ISO 105-E07: 2010 BS EN ISO 105-E07: 2010 BS EN ISO 15700:1999 DIN EN ISO 105-E07: 2010 AATCC TM104-2010 (2014)e2
Fabric Garments, Footwear, Accessories such as Hat, Handkerchief Determination of Colorfastness to Seawater BS EN ISO 105-E02 : 2013 ISO 105-E02: 2013 DIN EN ISO 105-E02: 2013 AATCC TM106-2009e(2013)e3 AS 2001.4 E02:2001 (R2016)
Determination of Colorfastness to Perspiration BS EN ISO 105-E04 : 2013 ISO 105-E04:2013 DIN EN ISO 105-E04: 2013 AATCC TM15-2013e AS 2001.4 E04:2005 (R2016) GB/T 3922:2013
Determination of Colorfastness to Rubbing/Crocking (Vertical) AATCC TM8-2016e BS EN ISO 105-X12: 2016 ISO 105-X12: 2016 DIN EN ISO 105-X12: 2016 AS 2001.4.3:1995 (R2016) GB/T 3920-2008 BS EN ISO 11640:2018
Determination of Colorfastness to Rubbing/Crocking (Rotary) AATCC TM116-2018e BS EN 105-X16: 2016 ISO 105-X16:2016
Determination of Colorfastness to Perspiration Rubbing QB/T 2882:2007 ISO 11640:2018
Determination of Colorfastness to Chlorinated Pool AATCC TM162-2011e2 BS EN ISO 105-E03: 2010 DIN EN ISO 105-E03: 2010 ISO 105-E03: 2010 AS/NZS 2001.4.5:1998 (R2016)
Chlorine and Non Chlorine Test (Quick Method) AATCC TS-001
Determination of Colorfastness to Powdered Non chlorine Bleach in Home laundering AATCC TM172-2010e(2016)e2
Determination of Colourfastness to Bleaching Hypochlorite (Chlorine Bleach) ISO 105 N01:1993
Fabric, Garments, Footwear, Accessories such as Hat, Handkerchief Determination of Colourfastness to Bleaching Peroxide (Non-Chlorine Bleach) ISO 105 N02:1995
Fabric, Garments, Footwear, Accessories such as Hat, Handkerchief Determination of Colorfastness to WashingFull Temperature Range AATCC TM61-2013e(2020) BS EN 20105 C10 : 1993 BS EN ISO 105-C10 : 2007 ISO 105-C10 : 2006(R2020) DIN EN ISO 105-C10 : 2007 DIN EN ISO 105-C08 :2010 DIN EN ISO 105-C06:2010 BS EN ISO 105-C06 : 2010 ISO 105-C06 :2010 AS 2001.4.15 :2006(R2016)
Determination of Colorfastness to Dry Cleaning AATCC TM132-2004e3(2013)e3 ISO 105 D01 : 2010 BS EN ISO 105 D01 : 2010 ISO 105 D01 : 2010
Determination of Phenolic Yellowing Courtalds Method BS EN ISO 105-X18: 2007 DIN EN ISO 105 X 18:2007
Determination of Colorfastness to Dye Transfer AATCC TM163-2013(2020)e
Footwear Determination of Toe Post Attachment Strength SATRA TM 118:1992
Determination of Strap to Sole Attachment Strength SATRA TM 120:2001
Determination of Seam Strength BS 5131 5.13: 1980 SATRA TM 180:2016
Determination of Sole bonds SATRA TM 411:2019 ISO 17708:2018
Determination of Heel attachment SATRA TM 113:1996 BS EN 12785:2000 ASTM F2232-14(2020) ISO 22650:2018
Determination of Top Piece attachment SATRA TM 108:1992 SATRA TM 401:2000 ISO 19958:2004 BS 5131 5.9: 1979
Footwear Determination of Trim Attachment SATRA TM 117:1992 BS 5131 5.11: 1981
Determination of Buckle attachment SATRA TM 181:2017 SATRA TM 141:1994 SATRA TM 151:1999 BS 5131 5.11: 1981
Determination of Eyelet attachment (Facing) SATRA TM 149:1999
Determination of Eyelet attachment SATRA TM 150:1999
Determination of Abrasion Resistance (Martindale) SATRA TM 31:2014
Determination of Peel Strength (Submitted State) SATRA TM 123: 2018
Determination of Tear Strength SATRA TM 30:2017
Determination of Tensile Strength and % Elongation ISO 3376:2011
Determination of Breaking Load SATRA TM 94:2018
Determination of Ageing Condition ISO 20870: 2017
Determination of Colourfastness to Water & Perspiration SATRA TM 335:2018
Paper, Carton Determination of Edgewise compressive strength of corrugated fiberboard (short column test) TAPPI T 811 om-17
Determination of Bursting Strength of Corrugated Board TAPPI T 810 om-11
Ghi chú/Note:
  • ISO: International Organization for Standardization
  • AATCC: American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
  • CAN/CGSB: Canadian General Standards Board
  • GB/T: Guo Biao Test (China Standards)
  • SOP-CHEM, SOP-TEXT, IHTM- Laboratory developed method
  • AS: Australian standard
  • ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials
  • BS EN: British Standards European Standardization
  • DIN: Deutsches Institut für Normung
  • SATRA TM: SATRA Testing Methods (United Kingdom)
  • TAPPI: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry
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"Thử thách thật sự cho phẩm tính của con người là điều mà anh ta làm khi không có ai nhìn. "

John Wooden

Sự kiện trong nước: Thực tiễn cho thấy lịch sử nền điện ảnh Việt Nam chỉ thực sự ra đời dưới chế độ Cách mạng và được ghi nhận bằng sự kiện Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh ký sắc lệnh thành lập Doanh nghiệp Điện ảnh và nhiếp ảnh Việt Nam vào ngày 15-3-1953. Địa danh "đồi cọ" - một địa danh thuộc tỉnh Phú Thọ đã đi vào tâm trí các nhà điện ảnh Việt Nam như một kỷ niệm có ý nghĩa lịch sử gắn với sự ra đời của nền Điện ảnh Cách mạng.

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