Online bidding documents FORM No. 3B for construction bidding package using a one-stage two-envelope method

Form No. 3B is used to prepare the E-HSMT applying open bidding and limited bidding in a one-stage, two-envelope method.

Subject Ministry of Planning and Investment Code 3B
Category Circulars Signer Nguyễn Chí Dũng
Area Đấu thầu Publtime 15/02/2024

Online bidding documents FORM No. 3B for construction bidding package using a one-stage two-envelope method
(Issued together with Circular No. 06/2024/TT-BKHĐT
dated April 26, 2024, of the Minister of Planning and Investment)

Bid package number and Electronic Invitation To Bid number (on the System): _________________
Name of the bid: (according to Electronic Bidding Docuements Electronic Invitation To Bid content on the System) _________________
Project/procurement estimate (according to Electronic Invitation To Bid content on the System): _________________
Date of issuance (according to Electronic Invitation To Bid content on the System): _________________
Issued together with Decision (according to Electronic Invitation To Bid content on the System): _________________


Summary Description 
Chapter I. bidder Instructions
Chapter II. Bidding Data Sheet
Chapter III. Evaluation Standards for Electronic Bid Documents (Electronic Bid Documents)
Chapter IV. Bid and Tender Forms
Chapter V. Technical Requirements
Chapter VI. General Conditions of the Contract
Chapter VII. Specific Conditions of the Contract
Chapter VIII. Contract Forms

Chapter I. Bidder Instructions
This chapter provides information to help bidders prepare Electronic Bid Documents. The information includes regulations regarding the preparation, submission of Electronic Bid Documents, bid opening, evaluation of Electronic Bid Documents, and contract award. The regulations in this chapter are to be used without modification.
This chapter applies uniformly to all online construction bid packages, fixed in PDF format and posted on the System.
Chapter II. Bidding Data Sheet
This chapter specifies the contents of Chapter I as applied to each bid package.
This chapter is digitized as forms on the System (webform). The investor enters the relevant information into E-Bidding Documents List on the System.
Chapter III. Evaluation Standards for Electronic Bid Documents
This chapter includes criteria for evaluating Electronic Bid Documents. Specifically:  
- Item 1 (Evaluation of Electronic Bid Documents Validity) is fixed in PDF/Word format and posted on the System;
- Item 2 (Evaluation Standards for Capacity and Experience) is digitized as a webform. The investor needs to input information into the corresponding webforms;
- Item 3 (Evaluation Standards for Technical), Item 4 (Evaluation Standards for Financial), and Item 5 (Alternative Technical Proposal in Electronic Bid Documents (if any)) are PDF/Word files prepared by the Investor and uploaded on the System.
Based on the information entered by the Investor, the System automatically generates the relevant bidding forms corresponding to the evaluation standards.
Chapter IV. Bid and Tender Forms
This chapter includes the forms that the Investor and the bidder must complete as part of the Electronic Bidding Document and Electronic Bid Documents content. In this chapter, some forms are digitized as webforms, while others are PDF/Word files. The Investor and bidder need to input information into the corresponding webforms as per the bid package to prepare Electronic Bidding Document and Electronic Bid Documents on the System.
Chapter V. Technical Requirements
This chapter provides information on technical specifications, drawings, and additional information describing the project displayed as PDF/Word/CAD files prepared by the Investor and attached to the System.
Chapter VI. General Conditions of the Contract
This chapter includes general terms applicable to all contracts of various bid packages. The regulations in this chapter are to be used without modification.This chapter applies uniformly to all online construction bid packages, fixed in PDF format and uploaded to the System.
Chapter VII. Specific Conditions of the Contract
This chapter includes contract data and specific conditions for each contract. The specific conditions of the contract aim to detail and supplement but do not replace the General Conditions of the Contract.
This chapter is digitized as a webform. The Investor enters the relevant information into the Specific Conditions of the Contract on the System.
Chapter VIII. Contract Forms
This chapter includes forms that, once completed, will become a constituent part of the contract. The performance guarantee forms (Guarantee Letters) and Advance Payment Guarantees (if any) must be completed by the winning bidder before the contract becomes effective.
This chapter includes PDF/Word files prepared by the Investor according to the templates.
1. Scope of the bid package 1.1. The Investor stipulates in E-Bidding Documents List the issuance of this Electronic Bidding Document to select a bidder to carry out the construction package using a one-stage two-envelope method.
1.2. The name of the bid package, project/procurement estimate is specified in E-Bidding Documents List.
2. Terminology in online bidding 2.1. The bid closing time is the deadline for receiving Electronic Bid Documents and is specified in the Electronic Invitation To Bid on the System.
2.2. The date refers to the Gregorian calendar date, including weekends, holidays, and Tet holidays according to labor laws.
2.3. The time and date on the System are those displayed on the System (GMT+7).
3. Funding source The funding source for the bid package is specified in E-Bidding Documents List.
4.  Prohibited Acts 4.1. Offering, receiving, or brokering bribes.
4.2. Abuse of position or authority to unlawfully influence or interfere in the bidding process in any form.
4.3. Collusion includes the following acts:
a) Arranging, agreeing, or coercing one or more parties to prepare Electronic Bid Documents or withdraw Electronic Bid Documents so that one party wins the bid;
b) Arranging or agreeing to refuse to supply goods or services, not signing subcontracts, or engaging in other forms of agreement to limit competition for one party to win the bid;
c) bidders with capability and experience who have participated in bidding and meet the requirements of Electronic Bidding Document but intentionally fail to provide documentation to prove capability and experience when requested by the inviting party to clarify Electronic Bid Documents or when required to verify documents to facilitate one party winning the bid.
4.4. Fraud includes the following acts:
a) Falsifying or distorting information, records, or documents in the bidding;
b) Intentionally providing untruthful or biased information or documents in Electronic Bid Documents to distort the results of bidder selection.
4.5. Obstruction includes the following acts:
a) Destroying, deceiving, altering, concealing evidence, or providing false reports; threatening or hinting to any party to prevent clarification of bribery, fraud, or collusion with authorities supervising, inspecting, auditing;
b) Obstructing authorized persons, investors, inviting parties, or bidders in the bidder selection process;
c) Hindering the authority responsible for supervising, inspecting, auditing bidding activities;
d) Intentionally filing false complaints, allegations, or petitions to obstruct bidding activities;
e) Engaging in acts violating laws on safety and cybersecurity to interfere with online bidding.
4.6. Ensuring fairness and transparency includes the following acts:
a) Participating in bidding as a bidder for the package where they are the inviting party, investor, or carrying out tasks of the inviting party or investor not in accordance with the Bidding Law;
b) Participating in the preparation and simultaneously in the evaluation of Electronic Bidding Document for the same bid package;
c) Participating in the evaluation of Electronic Bid Documents while also evaluating the bidder selection results for the same bid package;
d) Individuals from the inviting party or investor directly participating in the bidder selection process or joining the expert group or evaluation group for the bidder selection results, or being authorized persons or heads of the investor or inviting party for bid packages where relatives under the provisions of the Enterprise Law are named as bidders or are legal representatives of the bidding bidders;
e) bidders participating in the construction bid package for which they provide consulting services: preparing, verifying, and evaluating estimates, technical designs, construction drawings, comprehensive technical designs (FEED); preparing and evaluating Electronic Bidding Document; evaluating Electronic Bid Documents; inspecting goods; evaluating bidder selection results; supervising contract performance;
g) Participating in the bidding of packages belonging to projects where the investor or inviting party is the agency or organization where they worked and held a leadership or management position within 12 months from the date they ceased working at that agency or organization;
h) Specifying specific requirements regarding brand, origin of goods in Electronic Bidding Document, except in cases specified in point e, clause 3, Article 10, clause 2, Article 44 and clause 1, Article 56 of the Bidding Law;
i) Stating conditions in Electronic Bidding Document to limit the participation of bidders or to create advantages for one or some bidders causing unfair competition, violating the provisions of clause 3, Article 44 of the Bidding Law;
4.7. Disclosing documents or information about the bidder selection process, except when providing information according to the provisions of point b, clause 8, Article 77, clause 11, Article 78, point h, clause 1, Article 79, clause 4, Article 80, clause 4, Article 81, clause 2, Article 82, point b, clause 4, Article 93 of the Bidding Law, including:
a) Content of Electronic Bidding Document before the issuance date as required;
b) Content of Electronic Bid Documents; content of requests for clarification of Electronic Bid Documents from the inviting party and responses from the bidders during the evaluation of Electronic Bid Documents; reports from the inviting party, reports from the expert group, evaluation reports, reports from consulting bidders, reports from relevant specialized agencies during the bidder selection process; records, minutes of bidding review meetings, comments, evaluations for each Electronic Bid Documents before being publicly disclosed as required;
c) bidder selection results before being publicly disclosed as required;
d) Other documents in the bidder selection process determined to contain state secrets as per the law.
4.8. Transferring the contract in the following cases:
a) The bidder transfers to another bidder part of the work belonging to the bid package exceeding the maximum value allowed for subbidders and the volume of work assigned to subbidders specifically stated in the contract;
b) The bidder transfers to another bidder part of the work belonging to the bid package that does not exceed the maximum value of work assigned to subbidders stated in the contract but outside the scope of work proposed for subbidders in Electronic Bid Documents without the approval of the investor or supervising consultant;
c) The investor or supervising consultant approves the bidder to transfer the work specified in point a of this clause;
d) The investor or supervising consultant approves the bidder to transfer the work specified in point b of this clause that exceeds the maximum value of work assigned to subbidders stated in the contract.
5.  Bidder Eligibility 5.1. The bidder is an organization that meets the following conditions:
a) Maintains independent financial accounting;
b) Not in the process of dissolution or having their business registration certificate, cooperative registration certificate, or cooperative union registration certificate revoked; not subject to insolvency as defined by bankruptcy law;
c) Ensures competition in bidding according to the provisions of E-Bidding Documents List;
d) Not currently banned from participating in bidding according to the Bidding Law;
e) Not subject to criminal prosecution;
g) Meets business classification requirements as specified in E-Bidding Documents List.
5.2. The bidder is a business household meeting the following conditions:
a) Has a business household registration certificate according to the law;
b) Not in the process of terminating operations or having their business household registration certificate revoked; the head of the business household is not under criminal prosecution;
c) Meets the conditions specified in points c, d, and e of Section 5.1 of Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology.
6.  Contents of Electronic Bidding Document
6.1.  Electronic Bidding Document includes Electronic Invitation To Bid and Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 along with amendments, clarifications to Electronic Bidding Document as specified in Section 7 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology (if any), including the following contents:
Part 1. Bidding Procedures:
- Chapter I. bidder Instructions;
- Chapter II. Bidding Data Sheet;
- Chapter III. Evaluation Standards for Electronic Bid Documents;
- Chapter IV. Bid and Tender Forms.
Part 2. Technical Requirements:
- Chapter V. Technical Requirements.
Part 3. Contract Terms and Contract Forms:
- Chapter VI. General Conditions of the Contract;
- Chapter VII. Specific Conditions of the Contract;
- Chapter VIII. Contract Forms.
6.2. The investor will not be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of Electronic Bidding Document, clarifying documents for Electronic Bidding Document, or amendments to Electronic Bidding Document as specified in Section 7 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology if these documents are not provided by the Investor on the System. The Electronic Bidding Document issued by the Investor on the System serves as the basis for review and evaluation.
6.3. The bidder must study all information of Electronic Invitation To Bid, Electronic Bidding Document, including amendments and clarifications to Electronic Bidding Document, pre-bid meeting minutes (if any) to prepare Electronic Bid Documents in accordance with Electronic Bidding Document requirements.
7. Amendments, clarifications to Electronic Bidding Document,  site surveys 7.1. In the case of amending Electronic Bidding Document, the inviting party shall post the amendment decision along with the amended contents and the modified Electronic Bidding Document (webform and attachments). The amendment of Electronic Bidding Document must be conducted at least 10 days before the bid closing time; for bid packages with a value of no more than 20 billion VND, the amendment must be made at least 3 working days before the bid closing time, ensuring sufficient time for the bidder to finalize Electronic Bid Documents; if the required time is not guaranteed, the bid closing time must be extended.
7.2. In cases requiring clarification of Electronic Bidding Document, the bidder must send a clarification request to the inviting party via the System at least 3 working days before the bid closing time for the inviting party to review and process. The inviting party receives the clarification request for consideration and clarification per the bidder's request and provides the clarification on the System no later than 2 working days before the bid closing time, describing the content of the clarification request without naming the bidder. If the clarification necessitates an amendment to Electronic Bidding Document, the Investor will amend Electronic Bidding Document as per the provisions in Section 7.1 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology.
7.3. The inviting party is responsible for monitoring information on the System to promptly clarify Electronic Bidding Document as requested by the bidder.
7.4.  The bidder is responsible for monitoring information on the System to update information regarding amendments to Electronic Bidding Document, changes to the bid closing time (if any) to prepare Electronic Bid Documents accordingly. If any errors occur due to failure to monitor or update information on the System, leading to disadvantages for the bidder during the bidding process, including changes or amendments to Electronic Bidding Document, bid closing time, contract negotiation time, and other contents, the bidder must bear responsibility and the disadvantages during the bidding process.
7.5. The bidder should conduct a site survey of the project and the relevant areas and is responsible for gathering all necessary information to prepare Electronic Bid Documents as well as to execute the construction contract if awarded. All costs related to the site survey shall be borne by the bidder.
7.6. The Investor and the inviting party will allow the bidder and the bidder's related parties to access the site for the purpose of conducting site surveys, provided that the bidder and the related parties commit that the Investor, the inviting party, and their related parties shall not bear any responsibility towards the bidder and the bidder's related parties regarding this site survey. The bidder and the bidder's related parties will bear their own risks, such as accidents, losses, or damage to property, and any other losses, damages, and costs arising from the site survey. If necessary, the Investor and the inviting party will organize and guide the bidder to conduct the site survey as per the regulations in E-Bidding Documents List.
7.7. In necessary cases, the inviting party will organize a pre-bid conference to discuss the contents of Electronic Bidding Document that bidders may not understand according to the provisions in E-Bidding Documents List. The inviting party will post a notice of the pre-bid conference on the System; all interested bidders may attend the pre-bid conference without prior notice to the inviting party. The discussions between the Investor, the inviting party, and the bidders must be recorded in minutes and documented to clarify Electronic Bidding Document posted on the System within a maximum of 2 working days from the end of the pre-bid conference.
7.8. If Electronic Bidding Document needs to be amended after the pre-bid conference, the Investor will amend Electronic Bidding Document according to the provisions in Section 7.1 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology. The minutes of the pre-bid conference do not constitute a document amending Electronic Bidding Document.
7.9. The bidder's failure to conduct a site survey or attend the pre-bid conference, or lack of confirmation of having surveyed the site or participated in the pre-bid conference, shall not be grounds for disqualifying the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents.
8. Bid Costs Electronic Bidding Document is issued free of charge on the System immediately after the inviting party successfully posts Electronic Invitation To Bid on the System. The bidder must bear all costs related to the bidding process. The cost of submitting Electronic Bid Documents is specified in E-Bidding Documents List.
In all cases, the Investor shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the bidder related to participating in the bidding.
9. Language of Electronic Bid Documents
Electronic Bid Documents as well as all documents and materials related to Electronic Bid Documents are written in Vietnamese. Supplementary documents in Electronic Bid Documents may be written in other languages, accompanied by a translation into Vietnamese. In the absence of a translation, the inviting party may request the bidder to provide it (if necessary).
10. Components of Electronic Bid Documents
Electronic Bid Documents includes Electronic Technical Proposal Document and Electronic Financial Proposal Document, which includes:

10.1. Electronic Technical Proposal Document includes the following components:

a) The bid form in Electronic Technical Proposal Document is extracted by the System according to the provisions in Section 11 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology;

b) PARTNERSHIP agreement extracted by the System according to Form No. 03 Chapter IV (for PARTNERSHIP bidders);

c) Bid security according to the provisions in Section 18 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology;

d) bidder's capability and experience declaration according to Section 16 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology;

e) Proposal for alternative technical solutions in Electronic Bid Documents according to the provisions in Section 12 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology (if any);

The technical proposal must not include any financial information. If the technical proposal contains important financial information, the bidder will bear disadvantages during the evaluation of Electronic Bid Documents.

10.2. Electronic Financial Proposal Document includes the following components:

a) The bid form in Electronic Financial Proposal Document is extracted by the System.

b) Financial proposal and forms fully completed as specified in Section 11 and Section 13 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology;

10.3. Other contents as specified in E-Bidding Documents List.

11. Bid Form and Forms  The bidder fills in all information in the Forms in Chapter IV. The bidder checks the information in the bid form and the forms extracted by the System to complete Electronic Bid Documents.
12. Proposal for Alternative Technical Solutions in Electronic Bid Documents
12.1. In cases where Electronic Bidding Document stipulates in E-Bidding Documents List that the bidder may propose alternative technical solutions, such solutions will only be considered.
12.2. Alternative technical solutions will only be considered if the main proposal is assessed to meet the requirements and the bidder is ranked first. In this case, the bidder must provide all necessary information for the inviting party to evaluate the alternative technical solution, including: explanations, drawings, technical specifications, construction organization measures, construction schedules, costs, and other relevant information. The evaluation of alternative technical solutions in Electronic Bid Documents will be conducted according to the provisions in Section 5 Chapter III.
13. Bid Price and Discounts 13.1. The bid price is the price proposed by the bidder in the bid document belonging to Electronic Financial Proposal Document (excluding discounts), covering all costs to implement the bidding package. The system automatically extracts the bid price from Form No. 11 (11A or 11B or 11C or 11D or 11E) Chapter IV into the bid document.
13.2. If the bidder proposes a discount, the discount percentage should be recorded in the bid document. This discount value is understood as uniformly reducing the rate for all items in the Bid Price Summary Table. For fixed-price contracts and adjusted unit price contracts, the discount value is calculated on the bid price excluding contingencies..
13.3. For fixed-price contracts:
a) For fixed-price contracts, the bid price includes all necessary costs to implement the bidding package according to the design and technical requirements stated in Electronic Bidding Document. The bidder is responsible for reviewing the work item list in Form No. 01A Chapter IV against the design to propose the Bid Price Summary Table accordingly. The work item list in Form No. 01A Chapter IV is for reference only.
b) The bidder may add or remove work items compared to the work item list in Form No. 01A Chapter IV to suit the design and quote for the work items (after adding or removing items, if any) in Form No. 11A Chapter IV. If in the column “price by item the bidder records “0”, it is considered that the bidder has allocated the price of this work item to another work item in the bidding package and will not be paid separately by the investor; the bidder must be responsible for carrying out all work items according to the design to ensure quality and schedule.
13.4. For fixed-price contracts and adjusted unit price contracts:
a) The bid price includes all necessary costs to implement the bidding package. The bidder must quote unit prices for each work item according to the scope of work in Form No. 01B, Form No. 01C Chapter IV.
b) If in the column “unit price by item the bidder records “0”, it is considered that the bidder has allocated the price of this work item to another work item in the bidding package, and the bidder must be responsible for carrying out all work items according to the design to ensure quality and schedule.
13.5. The bidder's bid price must include all taxes, fees, and charges (if any) applicable at the tax rate, fee level, and charges at the time 28 days before the bid closing date as prescribed. If the bidder declares that the bid price does not include taxes, fees, and charges (if any), the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents will be disqualified.
13.6. The bidder must submit Electronic Bid Documents for all required work in Electronic Bidding Document and record the bid unit price for all work mentioned in the column “Description of bidding work” according to Form No. 11 (11A or 11B or 11C or 11D or 11E) Chapter IV.
13.7. The bidder is responsible for the bid price to carry out the work according to the design and technical requirements stated in Electronic Bidding Document. If the bidder has an unusually low unit price affecting the quality of the bidding package, the bidding party may request the bidder to clarify the feasibility of that unusually low unit price in accordance with Clause 11 Article 131 of Decree No. 24/2024/NĐ-CP.
13.8. Output-based contracts may be applied to maintenance, repair, and preservation work that has specific requirements for output quality, testing measures, and evaluation of the degree of compliance with output quality.
14. Currency of Bid and Payment The currency of the bid and payment is VND.
15. Technical Proposal Component The bidder must submit a Technical Proposal (attach the file to the System) including a detailed description of the method for performing the work, equipment, personnel, implementation schedule, and any other information as stipulated in Chapter V, and must be detailed enough to demonstrate the suitability of the proposal to the work requirements and completion deadlines.
16. Documents Proving bidder's Capacity and Experience 16.1. The bidder must provide necessary information in the Forms in Chapter IV to supply information about capacity and experience as required in Chapter III. In case of being invited to verify documents, the bidder must prepare documents to verify against the information declared by the bidder in Electronic Bid Documents and for the Investor to store.
16.2. In case the bidding package has undergone pre-qualification, if there is a change in the bidder's capacity and experience at the time of submitting Electronic Bid Documents compared to the pre-qualification, the bidder must update their capacity and experience.
17. Validity Period of Electronic Bid Documents 17.1. Electronic Bid Documents shall be valid for no less than the duration specified in E-Bidding Documents List.
17.2. If necessary, before the expiration of the validity period of Electronic Bid Documents, the bidding party may request bidders to extend the validity of Electronic Bid Documents, while also requiring the bidder to extend the corresponding period of the bid security (by the extended validity period of Electronic Bid Documents plus an additional 30 days). If the bidder does not accept the extension of Electronic Bid Documents validity, the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents will not be further considered; in this case, the bidder is not required to submit the original guarantee letter to the bidding party. bidders accepting the extension of Electronic Bid Documents are not permitted to change any content of Electronic Bid Documents, except for extending the validity of the bid security. The request for extension and the approval or disapproval of the extension are carried out in the System..
18. Bid Security

18.1. When participating in online bidding, the bidder must implement bid security measures before the bid closing time in one or more forms of guarantee letters issued by the legal representative of a domestic credit institution or a foreign bank branch established under Vietnamese law or a guarantee insurance certificate from a domestic non-life insurance company or a foreign non-life insurance company branch established under Vietnamese law issued. In cases where the bid security value is less than 20 million VND, the provisions of Section 18.7 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology shall apply. For paper-based bid guarantees or insurance guarantee certificates, the bidder must scan (scan) the bank guarantee letter or the insurance guarantee certificate and attach it when submitting Electronic Bid Documents. For electronic bid guarantees, the bidder selects the electronic bid guarantee issued, stored in the System. If Electronic Bid Documents is extended in accordance with the provisions of Section 17.2 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, the validity of the bid security must also be extended accordingly. For joint bidders, all joint members must use the same form of bid guarantee: electronic bid guarantee or paper-based guarantee.
In the case of a PARTNERSHIP, bid security must be implemented in one of the following two ways:
a) Each member of the PARTNERSHIP will individually implement bid security but the total guaranteed value must not be lower than the required level specified in Section 18.2 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology; if the bid security of one member in the PARTNERSHIP is determined to be invalid, the Electronic Bid Documents of that PARTNERSHIP will not be considered for further evaluation. If any member of the PARTNERSHIP violates the legal provisions leading to the non-refund of the bid security as prescribed in point b of Section 18.5 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, the bid security of all members in the PARTNERSHIP will not be refunded;
b) Members of the PARTNERSHIP agree that one member will be responsible for implementing bid security measures for that member and for other members in the PARTNERSHIP. In this case, the bid security may include the name of the PARTNERSHIP or the name of the member responsible for implementing bid security for the members of the PARTNERSHIP but the total guaranteed value must not be lower than the required level specified in Section 18.2 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology. If any member of the PARTNERSHIP violates the legal provisions leading to the non-refund of the bid security as prescribed in point b of Section 18.5 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, the bid security of all members in the PARTNERSHIP will not be refunded.
18.2. The value, currency, and duration of the bid security are specified in E-Bidding Documents List. The duration of the bid security is calculated from the bid closing date to the last day of validity of the bid security (the expiration date of the bid security falls within the last day of validity of the bid security without needing to last until the end of 24 hours of that day).
18.3. Bid security is considered invalid in any of the following cases: having a lower value, a shorter validity period than required as specified in Section 18.2 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, incorrect name of the beneficiary unit, lacking a valid signature (digital signature for electronic bid guarantees), signed before the Investor issues Electronic Bidding Document, accompanied by conditions unfavorable to the Investor, the bidding party (including failure to meet all commitments as specified in Form No. 04A, Form No. 04B Chapter IV). In the case of using a guarantee letter or insurance guarantee certificate, the guarantee letter or insurance guarantee certificate must be signed and stamped (if any) by the legal representative of a domestic credit institution or a foreign bank branch established under Vietnamese law, a domestic non-life insurance company, or a foreign non-life insurance company branch established under Vietnamese law.
18.4.  The bidder not selected will have their bid security returned or released according to the stipulated period E-Bidding Documents List. For the selected bidder, the bid security is returned or released when the contract is in effect.
18.5. Cases requiring submission of the original guarantee letter, insurance guarantee certificate (in case of using paper-based bid guarantees) to the bidding party:
a) The bidder is invited to verify documents and negotiate contracts (if any);
b) The bidder violates legal regulations on bidding, leading to the non-refund of the bid security in the following cases:
- After the bid closing time and during the validity of Electronic Bid Documents, if the bidder submits a written withdrawal of Electronic Bid Documents or refuses to perform one or more tasks proposed in Electronic Bid Documents as required by Electronic Bidding Document;
- The bidder engages in acts violating the provisions of Article 16 of the Bidding Law or violates bidding laws leading to the cancellation of the bid as stipulated in points d and đ of Clause 1 Article 17 of the Bidding Law;
- The bidder fails to implement the contract performance guarantee measures as stipulated in Article 68 of the Bidding Law;
- The bidder does not proceed with or refuses to verify documents, negotiate contracts (if any) within 05 working days from the date of receiving the invitation to verify documents, negotiate contracts (if any) or has verified documents, negotiated contracts (if any) but refuses or does not sign the verification record of documents, negotiate contracts (if any), except in cases of force majeure;
- The bidder does not proceed with or refuses to finalize the contract within 10 days from the date of receiving the winning notification from the bidding party, except in cases of force majeure;
- The bidder does not proceed with or refuses to sign the contract within 10 days from the date of finalizing the contract, except in cases of force majeure.   
18.6. Within 05 working days from the date of receiving the request from the bidding party, if the bidder refuses or does not submit the original bid security letter or insurance guarantee certificate (in case of using paper-based bid guarantees) as required by the bidding party, the bidder will be dealt with according to the bidder's commitment in the bid.
18.7. For bidding packages with a bid security value as stipulated in Section 18.2 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology of less than 20 million VND, at the time of bid closing, the bidder is not required to attach a guarantee letter or insurance guarantee certificate as stipulated in Section 18.1 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology but must commit in the bid (no separate written commitment is required) that if invited to verify documents or violates the provisions of point b of Section 18.5 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, they must submit a sum of money or a cash guarantee check (in case the cash guarantee check meets the requirements of the investor) or a bid guarantee letter or insurance guarantee certificate with the value specified in Section 18.2 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology. If the bidder fails to fulfill the above commitment, the bidder will be dealt with according to the bidder's commitment in the bid (will be named in the System and have their account locked for 6 months, from the date the Bidding Management Department, Ministry of Planning and Investment receives the investor's request letter). In the case that the bidder violates the provisions stated in point b of Section 18.5 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, the bidder will not be refunded this bid security amount.
19. Bid Closing Time 19.1. The bid closing time is the time specified in Electronic Invitation To Bid.
19.2. The investor may extend the bid closing time by amending Electronic Invitation To Bid. When extending the bid closing time, all responsibilities of the investor and the bidder according to the previous bid closing time will be changed according to the new extended bid closing time.
20. Submission, Withdrawal, and Amendment of Electronic Bid Documents  20.1. Submitting Electronic Bid Documents: The bidder only submits one set of Electronic Bid Documents for one Electronic Invitation To Bid when participating in online bidding. In the case of a PARTNERSHIP, the leading member of the PARTNERSHIP (as agreed in the PARTNERSHIP) submits Electronic Bid Documents after receiving the approval of all members in the PARTNERSHIP.
20.2. Amendment and resubmission of Electronic Bid Documents: In case it is necessary to amend the submitted Electronic Bid Documents, the bidder must withdraw the entire previously submitted Electronic Bid Documents for suitable modification. After completing the Electronic Bid Documents, the bidder will resubmit the new Electronic Bid Documents. If the bidder has submitted Electronic Bid Documents before the investor makes amendments to Electronic Bidding Document (if any), the bidder must submit a new Electronic Bid Documents suitable for the amended Electronic Bidding Document.
20.3. Withdrawal of Electronic Bid Documents: the bidder may withdraw Electronic Bid Documents before the bid closing time. The system will notify the bidder of the withdrawal status of Electronic Bid Documents (successful or unsuccessful). The system records the information about the time of the bidder's withdrawal of Electronic Bid Documents.
20.4. The bidder may only withdraw, amend, or resubmit Electronic Bid Documents before the bid closing time. After the bid closing time, all successfully submitted Electronic Bid Documents on the System will be opened for evaluation.
21. Opening Electronic Technical Proposal Document 21.1. The bidding party must proceed to open Electronic Technical Proposal Document and publicly disclose the opening minutes of Electronic Technical Proposal Document on the System within no more than 02 hours from the bid closing time. In the case of 01 or 02 bidders submitting Electronic Bid Documents, the bidding party reports to the Investor for consideration and to handle the situation according to the provisions in Clause 5 Article 131 of Decree No. 24/2024/NĐ-CP. If no bidders submit Electronic Bid Documents, the bidding party reports to the Investor to consider extending the bid closing time or reorganizing the online bidder selection (cancelling this Electronic Invitation To Bid and posting a new Electronic Invitation To Bid) according to the provisions in Clause 4 Article 131 of Decree No. 24/2024/NĐ-CP.
21.2. The opening minutes of Electronic Technical Proposal Document are to be publicly uploaded on the System, including the main contents as follows:
a) Information about the bidding package:
- Electronic Invitation To Bid number;
- Name of the bidding package;
- Name of the Investor;
- Form of bidder selection;
- Type of contract;
- Time of bid opening completion;
- Total number of participating bidders.
b) Information about participating bidders:
- Name of the bidder;
- Validity period of Electronic Technical Proposal Document;
- Value and validity of the bid security;
- Time to perform the bidding package;
- Other relevant information (if any).
22. Evaluation of Electronic Technical Proposal Document 22.1. The Investor applies the evaluation method as stipulated in E-Bidding Documents List to evaluate Electronic Technical Proposal Document.
22.2. The evaluation process of Electronic Technical Proposal Document is as follows:
a) Step 1: Evaluate the validity according to the provisions in Section 1 Chapter III;
- The system automatically evaluates based on the bidder's commitments in the bid regarding the following contents:
+ The bidder's eligibility;
+ Within 03 years prior to the bid closing date, the bidder has no personnel (employed under a labor contract with the bidder at the time the personnel committed the violation) who have been convicted by a court for serious violations of bidding regulations under criminal law intended for that bidder to win the bid.
If the expert team discovers that the bidder's commitments are untruthful leading to distortion of the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents evaluation results, the bidder will be considered to have engaged in bidding fraud.
- The expert team evaluates the validity of the bid security, PARTNERSHIP agreement (for PARTNERSHIPs).
- bidders assessed as meeting all validity criteria will be moved on to evaluate their capacity and experience.
b) Step 2: Evaluate capacity and experience according to the provisions in Section 2 Chapter III;
- The system automatically evaluates the contents: history of contract non-performance, tax declaration and payment obligations, financial performance results, average annual revenue based on declared information extracted from Electronic Bid Documents. For the contents evaluated by the system, the bidder is not required to attach documents for proof when submitting Electronic Bid Documents.
- For financial resource requirements: the expert team evaluates based on the information that the bidder declares; if the bidder uses a credit commitment to prove financial resources, the expert team bases its assessment on the attached documents. Commitments to provide additional credit after the bid closing time will not be considered or evaluated.
- For the assessment of similar contracts, the expert team evaluates based on the information declared by the bidder on the webform and the attached documents.
- For key personnel and main construction equipment, the expert team evaluates based on the information declared by the bidder..
- bidders assessed as meeting the capacity and experience criteria will then be evaluated for technical merit..
c) Step 3: Evaluate technical merit according to the provisions in Section 3 Chapter III. bidders with Electronic Technical Proposal Document that do not meet the criteria will not have their Electronic Financial Proposal Document opened for evaluation.
The bidding party will post the list of bidders that meet the technical requirements on the System.
22.3. Principles for evaluating Electronic Technical Proposal Document:
a) For automatic evaluation contents of the System including eligibility, the bidder must not have personnel convicted by a court for serious violations of bidding regulations, contract non-performance due to bidder fault, fulfillment of tax declaration and payment obligations, annual average revenue; if the bidder fails to declare information or declares incorrectly or incompletely, not meeting the requirements of Electronic Bidding Document, the System will evaluate the bidder as "not meeting" this content. The expert team cannot change the evaluation result from "not meeting" to "meeting" once the System has evaluated "not meeting." If the information that the bidder commits or declares in Electronic Bid Documents is untruthful leading to distortion of the evaluation results of the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents, the bidder will be considered to have engaged in bidding fraud; 
b) In the event of discrepancies between the information about the bid security declared by the bidder on the webform and the information in the attached scanned bid security file, the evaluation shall be based on the information in the scanned bid security file (for cases using paper-based bid guarantees or insurance guarantee certificates).
c) If there is a discrepancy between the information about similar contracts declared on the webform and the documentation file proving that information, the bidding party will request the bidder to clarify Electronic Bid Documents. If the contracts declared and attached by the bidder in Electronic Bid Documents do not meet the requirements of Electronic Bidding Document or the bidder does not declare similar contracts on the webform, the bidding party will request the bidder to clarify and supplement with other contracts (updated from the bidder's capability profile in the System) to meet the requirements of Electronic Bidding Document within a suitable timeframe, but not less than 03 working days. If the bidder does not have contracts that meet the requirements of Electronic Bidding Document, the bidder will be disqualified; 
d) In cases where the key personnel or main construction equipment (if any) proposed by the bidder in Electronic Bid Documents do not meet the requirements or the ability to mobilize key personnel and main construction equipment cannot be proven (including cases where personnel or equipment proposed by the bidder have been mobilized for another contract with overlapping work periods), the bidding party allows the bidder to supplement or replace. The bidder is only allowed to supplement or replace once for each personnel or equipment position within a suitable timeframe, but not less than 03 working days. If the bidder does not have alternative personnel or equipment that meet the requirements of Electronic Bidding Document, the bidder will be disqualified. In all cases, if the bidder declares untruthful personnel or equipment, they cannot replace them with others; the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents will be disqualified, and the bidder will be considered fraudulent as stipulated in Clause 4 Article 16 of the Bidding Law and will be handled according to the provisions of point a Clause 1 Article 125 of Decree No. 24/2024/NĐ-CP;
đ) For contents other than those mentioned in points a, b, c, and d of this section, if there is a discrepancy between the information declared on the webform and the attached file, the information on the webform will be the basis for consideration and evaluation.
23. Opening Electronic Financial Proposal Document 23.1. Electronic Financial Proposal Document of the bidders listed as meeting the technical requirements will be opened and publicly disclosed by the bidding party on the System.
23.2. The minutes of the opening of Electronic Financial Proposal Document will be publicly uploaded on the System, including the main contents as follows:

a) Information about the bidding package:
- Electronic Invitation To Bid number;
- Name of the bidding package;
- Name of the Investor;
- Form of bidder selection;
- Type of contract;
- Time of bid opening completion;
b) Information about the bidders whose Electronic Financial Proposal Document is opened:
- Name of the bidder;
- Bid price;
- Discount percentage (%)(if any);
- Bid price after discount (if any) (The system automatically calculates based on the recalculated contingency costs after the discount);
- Technical scores of bidders who pass the technical evaluation step (if any);
- Validity period of Electronic Financial Proposal Document;
- Other related information (if any).
24. Evaluation of Electronic Financial Proposal Document and bidder Ranking 24.1. The evaluation of Electronic Financial Proposal Document is according to the provisions in Section 4 Chapter III;
24.2. After evaluating Electronic Financial Proposal Document, the bidder ranking will be conducted according to the provisions in E-Bidding Documents List. The bidder ranked first will be invited to clarify documents according to the provisions in Section 33 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology. In cases where contract negotiations are required, document clarification and contract negotiations will be combined. If only one bidder passes the financial evaluation step, ranking will not be necessary.
24.3. If there is a discrepancy between the information declared on the webform and the attached file, the information on the webform will be the basis for consideration and evaluation.
24.4. The bidder invited to clarify documents and negotiate the contract (if any) must prepare documents for clarification, proving the information declared in Electronic Bid Documents. For the contents regarding validity, history of contract non-performance due to bidder fault, fulfillment of tax declaration and payment obligations, financial performance results, average annual revenue that has been automatically evaluated by the System as "meeting" according to the declared information extracted from Electronic Bid Documents but reassessed by the expert team as "not meeting," the expert team will revise the evaluation result from "meeting" to "not meeting." In this case, the bidding party will invite the next-ranked bidder to clarify documents, negotiate the contract (if any) without needing to rank the bidder again. For information regarding tax declaration and payment obligations, financial performance results, average annual revenue from 2021 onwards, the bidding party will only verify if the bidder updates the information without verifying in cases where the information was extracted automatically by the System from the national business registration information system, electronic tax system.
25. Confidentiality 25.1. Information related to the evaluation of Electronic Bid Documents and contract award proposals must be kept confidential and must not be disclosed to bidders or any individuals not officially involved in the bidder selection process until the results are publicly announced. Under no circumstances should the information in this bidder's Electronic Bid Documents be disclosed to another bidder, except for information made public in the bid opening minutes.
25.2. Except for clarifying the E-Bid, verifying documents, or negotiating contracts (if applicable), the bidder is not allowed to contact the Investor, or the Procuring Entity regarding any matters related to their E-Bid and other issues concerning the bidding package from the time the bids are opened until the bidder selection result is announced.
26. Clarification of E-Bid
26.1. After bid opening, the bidder is responsible for clarifying the E-Bid as requested by the Procuring Entity, including matters regarding eligibility, capacity, experience, tax declaration and payment obligations, and the specific personnel proposed in the bidder's bid. Clarifications regarding eligibility must ensure the principle that the nature of the bidder participating in the bid is not altered. For clarifications on the validity of the E-Bid (except for eligibility), technical and financial proposals, the clarification must ensure the principle of not altering the basic content of the submitted E-Bid, and not changing the bid price.
26.2.  During the evaluation process, clarification of the E-Bid between the bidder and the Procuring Entity is conducted directly through the System.
26.3. Clarification of the E-Bid is only conducted between the Procuring Entity and the bidder whose E-Bid requires clarification. For clarifications that directly affect the evaluation of eligibility, capacity, experience, and technical and financial requirements, if the bidder fails to provide clarification within the specified time or provides clarification that does not meet the requirements of the Procuring Entity, the Procuring Entity shall evaluate the E-Bid based on the submitted E-Bid prior to the bid closing time. The Procuring Entity must allow the bidder a reasonable amount of time to provide the clarification of the E-Bid.
26.4. The bidder cannot clarify the E-Bid after the bid closing time.
26.5. In case there is any inconsistency or unclear content in the E-Bid, the Procuring Entity shall request clarification from the bidder in compliance with the provisions of Section 26.1 of the E-Bid Document.
26.6. In case of suspicion about the authenticity of the documents provided by the bidder, the Investor, or the Procuring Entity is entitled to verify with relevant organizations or individuals regarding the content of the documents.
26.7. In case the E-Bid Document requires commitments or principle contracts for equipment rental, main material supply, warranty, maintenance, or servicing, and the E-Bid does not include these documents, the Procuring Entity shall request the bidder to clarify the E-Bid and supplement the documents within a reasonable period, but not less than 3 working days, to serve as the basis for evaluating the E-Bid.
27. Discrepancies, Conditions, and Omissions 27.1. "Discrepancies" are differences from the requirements stated in the E-Bid Document;
27.2. "Conditions" are conditions that are restrictive or show a lack of full acceptance of the requirements stated in the E-Bid Document;
27.3. "Omissions" occur when the bidder fails to provide part or all of the information or documents required in the E-Bid Document.
28. Determining E-Bid Responsiveness 28.1.  The Procuring Entity will determine the responsiveness of the E-Bid based on the content of the E-Bid in accordance with Section 10 of the E-Bid Document..
28.2. A responsive E-Bid is one that meets the requirements stated in the E-Bid Document without any major discrepancies, conditions, or omissions. Major discrepancies, conditions, or omissions refer to those points in the E-Bid that::
a) If accepted, would significantly affect the scope, quality, or performance of the works as defined in the contract; or significantly limit the Investor's rights or the bidder's obligations under the contract, in a manner inconsistent with the E-Bid Document;;
b) If corrected, would unfairly affect the competitive position of other bidders whose E-Bids meet the basic requirements of the E-Bid Document..
28.3. The Procuring Entity must check the technical aspects of the E-Bid according to Section 15 of the E-Bid Document, and the check of the technical proposal must confirm that all the requirements stated in Part 2 – Technical Requirements have been met, and that the E-Bid does not have any major discrepancies, conditions, or omissions..
28.4. If the E-Bid does not meet the basic requirements stated in the E-Bid Document, it will be rejected; it is not permitted to correct major discrepancies, conditions, or omissions in the E-Bid to make it responsive to the E-Bid Document..
29. Minor Errors 29.1. Provided that the E-Bid basically meets the requirements stated in the E-Bid Document, the Procuring Entity and the evaluation committee may accept minor errors that do not constitute major discrepancies, conditions, or omissions in the E-Bid;
29.2. Provided that the bid basically meets the requirements stated in the E-Bid Document, the Procuring Entity and the evaluation committee may request the bidder to provide the necessary information or documents within a reasonable time to rectify non-compliant or minor errors in the bid related to the document requirements. The request for information and documents to rectify these errors must not relate to any element of the bid price. The bidder's E-Bid will be rejected if the bidder fails to meet the request of the Procuring Entity;
29.3. Provided that the E-Bid basically meets the requirements stated in the E-Bid Document, the Procuring Entity and the evaluation committee shall adjust minor errors that can be quantified in relation to the bid price; the bid price shall be adjusted to reflect the cost of missing or non-compliant items; this adjustment is only for the purpose of comparing bids.
30. Subbidders
30.1. A subbidder is an organization or individual that signs a contract with the bidder to participate in performing part of the work listed in the bidder's bid price summary; they do not include organizations or individuals providing materials, fuel, supplies, prefabricated components, equipment, or renting construction equipment. The bidder's hiring of labor to perform the work does not constitute the use of subbidders. The bidder must declare the subbidder and the work items assigned to the subbidder according to Form No. 09A in Chapter IV. If at the time of bidding, the subbidder has not been identified, the bidder must declare the anticipated work items to be assigned to the subbidder.
30.2. The use of subbidders does not alter the responsibilities of the bidder. The bidder remains responsible for the quantity, quality, schedule, and other obligations for the work performed by the subbidder. The capacity and experience of the subbidder will not be considered when evaluating the bidder's E-Bid, except as provided in Section 30.5 of the E-Bid Document. The bidder must meet the criteria for capacity and experience (without considering the capacity and experience of the subbidder). The bidder may sign contracts with the subbidders listed in the E-Bid or with subbidders approved by the investor to participate in performing the construction work.
30.3.  The bidder may only use subbidders for work with a total value not exceeding the percentage (%) of the bidder's bid price as specified in E-Bidding Documents List.
30.4. If the bidder transfers the bid as defined in Clause 8, Article 16 of the Law on Bidding, they will be prohibited from participating in bidding activities according to the provisions of Point b, Clause 1, Article 125 of Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP.
30.5. The investor may allow the bidder to use special subbidders as specified in E-Bidding Documents List. In this case, the bidder must declare the list of special subbidders according to Form No. 09B in Chapter IV and declare the capacity and experience of the special subbidders. The Procuring Entity evaluates the capacity and experience of the special subbidders according to the evaluation criteria specified in Clause 2.3, Section 2, Chapter III. If the special subbidder does not meet the requirements of the E-Bid Document and the bidder's capacity and experience do not meet the requirements for the work assigned to the special subbidder, the bidder's E-Bid will be deemed non-responsive. When using special subbidders, the bidder is not required to meet the capacity and experience requirements for the work assigned to the special subbidder.
30.6. The investor and the Procuring Entity are not permitted to allow the bidder to use a subbidder who has provided consulting services for the package in which the bidder was selected, and these consulting services include: preparing, verifying technical designs, construction drawings, estimates, FEED designs; price appraisal; contract supervision, inspection; preparing and verifying the E-Bid Documents and the bidding documents; evaluating E-Bids; verifying prequalification results, bidder selection results; project management consulting, contract management consulting, or other consulting services directly related to the bidding package.
31. Adjustment
31.1. Adjustment for surplus discrepancies (only applicable for lump-sum contracts):
The bidder's bid price is considered to include all necessary costs to implement the package according to the design and technical requirements stated in the E-Bid Document, and no adjustments will be made in cases where the scope of work proposed by the bidder in the E-Bid differs from the requirements in the Work Item Table as per Form No. 01A, Chapter IV, except when the work proposed by the bidder is outside the scope required in the E-Bid Document (beyond the quantity needed to complete the design); in this case, the portion of work beyond the scope required in the E-Bid Document will be considered surplus and the value of the surplus items will be deducted.
31.2. If the bidder offers a discount, the discount will be calculated as a percentage of the bid price after adjusting for surplus discrepancies.
31.3. After adjusting for surplus discrepancies according to Section 31.1 of the E-Bid Document, the Procuring Entity must notify the bidder on the System regarding the adjustment for surplus discrepancies in the bidder's E-Bid. Within 03 working days from the receipt of the notice from the Procuring Entity, the bidder must respond to the Procuring Entity, indicating their acceptance of the adjustment for surplus discrepancies as notified by the Procuring Entity. If the bidder does not accept the adjustment for surplus discrepancies as notified by the Procuring Entity, the bidder's E-Bid will be rejected.
32. Preferences in bidder Selection 32.1. In case, after evaluation, there are multiple bidders evaluated as equally best, the following order of preference will be applied until the winning bidder is selected:
a) Award the contract to small and medium-sized enterprises owned by women as stipulated by the law on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (if applicable);
b) Award the contract to the bidder with a higher technical score or with fewer accepted technical evaluation criteria in case of packages applying the lowest price method; award the contract to the bidder with the lowest bid price after correcting errors, adjusting discrepancies, and deducting discounts (if any) in case of packages applying the evaluated price method or the combined method of technical and price evaluation;
c) Award the contract to the bidder headquartered in the locality where the package is implemented;
d) Award the contract to the bidder employing 25% or more of their labor force as war invalids or persons with disabilities with labor contracts valid for at least 3 months from the bid submission deadline;
đ) Award the contract to the bidder employing 25% or more of their labor force as ethnic minorities with labor contracts valid for at least 3 months from the bid submission deadline;
e) Award the contract to the bidder employing 25% or more of their labor force as women with labor contracts valid for at least 3 months from the bid submission deadline;
g) Allow these bidders to submit a revised bid price to select the bidder with the lowest price. The bidder is not allowed to submit a price higher than the one they initially offered after correcting errors, adjusting discrepancies, and deducting discounts (if any). The resubmission of bid prices is conducted in accordance with point a, clause 8, Article 131 of Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP;
h) Invite these bidders to participate in online bidding using the simplified process. The bidder is not allowed to submit a price higher than the one they initially offered after correcting errors, adjusting discrepancies, and deducting discounts (if any).
32.2. In cases falling under the preferences stated in Section 32.1 of the E-Bid Document, the bidder must attach proof documents in the E-Bid.
33. Document Verification
33.1.  The bidder is invited to verify documents. The bidder must submit a set of documentsproving eligibility, capacity, and experience to the Procuring Entity for verification against the information declared in the E-Bid, including:
a) The original bid security (in cases where a letter of guarantee or insurance certificate is used in paper form) or cashor bank draft as specified in Section 18.7 of the E-Bid Document;  
b) For bidders who manually updated tax data on the System from 2021 onwards (not automatically extracted by the System), a document proving tax declaration and payment obligations for the most recent year that matches the bidder’s tax data on the electronic tax system. If the bidder's data was extracted from the electronic tax system by the System, no documents are required for verification;
c) For bidders who manually updated financial data on the System from 2021 onwards (not automatically extracted by the System), financial documents as specified in Form No. 08A of Chapter IV that match the financial data on the electronic tax system. If the bidder's data was extracted from the electronic tax system by the System, no documents are required for verification;
d) Documents proving similar contracts declared by the bidder, attached in the E-Bid (contracts, acceptance minutes, liquidation, invoice information as required by law...);
đ) Documents proving financial resources as specified in Form No. 08B, Form No. 08C of Chapter IV;
e) Documents proving the ability to mobilize personnel, equipment, degrees, and certificates of personnel as declared by the bidder in the E-Bid;
g) Other documents (if any).
33.2. bidders with documents that meet the requirements will proceed to contract negotiation (if applicable) and be considered for award approval. In cases where tax data and revenue from 2021 onwards, self-updated by the bidder, do not match the data on the electronic tax system, resulting in misleading selection outcomes, the bidder will be disqualified and deemed to have committed fraud under point b, Section 4.4 of the E-Bid Document.
32.3. In cases where contract negotiation is applied as per Section 34 of the E-Bid Document, document verification will take place during the contract negotiation. bidders invited for document verification that do not meet the requirements of the E-Bid Document will be replaced by the next-ranked bidder for verification.
34. Contract Negotiation 34.1. Contract negotiations are conducted as per the regulations in E-Bidding Documents List;
34.2. Contract negotiation must be based on the following:
a) E-Bid evaluation report;
b) The bidder's E-Bid and any documents clarifying the E-Bid (if any);
c) The E-Bid Document, including general conditions, specific contract conditions, and any documents clarifying or amending the E-Bid Document (if any).
34.3. Principles of contract negotiation:
a) No negotiation on matters the bidder has already offered as per the requirements of the E-Bid Document;
b) No changes are allowed to the unit prices determined during the financial evaluation step.
34.4. Contract negotiation content:
a) Content that is insufficient, unclear, or inconsistent between the E-Bid Document and the E-Bid, or between different sections of the E-Bid that may lead to issues, disputes, or affect the responsibilities of the parties during contract performance;
b) Any proposed changes or alternative technical solutions by the bidder, if the E-Bid Document permits the bidder to offer alternative technical solutions under Section 12.1 of the E-Bidding Documents List;
c) Negotiations on personnel:
During negotiations, the bidder is not allowed to change key personnel (personnel proposed in the E-Bid or personnel already replaced once before contract negotiation), except in cases where the E-Bid evaluation period exceeds the anticipated time in the bidder selection plan or due to force majeure that makes it impossible for the proposed key personnel to participate in contract performance. In such cases, the bidder may replace personnel but must ensure that the replacement personnel have equivalent or higher qualifications, experience, and capacity compared to the proposed personnel, and the bidder cannot change the bid price;
d) Negotiations on any issues that arose during the bidder selection process (if any) aimed at finalizing the detailed content of the package;
đ) Negotiations on minor errors as stipulated in Section 29 of the E-Bid Document;
e) Negotiations on other necessary content.
34.5. During the contract negotiation process, the parties involved will finalize the draft contract document; specific conditions of the contract, and appendices, including detailed lists of work scope, pricing schedules, and performance timelines (if any).
34.6. If negotiations fail, the Procuring Entity will report to the investor for consideration and decision to invite the next-ranked bidder for negotiation. If negotiations with subsequent bidders also fail, the Procuring Entity will report to the investor for consideration and decision to cancel the bidding as per point a, Section 36.1 of the E-Bid Document.
34.7. In cases where objective or force majeure reasons prevent the bidder from negotiating the contract directly with the Procuring Entity, the Procuring Entity may consider conducting negotiations online.
35. Conditions for Awarding the Contract A bidder will be considered and recommended for contract award if they meet the following conditions:
35.1. Have a valid E-Bid as specified in Section 1, Chapter III;
35.2. Have the capacity and experience that meet the requirements specified in Section 2, Chapter III;
35.3. Have a technical proposal that meets the requirements specified in Section 3, Chapter III;
35.4. Meet the conditions as specified inE-Bidding Documents List;
35.5. Have a proposed bid price(inclusive of taxes, fees, and charges (if any)) that does not exceed the package price to be the basis for awarding the contract as stipulated in E-Bidding Documents List.
36. Bid Cancellation 36.1. Bid cancellation cases include:
a) All E-Bids fail to meet the requirements of the E-Bid Document;
b) Changes to the objectives or scope of investment in the approved investment decision lead to changes in the workload and evaluation criteria specified in the E-Bid Document;
c) The E-Bid Document does not comply with the provisions of the Law on Bidding and other related laws, leading to the selected bidder failing to meet the requirements to perform the package;
d) The winning bidder commits prohibited acts as prescribed in Article 16 of the Law on Bidding;
đ) Other organizations or individuals outside the winning bidder commit prohibited acts as prescribed in Article 16 of the Law on Bidding, leading to distorted bidder selection results.
36.2. Organizations and individuals violating the provisions of the law on bidding that result in bid cancellation as per points c, d, and đ of Section 36.1 of the E-Bid Document must compensate the relevant parties and are subject to penalties under the law.
36.3. In case of bid cancellation under this section, within 05 working days, the investor and the Procuring Entity must return or release the bid security for bidders who submitted the original bid security, except for bidders who violated the provisions at points d and đ of Section 36.1 of the E-Bid Document.
37. Notification of bidder Selection Results 37.1. The investor must post the bidder selection results on the System along with the E-Bid evaluation report within 05 working days from the date of approval of the bidder selection results. The content of the bidder selection notification includes the following:
a) Information about the package:
- Electronic Invitation To Bid number;
- Name of the package;
- Approved package price or estimate (if any);
- Name of the investor;
- Method of bidder selection;
- Type of contract;
- Package implementation period;
b) Information about the winning bidder:
- Tax code;
- Name of the bidder;
- Bid price;
- Bid price after adjusting surplus discrepancies (if any), discount (if any);
- Technical score (if applicable);
- Evaluation price (if applicable);
- Awarded bid price;
- Package execution time;
- Contract execution time.
c) List of unselected bidders and a summary of reasons for non-selection of each bidder.
37.2. In case a bidder requests a specific explanation for not being awarded, they may submit a request to the investor or meet directly with the investor. The investor is responsible for responding to the bidder's request within 02 working days from the date of receiving the request.
37.3. In case of bid cancellation as specified in point a of Section 36.1 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, the notification of bidder selection results and the System must clearly state the reason for bid cancellation.
38. Notification of E-Bid Approval and Contract Award After the investor posts the bidder selection results, the Procuring Entity sends a notification of E-Bid approval and contract award through the System, including requirements on contract performance security, time to finalize, and sign the contract as stipulated in Form No. 14, Chapter VIII, to the awarded bidder. The notification of E-Bid approval and contract award is part of the contract documents. If the awarded bidder fails to finalize or sign the contract, or fails to submit contract performance security within the time specified in the notification of E-Bid approval and contract award, the bidder will be disqualified, and the bid security will not be returned as per point b of Section 18.5 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology. The deadline stated in the notification of E-Bid approval is calculated from the date the Procuring Entity sends this notification to the awarded bidder on the System.
39. Conditions for Signing the Contract    39.1. At the time of contract signing, the selected bidder's E-Bid must still be valid.
39.2. At the time of contract signing, the selected bidder must ensure they meet the technical and financial capacity requirements to perform the package as per the E-Bid Document. If the bidder no longer meets the basic technical and financial capacity requirements as stated in the E-Bid Document, the investor will refuse to sign the contract with the bidder. The investor will cancel the decision approving the bidder selection results, and the previously issued notification of E-Bid approval and contract award, and will invite the next ranked bidder to review documents and negotiate the contract (if applicable).
39.3. The investor must ensure the conditions for advance capital, payment capital, site clearance, and other necessary conditions to execute the package on schedule.
40. Contract Performance Security 40.1. Before signing the contract or before the contract takes effect, the awarded bidder must provide contract performance security as stipulated in Section 5, E-GCC, Chapter VI. If contract performance security is applied, it must use the form in Chapter VIII or another form accepted by the investor.
40.2. The bidder will not be refunded the contract performance security in the following cases:
a) Refusal to execute the contract when it becomes effective;
b) Violation of the contract agreement;
c) Delays in contract execution due to the bidder's fault but refusal to extend the validity of the contract performance security.
41. Resolution of Bidding Complaints 41.1.  If the bidder, agency, or organization feels their legitimate rights and interests are affected, they may file a complaint to the competent authority or the investor to review the issues during the bidder selection process or the bidder selection results as per Articles 89, 90, and 91 of the Law on Bidding.
41.2. In case of a complaint to the investor, the bidder, agency, or organization shall submit the complaint directly through the System. In case of a complaint to the competent authority, the bidder shall submit the complaint to the address specified in E-Bidding Documents List.
42. Supervision of the bidder Selection Process If any act or content that does not comply with bidding law is detected, the bidder is responsible for notifying the organization or individual performing the supervision task as specified in E-Bidding Documents List.
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 1.1 Investor Name: ___ [Automatically extracted by the System].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 1.2 Package name: ___ [Automatically extracted by the System].
Project/procurement estimate name: ___ [Automatically extracted by the System].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 3 Source of funds: ___ [As per Electronic Invitation To Bid].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 5.1 (c) Ensuring competition in bidding is regulated as follows:
- The bidder participating in the bid does not hold more than 30% shares or capital in:___[enter full name and address of the Investor, Procuring Entity], except in cases of:
(i) The bidder is a subsidiary or member company of a state-owned corporation or group, and the package is related to the main production or business of the group or corporation.
(ii) The bidder is the parent company, subsidiary, or member company in an economic group or state-owned corporation, where the product or service of the package is part of the group or corporation's main production or business, and the package is owned by a subsidiary or member company.
- The bidder participating in the bid does not hold shares or capital with consulting bidders; does not share more than 20% of shares or capital with another organization or individual for each party, specifically as follows:
+ Consultant for preparing technical design, construction drawing design, and estimate:___[enter full name and address of the consulting unit (if any)];
+ Consultant for appraisal of technical design, construction drawing design, and estimate:___[enter full name and address of the consulting unit (if any)];
+ Consultant for price appraisal:___[enter full name and address of the consulting unit (if any)];
+ Consultant for supervising contract execution, inspection:___[enter full name and address of the consulting unit (if any)];
+ Consultant for preparing E-Bid Document:___[enter full name and address of the consulting unit (if any)];
+ Consultant for appraising E-Bid Document:___[enter full name and address of the consulting unit (if any)];
+ Consultant for evaluating E-Bid Submission:___[enter full name and address of the consulting unit (if any)];
+ Consultant for appraising bidder selection results:___[enter full name and address of the consulting unit (if any)];
+ Consultant for project management, contract management, or other consultancy services directly related to the package:___[enter full name and address of the consulting unit (if any)];
- The bidder participating in the bid is not under the same agency or organization directly managing the consulting bidder (as mentioned above)[1].
- The bidder participating in the bid is not under the same agency or organization directly managing the Investor, Procuring Entity, except in cases where the bidder is a public non-business unit under the state management agency with assigned functions and duties appropriate to the nature of the package of that state management agency.
 Public non-business units and enterprises under the same directly managing agency or with capital contributions when participating in each other’s bidding packages are not required to meet the regulations of legal and financial independence between the bidder and the Investor, Procuring Entity.
- The shareholding or capital contribution ratio between the parties is determined at the time of bid closing and according to the ratio stated in the business registration certificate, establishment decision, or other equivalent documents.
In cases where the bidder participates in the bid as a PARTNERSHIP or the consulting bidder is selected as a PARTNERSHIP, the ownership ratio of other organizations or individuals in the PARTNERSHIP is determined using the following formula:

     Xi: Ownership ratio of the organization or individual in the i-th PARTNERSHIP member;
 n: Number of members participating in the PARTNERSHIP.
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 5.1 (g) Conditions for enterprise classification:_____[in cases where the bidding package is valued at no more than 5 billion VND, write:Is a small or micro enterprise as defined by the law on enterprises”. In cases where the bidding package exceeds 5 billion VND, write: “Not applicable”].
- If the bidding package has been organized but there are no micro or small enterprises meeting the requirements, write_____[“No requirement”].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 7.6 On-site survey organization: ___ [write "yes" or "no". In case of "yes", specify the time and location of the on-site survey, and the phone number of the person responsible for organizing the on-site survey]
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 7.7 Pre-bid conference: _____ [write "yes" or "no". In case of "yes", specify the time and location of the pre-bid conference, and the phone number of the person responsible for organizing the pre-bid conference]
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 8 Cost for submitting Electronic Bid Documents:____ [The system will automatically extract according to current regulations].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 10.3 The bidder must submit the following documents along with Electronic Bid Documents: ___ [write the names of other necessary documents that the bidder needs to submit along with Electronic Bid Documents as required based on the scale, nature of the bidding package, and do not limit the participation of bidders. If there are no requirements, it must be clearly stated as “not required”].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 12.1 The bidder____ [write “permitted” or “not permitted”] to submit alternative technical proposals.
[If only alternative technical proposals are permitted for specific parts of the bidding package, it must clearly state which parts the bidder is allowed to propose alternative technical solutions]
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 17.1 The validity period of Electronic Bid Documents is: ____ days [extracted according to Electronic Invitation To Bid], from the date of bid submission closing.
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 18.2
Content of bid security:
- Value of bid security: [The system extracts from Electronic Invitation To Bid].
- Validity period of bid security: [The system extracts from Electronic Invitation To Bid]. For bidders listed with violations as specified in Clause 1, Article 18 of Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP and published on the National Bidding Network System, they must provide bid security valued at three times the above-mentioned requirement within two years from the last occurrence of such violations. In the case of PARTNERSHIP bidders, members with violations as specified in Clause 1, Article 18 of Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP must provide bid security valued at three times the bid security corresponding to the ratio of the value of work that member undertakes in the PARTNERSHIP within two years from the last occurrence of such violations.
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 18.4 Time for return or release of bid security for non-selected bidders: _____ days, from the date the bidder selection results are approved [specify the number of days but not exceeding 14 days from the date the bidder selection results are approved].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 22.1
Evaluation method for Electronic Bid Documents is:
- Assessment of capacity and experience: Pass/Fail.
- Assessment of technical:____ [Depending on the scale and nature of the bidding package, apply the method of “Pass/Fail” or “Scoring”].
- Assessment of financial:____ [Depending on the scale and nature of the bidding package, apply the method of the lowest price, evaluated price, or a combination of technical and price suitable for the evaluation criteria specified in Chapter III].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 24.2 Ranking of bidders: [The system extracts when selecting the evaluation method in Section 22.1 E-Bidding Documents List as follows:
- If selecting the lowest price method, extract: “the bidder with the bid price after adjustment for excess deviation (if any), minus any discount (if any) ranked first”;
- If selecting the evaluated price method, extract: “the bidder with the lowest evaluated price ranked first”;
- If selecting the method combining technical and price, extract: "the bidder with the highest composite score ranked first].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 30.3 Maximum value for subbidders: ____ bid price of the bidder [depending on the scale and nature of the bidding package, the Investor specifies the percentage]. 
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 30.5 Use of special subbidders:____ [write “Permitted” or “Not permitted”. If permitted, specify the evaluation methods for capacity and experience for special subbidders in Section 2.3 Chapter III – Evaluation criteria for Electronic Bid Documents of Electronic Bidding Document].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 34.1 Contract negotiation:____ [write “Applicable” or “Not applicable”].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 35.4 [The system extracts when selecting the evaluation method in Section 22.1 E-Bidding Documents List as follows:
- If selecting the lowest price method, extract: “the bidder with the bid price after adjustment for excess deviation (if any), minus any discount (if any) ranked lowest”;
- If selecting the evaluated price method, extract: “the bidder with the lowest evaluated price”
- If selecting the method combining technical and price, extract: "the bidder with the highest composite score"].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 35.5 Bid package value for consideration in the award decision:_________
[- For bid packages applying fixed-price contracts, fixed unit price contracts, or adjusted unit price contracts, write "the approved bid package price in the bidder selection plan. If the estimated price of the bid package is lower or higher than the approved bid package price, this estimate will replace the bid package price as the basis for the award decision"
- For bid packages applying output-based contracts, write “the bid package price excluding the costs for contingencies and price fluctuation that may occur during contract implementation. If the estimated price of the bid package is lower or higher than the approved bid package price, this estimate (excluding the costs for contingencies and price fluctuation) will replace the bid package price as the basis for the award decision"]
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 41.2 - Authorized person:_________ [write the full name of the authorized person]
     + Address:_________ [write the full address, phone number, and fax number of the authorized person];
     + E-mail:__________ [write the email of the authorized person to receive bidder's complaints].
- Secretariat department assisting the Chairman of the Advisory Council for complaint resolution:
     + Address:_________ [write the full name, address, phone number, and fax number of the secretariat department assisting the Chairman of the Advisory Council for complaint resolution];
     + E-mail:__________ [write the email of the secretariat department assisting the Chairman of the Advisory Council for complaint resolution to receive bidder's complaints].
Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology 42 Address of the organization or individual performing monitoring tasks: ___ [write the full name, address, phone number, and fax number of the organization or individual assigned by the authorized person to monitor the bidder selection process for the bidding package/project (if any)].
Chapter III. Electronic Bid Documents EVALUATION CRITERIA

Section 1. Evaluation of the validity of Electronic Bid Documents
The bidder's Electronic Bid Documents is considered valid when it fully meets the following contents:
1. There is bid security that does not violate any of the cases specified in Section 18.3 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology. The guarantee letter must be signed by the legal representative of a domestic credit institution or a foreign bank branch established under Vietnamese law, or the guarantee insurance certificate must be signed by the legal representative of a domestic non-life insurance company or a foreign non-life insurance company branch established under Vietnamese law, with the guarantee value, validity period, and beneficiary according to the requirements of Electronic Bidding Document (for electronic bid security, it must be digitally signed). The guarantee letter or insurance guarantee certificate must not be signed before the Investor issues Electronic Bidding Document; it must not include conditions that are detrimental to the Investor or the Bidder (including failing to meet all commitments as specified in Forms 4A, 4B Chapter IV). For paper-based bid security or guarantee insurance certificates, in case of discrepancies between the information about the bid security declared by the bidder on the System and the information in the scanned file of the attached guarantee letter, the information in the scanned file of the bid security letter shall be used for evaluation. For PARTNERSHIP bidders, the members must use the same form of bid security: electronic bid security or paper-based.
For bid packages with a bid security value less than 20 million VND, the bidder must commit in the bid application as specified in Section 18.7 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology.
2. In the case of PARTNERSHIP bidders, the PARTNERSHIP agreement must clearly state the specific tasks and estimated corresponding value that each member in the PARTNERSHIP will perform according to Form 03 Chapter IV. The division of work in the PARTNERSHIP must be based on the items listed in the bid price summary table specified in Form 11 (11A or 11B or 11C or 11D or 11E) Chapter IV or according to the tasks within the production process of the items in the bid price summary; no division of tasks outside these items or not within the production process of these items is allowed.
3. The bidder ensures valid status as stipulated in Section 5 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology([2]).
4. In the 03 years prior to the bid closing date, the bidder must not have personnel (who entered into labor contracts with the bidder at the time of the personnel committing the violation) convicted by the court for violating bidding regulations that cause serious consequences under criminal law for the purpose of allowing that bidder to win the bid.
bidders with valid Electronic Bid Documents will be considered for evaluation in the next step.
Section 2. Evaluation criteria for capacity and experience
2.1 Evaluation criteria for capacity and experience
The evaluation criteria for capacity and experience are implemented according to Table 01 of this Chapter and are digitized in webform on the System. bidders are assessed as meeting capacity and experience when they meet all evaluation criteria. The capacity and experience of subbidders (except for special subbidders) will not be considered when evaluating the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents. The bidder itself must meet the evaluation criteria for capacity and experience.
No requirement is set that the bidder must have previously performed one or more contracts in a specific area, or that the bidder must have experience in construction in a specific area as a criterion for eliminating the bidder.
In cases where contracts are mentioned in similar contracts or payment confirmations from the Investor for executed construction contracts or tax declaration forms or documents related to proving the capacity and experience of the bidder that are not in VND, the bidder must convert to VND for the purpose of Electronic Bid Documents evaluation. The conversion applies the exchange rate of___________[specify basis for determining the exchange rate, typically using the selling rate of a commercial bank operating in Vietnam] on the date of signing that similar contract.
In the case where the bidding bidder is a parent company (such as a General Corporation) that mobilizes its subsidiaries, member companies to perform a portion of the bidding package, the bidder must specify the portion of work allocated to the subsidiaries, member companies according to Form 09C Chapter IV. The evaluation of the experience in executing similar contracts is based on the value and volume of work undertaken by the parent company, subsidiaries, and member companies in the bidding package.
Table 01 (Webform on the System)
Capacity and experience criteria Requirements to comply with Documents to submit
No Description Requirements Independent bidder PARTNERSHIP bidder
Total PARTNERSHIP members Each PARTNERSHIP member
1 History of contract non-completion due to bidder's fault From January 01, ___(1) until the bid closing date, the bidder has no construction, EPC, EC, PC, or turnkey contracts that were not completed due to the bidder's fault (2). Must meet this requirement Not applicable Must meet this requirement Form 07
2 Fulfillment of tax declaration and payment obligations Has fulfilled tax declaration and payment obligations(3) for the most recent financial year compared to the bid closing date. Must meet this requirement Not applicable Must meet this requirement Commitment in the bid application
3 Financial capacity
3.1 Financial performance results(4) The bidder's net worth in the most recent financial year prior to the bid closing date must be positive.
(Net worth = Total assets - Total liabilities)
Must meet this requirement Not applicable Must meet this requirement Form 08A
3.2 Average annual revenue (excluding VAT) Average annual revenue (excluding VAT) of ___ (5) in the most recent financial year prior to the bid closing date must be at least ____(6) VND. Must meet this requirement Must meet this requirement Not applicable Form 08A
3.3 Financial resource requirements for the bid The bidder must demonstrate access to or have available high liquidity assets(7), available credit limits (unused credit limits) or other financial resources (excluding advance payments under the contract) to meet the financial resource requirements for executing the bid with a value of ____ (8) VND.
In the case of the bidder using a credit commitment from a domestic credit institution or a foreign bank branch established under Vietnamese law, the credit commitment must meet the following conditions:
- Value: Minimum..... VND (specify the value);
- Duration of the credit commitment: effective for…. [specify the duration of the bid execution] from the effective date of the contract or effective until the date… month…. year… [specify the expected contract completion date, e.g., December 31, 2024];
- Signed by a legal representative of a domestic credit institution or a foreign bank branch established under Vietnamese law, and stamped.
Must meet this requirement Must meet this requirement Not applicable Form 08B, 08C
4 Experience in executing similar construction contracts(9) 1. In the case where the bid only includes one independent project (e.g., Project A):
Based on the scale and nature of the bid, the investor chooses one of the two methods below: ___
“From January 1, ___ (10) to the bid closing date, the bidder has completed all or the majority(11) of at least 02 projects with: structural type:…, class:… [specify according to the structural type, class of the project in the bid](12), of which at least one project has a value of V(13) and the total value of all projects ≥ X, acting as the main bidder (independent or consortium member), managing bidder, or subbidder where X = 2 x V. If the bidder has completed all or the majority(11) of 01 project meeting the requirements for structural type, class and has a value ≥ X, it will be considered as meeting the requirement.
“From January 1, ___(10) to the bid closing date, the bidder has completed all or the majority(11) of at least 01 project with: structural type:…., class:….   [specify according to the structural type, class of the project in the bid](12), with a value of V(13) as the main bidder (independent or consortium member), managing bidder, or subbidder.
2. In the case where the bid consists of a combination of multiple projects (e.g., including a combination of 3 projects: A1, A2, A3)
Based on the scale and nature of the bid, the investor chooses one of the two methods below: ___
“From January 1, ___(10) to the bid closing date, the bidder has completed all or the majority(11) of at least:
- 02 projects with: structural type:…, class:… [specify according to the structural type, class of the project A1 in the bid](12), of which at least one project has a value of V1(13) and the total value of all projects ≥ X1, acting as the main bidder (independent or consortium member), managing bidder, or subbidder. Where X1= 2 x V1. If the bidder has completed all or the majority(11) of 01 project meeting the requirements for structural type, class, and has a value ≥ X1, it is considered compliant.
- 02 projects with: structural type..., class:… [specify according to the structural type, class of the project A2 in the bid](12), of which at least one project has a value of V2(13) and the total value of all projects ≥ X2, acting as the main bidder (independent or consortium member), managing bidder, or subbidder. Where X2= 2 x V2. If the bidder has completed all or the majority(11) of 01 project meeting the requirements for structural type, class, and has a value ≥ X2, it is considered compliant.
- 02 projects with: structural type…, class:…. [specify according to the structural type, class of the project A3 in the bid](12), of which at least one project has a value of V3(13) and the total value of all projects ≥ X3, acting as the main bidder (independent or consortium member), managing bidder, or subbidder. Where X3= 2 x V3. If the bidder has completed all or the majority(11) of 01 project meeting the requirements for structural type, class, and has a value ≥ X3, it is considered compliant.

“From January 1, ___(10) to the bid closing date, the bidder has completed all or the majority (11) of at least:
- 01 project with: structural type..., class:…. [specify according to the structural type, class of the project A1 in the bid](12), with a value of V1(13) acting as the main bidder (independent or consortium member), managing bidder, or subbidder.
- 01 project with: structural type…, class:… [specify according to the structural type, class of the project A2 in the bid](12), with a value of V2(13) acting as the main bidder (independent or consortium member), managing bidder, or subbidder.
- 01 project with: structural type…, class:… [specify according to the structural type, class of the project A3 in the bid](12), with a value of V3(13) acting as the main bidder (independent or consortium member), managing bidder, or subbidder.

3. In the case where the bid only includes tasks A1, A2, A3… (not considered as projects under construction law)
 “From January 1, ___(10) to the bid closing date, the bidder has completed all or the majority(11) of at least:
- 01 item similar in nature to item A1 [specify the nature of item A1], with a value of V1(13) acting as the main bidder (independent or consortium member), managing bidder, or subbidder.
- 01 item similar in nature to item A2 [specify the nature of item A2], with a value of V2(13) acting as the main bidder (independent or consortium member), managing bidder, or subbidder.
 - 01 item similar in nature to item A3 [specify the nature of item A3], with a value of V3(13) acting as the main bidder (independent or consortium member), managing bidder, or subbidder.
Additionally, based on the nature of the bid, similar conditions regarding the field may be stipulated, but must ensure that they do not limit the participation of the bidder.
Must meet this requirement Must meet this requirement Must meet the requirement (equivalent to the part of work undertaken) Form 05
(1) Specify the required time, usually from 03 to 05 years prior to the year of the bid closing date. For example: from January 1, 2019 to the bid closing date.
(2) Unfinished construction contracts, EPC, PC, EC, turnkey due to bidder fault include:
- Contracts concluded by the Investor that the bidder did not complete and the bidder did not dispute;
- Contracts concluded by the Investor that the bidder did not complete, not accepted by the bidder but concluded by arbitration or the court in a way unfavorable to the bidder.
Unfinished contracts do not include contracts whose decisions by the Investor have been rejected by dispute resolution
mechanisms. The determination of unfinished contracts must be based on all information regarding disputes or litigation resolved according to the regulations of the dispute resolution mechanism of the corresponding contracts and when the bidder has exhausted all possible opportunities to appeal. For contracts delayed due to bidder fault but still completed, they shall not be considered as unfinished contracts.
For PARTNERSHIP bidders where only one member in the PARTNERSHIP violates and is prohibited from participating in bidding according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 125 of Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP, the remaining PARTNERSHIP member shall not be considered as failing to fulfill the contract due to bidder fault. In the case where one or more PARTNERSHIP members violate the contract, lose the capacity to continue performing the contract, seriously affect the schedule, quality, and efficiency of the bidding package, then only one or some of the PARTNERSHIP members violating the contract shall be considered as not fulfilling the contract, and the remaining members shall not be considered as failing to fulfill the contract due to bidder fault.  
(3) The bidder provides documentation proving that it has fulfilled the tax declaration and corporate income tax payment obligations (personal income tax for bidders as business households) for the most recent financial year prior to the bid closing date (in case the System has not updated information about tax obligations) to verify when invited to verify the documents. Tax obligations are to pay taxes corresponding to the tax value based on the tax rate, taxable income, and revenue declared by the bidder on the electronic tax system (the taxes paid correspond to the taxes owed); in case of being granted a delay in tax payment, tax exemption, or tax reduction according to the State's policies, this shall be implemented according to these regulations. If the System has not automatically extracted information about the bidder's tax obligations, the bidder shall submit the following documents:
- Tax declaration form (or payment notification from the tax authority for business households) and the payment receipt confirmed by the tax authority printed from the electronic tax system or
- Tax declaration form (or payment notification from the tax authority for business households) and confirmation from the tax authority regarding the fulfillment of tax obligations.
In the case where the bid closing date is after the end of the bidder's financial year (year Y) and before or on the last day of the third month from the end of year Y, the requirement for tax declaration and payment obligations applies to the financial year prior to year Y (year Y-1) 
(For example: if the bid closing date is March 20, 2024, and the bidder's financial year is from January 1 to December 31, then the bidder must prove that it has fulfilled the tax declaration and payment obligations for the year 2022).
(4) For bidders that are business households, this criterion is not assessed.
(5) Specify the number of required years, usually from 03 to 05 years before the year of the bid closing date. If the bidder has fewer years of establishment than required by the Electronic Bidding Document, the average annual revenue (excluding VAT) will be calculated based on the number of years the bidder has been established. If the average annual revenue (excluding VAT) of the bidder meets the required value of the Electronic Bidding Document, the bidder will still be evaluated further without being disqualified.
For bidders that are business households, it is not mandatory to submit financial statements, but the bidder must provide documents proving revenue corresponding to tax obligations.
In the case where the bid closing date is after the end of the bidder's financial year (year Y) and before or on the last day of the third month from the end of year Y, the requirement for submitting financial statements applies to the previous years of year Y (year Y-1, year Y-2...).
For example:
- If the bid closing date is March 20, 2024, and the bidder's financial year is from January 1 to December 31 and the Electronic Bidding Document requires the bidder to submit financial statements for the last 03 years, the bidder must submit financial statements for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022).
- The average annual revenue (excluding VAT) of the last 03 financial years prior to the bid closing date. In this case, if the bid closing date is November 15, 2024, the bidder must submit financial statements for the years 2021, 2022, and 2023. The bidder was established in 2022, but the average revenue of 2022 and 2023 meets the requirements, then the bidder will continue to be evaluated.
(6) Calculation method for the required average annual revenue (excluding VAT):
a) For contracts with a duration of 12 months or more, the calculation of revenue is as follows:
Minimum required average annual revenue (excluding VAT) = [(Bid price  – VAT value)/duration of the contract in years] x k.
Typically, the coefficient k in this formula is from 1.5 to 2;
b) For contracts with a duration of less than 12 months, the calculation of revenue is as follows:
Financial resource requirement for the bidding package = 30% x Bid price.
(9) In the case where the bidding package includes both a project and items according to the regulations of the construction law, only the requirement for similar contracts for the project should be mentioned. For similar contracts that the bidder has participated in as a PARTNERSHIP member or subbidder, only the value of the part performed by the bidder is considered.
Contracts that the bidder has executed as a subbidder due to illegal subcontracting, violating the provisions of Clause 8, Article 16 of the Bidding Law will not be considered or evaluated.
(10) Specify the required year, usually from 03 to 05 years before the year of the bid closing date.
(11) Completion in full means that all work of the project/item has been completed and accepted; completion in part means that at least 80% of the volume of work of the project/item has been completed and accepted. The time of confirmation for project/item completion to determine similar projects/items is the time of acceptance of the project/item, not based on the time of signing the contract.
(12) Specify the structure type and project grade of the project in the bidding package. The structure type and project grade are determined according to Appendix II of Circular No. 06/2021/TT-BXD dated June 30, 2021, of the Ministry of Construction regulating the classification of construction works and guiding the application in managing construction investment activities. If the project in the bidding package is not listed in Appendix II of Circular No. 06/2021/TT-BXD, the Electronic Bidding Document must provide regulations for similarity based on the nature of the project; specifically for the project grade, it is determined according to Appendix I of Circular No. 06/2021/TT-BXD.
If Circular No. 06/2021/TT-BXD is amended or replaced, the determination of the type and grade of the project shall be carried out according to the regulations of the amending or replacing Circular.
(13) Specify the values of V, V1, V2, V3. In which:
- V usually has a value of about 50% of the construction work value of the project being considered (project A). For specialized jobs or in localities where the bidder's capacity is still limited, the value of V can be required to be between 40% - 50% of the construction work value of project A.
- V1, V2, V3... usually have a value of about 50% of the construction work value of each corresponding project/item (A1, A2, A3...) in the bidding package being considered. For specialized jobs or in localities where the bidder's capacity is still limited, the values of V1, V2, V3... can be required to be between 40% - 50% of the construction work value of projects/items A1, A2, A3...
- The evaluation of the values of the projects/items that the bidder has executed will be based on the completed and accepted value of that project/item. The time of confirmation for project/item completion to determine similar projects/items is the time of acceptance of the project/item, not based on the time of signing the contract.
(Two projects with lower grades adjacent to the grade of the project being considered, where the completion value of each project of lower grade is equal to or greater than 50% of the construction work value of the project being considered shall be evaluated as a similar construction project).
- The similar projects/items that the bidder has completed may belong to one or more contracts (contracts may still be ongoing, not yet liquidated).
- For bidding packages consisting of multiple projects according to the construction law, the Investor may require completion of similar projects/items for all projects/items in the bidding package or only require completion of similar projects/items for some main projects/items. If there are multiple projects with the same structure type, then only similar project/item requirements apply to the same structure type with the highest project grade. Projects/items that the bidder has completed with the same structure type and have a project grade higher than the project grade of the bidding package being considered shall be deemed to meet the requirements for structure type and project grade.  
For example: For the bidding package construction of "High School A", which includes a combination of projects:
+ Building A1 (Classroom): 10 floors, total floor area 5,000 m2, with a value according to the approved estimate of (X) VND. Building A1 is a type II structure according to the regulations of Circular No. 06/2021/TT-BXD.
+ Building A2 (Classroom): 6 floors, total floor area 1,000 m2, with a value according to the approved estimate of (Y) VND. Building A2 is a type III structure according to the regulations of Circular No. 06/2021/TT-BXD.
+ Security fence: 3 m high
+ Guardhouse: 1 floor, floor area 12 m2
In the Electronic Bidding Document, it may be stipulated that similar construction experience is: “the bidder has completed the construction project of a building, a type II structure, with a minimum value of 50% x (X) VND” without requiring the bidder to have experience in executing both building A2 (type III structure), security fence, and guardhouse.
Based on the scale and nature of the bidding package, similar conditions regarding the field may be required.
Table 02: Requirements for Key Personnel (Webform on the System)
No. Job Position Quantity Experience in Similar Work Certificates, Professional Qualifications(1)
1     minimum__years or
2     minimum__years or
(1) Only applicable in cases where specialized laws require qualifications/certifications.
b) Main Construction Equipment Expected to be Mobilized for the Bid Package
Based on the regulations of the construction law, the Investor and the Bid Inviter set out requirements for the main construction equipment expected to be mobilized and the quantity to implement the bid package accordingly. Only the primary construction equipment for specialized, specific equipment that is mandatory for the execution of the bid package shall be specified. The main construction equipment may belong to the bidder or may be mobilized by the bidder.
In case the main construction equipment declared by the bidder in the Electronic Bid Documents does not meet the requirements or does not demonstrate the ability to mobilize equipment (including cases where the equipment has been mobilized for another contract with overlapping working time with this bid package), the bid inviter allows the bidder to supplement or replace. The bidder is only allowed to supplement or replace once for each piece of equipment within a suitable time frame, but not less than 03 working days. If the bidder does not have alternative equipment that meets the Electronic Bidding Document requirements, they will be disqualified. In any case, if the bidder declares equipment untruthfully, the bidder cannot replace the equipment with another one, the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents will be disqualified, and the bidder will be considered to have committed fraud according to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 16 of the Bidding Law and will be dealt with according to the regulations at Point a, Clause 1, Article 125 of Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP.
Requirements for the main construction equipment are digitized in the form of a Webform on the System. The bidder must provide detailed information about the main construction equipment proposed according to Template No. 6D, Chapter IV to demonstrate that they have sufficient equipment meeting the following requirements:
Table 03: Requirements for Main Construction Equipment (Webform on the System)
No. Type of Equipment and Equipment Characteristics Minimum Quantity Required
In the event that the bidder wins the bid and signs the contract, the bidder is obligated to mobilize key personnel and the main construction equipment as initially proposed or propose changes in accordance with the provisions of this Section. If they fail to mobilize the key personnel or main construction equipment, the bidder will face penalties under the contract and be evaluated negatively regarding their reputation when participating in other bid packages.
2.3. Special Subbidders (if any):
The Investor and the Bid Inviter will only consider and evaluate the technical capacity and experience of the special subbidders for the specialized work for which the use of special subbidders is permitted under Section 30.5 of the Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology. The specific experience and financial resources of the special subbidder will not be added to the bidder's experience and resources when assessing the bidder's qualifications. The proposed special subbidder must have sufficient experience and technical capacity to carry out the work and must meet the following criteria:____[list the criteria and evaluation standards for the special subbidder].
Section 3. Evaluation Criteria for Technical Capacity
Use either pass/fail criteria or a scoring method to establish technical evaluation criteria.
The technical evaluation criteria should be developed based on the contents specified in Chapter V, the information on the bidder's performance results according to the provisions of Articles 17 and 18 of Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP, and other requirements stated in the Electronic Bidding Document. Depending on each specific bid package, the Electronic Bidding Document must specify the criteria used as the basis for technical evaluation, including:
- The feasibility and practicality of technical solutions and construction organization measures that are consistent with the proposed construction schedule; 
- Construction schedule;
- Project management methods, including project management organization and site management;
- Quality assurance measures; ensuring sanitary and environmental conditions and other conditions such as fire prevention, fire fighting, and occupational safety;
- Degree of compliance with warranty and maintenance requirements;
- Environmental friendliness factors (if any), including the use of materials, construction methods, equipment, technology, and other factors (if any);
- Information about the results of implementing construction contracts, EPC, EC, PC of the bidder according to the provisions of Articles 17 and 18 of Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP;
- Other necessary factors.
Unless specified otherwise due to the nature of the bid package, the Electronic Bidding Document requires the bidder to adhere to the construction methods stated in the Electronic Bidding Document, the Electronic Bidding Document should stipulate that the bidder is allowed to propose different construction methods from those mentioned in the Electronic Bidding Document.
The bidder may attach the construction activity capability certificate or choose not to attach this certificate in the Electronic Bid Documents, even if the Electronic Bidding Document requires the bidder to possess this certificate. The absence of the construction activity capability certificate will not be grounds for disqualifying the bidder. The bidder's Electronic Bid Documents will still be considered, evaluated, and approved for bidding. In the event of winning the bid, the bidder must present the construction activity capability certificate before signing the contract.
3.1. Evaluation according to the scoring method[3]:
In cases where a scoring method is used, minimum and maximum points must be specified for each general criterion. A minimum point requirement may be set for basic detailed criteria within the general criteria; minimum points should not be established for non-basic detailed criteria.
Based on the scale and nature of the bid package to stipulate the minimum and maximum points for each general criterion. The required minimum point must not be less than 70% of the total technical score. For bid packages that need to focus on technical and price factors, the investor may stipulate that the required minimum technical score is not less than 80% of the maximum total technical score. Electronic Bid Documents with a total score (as well as the score of some general criteria) that meets or exceeds the required minimum score will be evaluated as meeting the technical requirements and will proceed to financial consideration.
The technical score for each general criterion is calculated based on the technical scores of the detailed criteria using the following formula:

tji = technical score of the detailed criterion “i” in the general criterion “j”;
wji = weight of the detailed criterion “i” in the general criterion “j”;
k= number of detailed criteria in the general criterion “j”, and

The total technical score is calculated using the following formula:

Sj           = technical score of the general criterion “j”,
Wj          = weight of the general criterion “j”,
n            = number of general criteria, and

3.2. Evaluation according to the pass/fail method[4]:
In cases using the pass/fail method, for the overall evaluation criteria, only pass/fail criteria are used. Based on the scale and nature of the bid package, the level of requirements for each content will be determined. For the basic detailed criteria in the general criteria, only pass/fail criteria will be used; for non-basic detailed criteria in the general criteria, in addition to the pass/fail criteria, acceptable criteria can be applied but must not exceed 30% of the total detailed criteria in that general criterion. The general criterion is considered met when all basic detailed criteria are rated as pass and the non-basic detailed criteria are rated as pass or acceptable.
Electronic Bid Documents is assessed as meeting the technical requirements when all general criteria are rated as pass.
4. Evaluation criteria for Electronic Financial Proposal Document
Depending on the nature and scale of each specific bid package, one of the following methods should be chosen accordingly:
4.1. Lowest price method[5]:
The method for determining the lowest price is as follows:
Step 1. Determine the bid price;
Step 2. Adjust for surplus discrepancies (implemented according to the provisions of Section 31 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology);
Step 3. Determine the bid price after adjusting for surplus discrepancies (if any), subtract the discount value (if any);
Step 4. Determine any preferences (if any) according to the provisions of Section 32 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology
Step 5. Rank the bidders: Electronic Bid Documents with the bid price after adjusting for surplus discrepancies (if any), subtracting the discount value (if any), and after preferences (if any) that is the lowest will be ranked first.
4.2. Evaluation price method[6]:
The method for determining the evaluation price is as follows:
Step 1. Determine the bid price;
Step 2. Adjust for surplus discrepancies (implemented according to the provisions of Section 31 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology);
Step 3. Determine the bid price after adjusting for surplus discrepancies (if any), subtracting the discount value (if any);
Step 4. Determine the evaluation price:
The evaluation price is determined according to the following formula:
GĐG = G ± ΔG + ΔƯĐ
- G = (bid price ± adjusted surplus value) - discount value (if any);
- ΔƯĐ is the preferences determined according to the provisions of Section 32 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology;
- ΔG is the value of factors reduced to a uniform basis for the entire life cycle of the works, including:
+ Project completion schedule;
+ Life cycle costs throughout the entire use of the project;
+ Interest costs (if any);
+ Sustainable bidding factors (if any);
+ Information on the results of contract implementation for construction bids, EPC, EC, PC by the bidder according to the provisions of Article 17 and Article 18 of Decree No. 24/2024/NĐ-CP;
+ Other factors (if any).
1. Project completion schedule:
The project must be completed within the time frame according to the project completion schedule stipulated in the Electronic Bidding Document. If the bidder proposes an earlier completion time than stipulated in the Electronic Bidding Document, it will not be given priority; if the bidder proposes a later completion time than this period, the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents will be disqualified.
If the Investor or the Bidding Party can quantify the advantage of a day when the project is put into use early (within the time frame according to the project completion schedule) as A, this factor will be used in the evaluation price formula. If the bidder completes the project later than the earliest completion date by X days (but still within the time frame according to the project completion schedule), an amount of A x X will be added to the bid price of this bidder for comparison and ranking.
2. Life cycle costs should be used when the costs for operation and maintenance during the life cycle of the project are significant compared to the construction costs and may differ between Electronic Bid Documentss. Life cycle costs will be evaluated based on net present value. If life cycle costs are applied, the following factors may be considered for comparison and ranking purposes:
- Number of years calculating life cycle costs: ___ [specify the number of years];
- Discount rate for calculating net present value for operating and maintenance costs: ____ [specify the discount rate];
- Annual operating and maintenance costs throughout the life cycle of the project are determined as follows: ______ [specify how to determine];
- Other factors as required by the Investor;
3. Sustainable bidding (if any): _____ [this content may be specified if there is a requirement in Section 3 of this Chapter. In this case, the investor needs to quantify the monetary value of a deviation unit of parameters, indicators related to environmental and social friendliness compared to the minimum required level. In the case of prioritizing products and services with certified eco-labels, energy labels, and equivalents, specific regulations are needed];
4. Information about the results of the construction contract execution, EPC, EC, PC by the bidder as stipulated in Article 18 and Article 19 of Decree No. 24/2024/NĐ-CP;
5. Other factors (if any).
Step 5. Determine incentives (if any) according to the provisions in Section 32 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology
Step 6. Ranking bidders: Electronic Bid Documents with the lowest evaluated price after applying incentives is ranked first.
4.3. Method of combining technique and price[7]:
When applying this method, the evaluation criteria for technique must use a scoring method. A unified scoring scale (T) must be used with the technical scoring scale to determine the price score. T is the maximum technical score defined in Section 3.1 of this Chapter.
The comprehensive evaluation criteria are constructed based on the combination of technique and price. Depending on the scale and nature of each bidding package, it is necessary to determine the weight of technical points and the weight of price points to ensure that the weight of technical points plus the weight of price points equals 100%, in which the weight of technical points (K) is from 10% to 30%, and the weight of price points (T) is from 70% to 90%.
Step 1. Determine the bidding price;
Step 2. Adjust excess deviations (performed according to the provisions in Section 31 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology);
Step 3. Determine the bidding price after adjusting excess deviations (if any), minus the discount value (if any);
Step 4. Determine the comprehensive score:
The comprehensive score is determined as follows:
                                                    Glowest                  Technical scorebeing considered
Comprehensive evaluation criteria being considered ­ ( ___________ T +     _________________________  K) x 100
                                                    Gbeing considered                         Technical scorehighest
- Technical scorebeing considered: is the score determined at the technical evaluation step of the bidding document being considered;
- Highest technical score: is the highest technical score among the bidding documents that meet the technical requirements;
- G lowest: is the bidding price after error correction, adjustment of deviations minus the discount value (if any) that is the lowest among the bidding documents that meet the technical requirements;
- Gbeing considered: is the bidding price after error correction, adjustment of deviations minus the discount value (if any) of the bidding document being considered;
- K: Weight of technical points specified in the comprehensive scoring scale;
- T: Weight of price points specified in the comprehensive scoring scale;
- K + T = 100%. The weight of technical points (K) and price points (T) must be specifically determined in Electronic Bidding Document.
Step 5. Determine incentives (if any) according to the provisions in Section 32 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology.
Step 6. Ranking bidders: Electronic Bid Documents with the highest comprehensive score after applying incentives (if any) is ranked first.
Section 5. Alternative technical solutions in Electronic Bid Documents (if any)
In cases where bidders are allowed to propose alternative technical solutions as stipulated in Section 12 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, Electronic Bid Documents will be evaluated as follows:_____[list the criteria and standards for evaluating alternative technical solutions]
No Form Implementation method Responsibility for implementation  
Investor bidder  
1 Form No. 01A. List of work items (applies to lump-sum contracts) Webform X    
2 Form No. 01B. List of work items (applies to fixed unit price contracts) X    
3 Form No. 01C. List of work items (applies to adjusted unit price contracts) X    
4 Form No. 01D. List of work items (applies to output-based contracts) X    
5 Form No. 01E. List of work items (applies to mixed contracts) X    
6 Form No. 01F. Implementation schedule X    
I Electronic Technical Proposal Document
7 Form No. 02. Bid proposal (under Electronic Technical Proposal Document) Webform   X  
8 Form No. 03. PARTNERSHIP agreement   X  
9 Form No. 04A. Bid Guarantee (applies in case of independent bidders) Scan and attach or electronic guarantee   X  
10 Form No. 04B. Bid Guarantee (applies in case of PARTNERSHIP bidders)   X  
11 Form No. 05. Similar contracts executed by the bidder Webform   X  
12 Form No. 06A. Key Personnel Proposal Table   X  
13 Form No. 06B. Professional background of key personnel   X  
14 Form No. 06C. Experience Declaration Table   X  
15 Form No. 06D. Declaration of main construction equipment   X  
16 Form No. 07. Construction contract, EPC, EC, PC, turnkey not completed in the past   X  
17 Form No. 08A. Financial status of the bidder   X  
18 Form No. 08B. Financial resources   X  
19 Form No. 08C. Monthly financial resources for ongoing contracts   X  
20 Form No. 09A. Scope of work using subbidders   X  
21 Form No. 09B. Declaration of special subbidders   X  
22 Form No. 09C. List of subsidiaries and member companies undertaking part of the contract work   X  
23 Form No. 10. Implementation Schedule Table     X  
II Electronic Financial Proposal Document
24 Form No. 11A. Summary of bid prices (applies to lump-sum contracts) Webform   X  
25 Form No. 11B. Summary of bid prices (applies to fixed unit price contracts)   X  
26 Form No. 11C. Summary of bid prices (applies to adjusted unit price contracts)   X  
27  Form No. 11D. Summary of bid prices (applies to output-based contracts)   X  
28 Form No. 11E. Summary of bid prices (applies to mixed contracts)   X  
29 Form No. 12A. Daily Record Table X X  
30 Form No. 12B. Table of Estimated Provisions X X  
29 Form No. 12C. Adjustment Data Table X X  
30 Form No. 13. Bid Document (part of Electronic Financial Proposal Document)   X  
Form No. 01A (Webform on the System)
(Applicable for lump-sum contracts)
No. Description of Work(2) Reference Quantity(3) Unit of Measurement
(1), (3) The list of work items and quantities is for reference only; the bidder is responsible for accurately defining the work items according to the design and technical requirements in Chapter V. After finalizing the work items and quantities per the design, the bidder will quote for each item according to Form No. 11A of this Chapter.
(2) Refer to the corresponding content specified in Chapter V.

Form No. 01B (Webform on the System)
(Applicable for fixed-price contracts)

The investor lists the construction items related to the bidding package as follows:
No. Description of Bidding Work Technical Requirements/Main Technical Instructions Bidding Quantity Unit of Measurement  
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)  
I Items        
1 Item 1        
2 Item 2        
II Contingency Costs(*)        
  Contingency costs for additional quantities:   b1%    
(1), (2), (4), (5) The investor lists the names of the items, specific tasks for each item, unit of measurement, and quantity for the bidder to base their bid on.
(3) The investor specifies references to the corresponding technical requirements/instructions to implement the respective tasks in Chapter V of the Electronic Bidding Document or in the technical instruction documents (name of the item, page number, volume number…) to facilitate the bidder's review and study of the technical requirements/instructions as a basis for their bid.
(*) Contingency costs: in the Electronic Bidding Document, the percentage of contingency for additional quantities (b1%) must be clearly stated for the bidder to base their bid on. When participating in the bidding, the bidder must quote contingency costs for additional quantities at a value equal to the specified percentage (%) in the Electronic Bidding Document (b1%) multiplied by the costs of the items quoted by the bidder. Contingency costs can only be used when there is an actual increase in work quantity.
Form No. 01C (Webform on the System)
(For fixed unit price contracts)

The investor lists the construction items related to the implementation of the bidding package as follows:
No. Description of Bidding Work Technical Requirements/Main Technical Instructions Quantity Bidding Unit  
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)  
I Items        
1 Item 1        
2 Item 2        
II Contingency Costs(*)        
1 Contingency costs for additional quantities and inflation contingency:   b2%    
(1), (2), (4), (5) The investor lists the names of the items, specific tasks for each item, unit of measurement, and quantity for the bidder to base their bid on.
(3) The investor specifies references to the corresponding technical requirements/instructions to implement the respective tasks in Chapter V of the Electronic Bidding Document or in the technical instruction documents (name of the item, page number, volume number…) to facilitate the bidder's review and study of the technical requirements/instructions as a basis for their bid.
(*) Contingency costs:
In the Electronic Bidding Document, the percentage of contingency for additional quantities and inflation (b2%) must be clearly stated for the bidder to base their bid on. When participating in the bidding, the bidder must quote contingency costs for additional quantities and inflation contingency at a value equal to the specified percentage (%) in the Electronic Bidding Document (b2%) multiplied by the costs of the items quoted by the bidder. Contingency costs can only be used when there is an actual increase in work quantity or inflation.
Form No. 01D (Webform on the System)
(For output-based contract types)
No. Description of Bid Tasks Technical Requirements/Main Technical Instructions Bid Quantity Unit of Measurement
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Item 1      
2 Item 2      

(1), (2), (4), (5) The investor lists the names of the items, specific tasks, quantities, and units of measurement for the bidder to base their bid on.
(3) The investor specifies references to the corresponding technical requirements/instructions to implement the respective tasks in Chapter V of the Electronic Bidding Document or in the technical instruction documents (name of the item, page number, volume number…) to facilitate the bidder's review and study of the technical requirements/instructions as a basis for their bid.
Form No. 01E (Webform on the System)
(For mixed contract types)

The investor lists the relevant construction items to execute the bidding package as follows:
I. Items applying for the lump-sum contract(1)
No. Description of Work(2) Reference Quantity(3) Unit of Measurement
(1), (3) The itemized work list and quantities are for reference only; the bidder is responsible for accurately determining the work items in accordance with the design and technical requirements in Chapter V. After accurately determining the work items and quantities according to the design, the bidder shall quote for each item according to Form No. 11E of this Chapter.
(2) Referencing the corresponding content specified in Chapter V.
II. Items applicable for fixed unit price contracts
No. Description of Bid Work Technical Requirements/Main Technical Guidelines Bid Quantity Unit  
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)  
I Items        
1 Item 1        
2 Item 2        
II Contingency Costs(*)        
1 Contingency costs for additional quantities:   b1%    
(1), (2), (4), (5) The investor specifies the names of the items, specific tasks for each item, units of measurement, and quantities for the bidder to base their bid on.
(3) The investor specifies a reference to the corresponding content regarding technical requirements/technical instructions to perform the relevant work item in Chapter V Electronic Bidding Document or in the technical guidance documents (name of section, page number, volume number…) to facilitate the bidder in reviewing and studying the technical requirements/technical instructions as a basis for their bid.
(*) Contingency costs: in Electronic Bidding Document, the percentage of contingency for additional quantities (b1%) must be clearly stated for the bidder to base their bid. When participating in the bidding, the bidder must quote contingency costs for additional quantities equal to the percentage (%) specified in Electronic Bidding Document (b1%) multiplied by the costs of the items quoted by the bidder. Contingency costs can only be used when there is an actual increase in the work volume.
III. Items applicable for adjusted unit price contracts
No. Description of Bid Work Technical Requirements/Main Technical Guidelines Bid Quantity Unit  
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)  
I Items        
1 Item 1        
2 Item 2        
II Contingency Costs(*)        
1 Contingency costs for additional quantities and price adjustment contingency (*):   b2%    
(1), (2), (4), (5) The investor specifies the names of the items, specific tasks for each item, units of measurement, and quantities for the bidder to base their bid on.
(3) The investor specifies a reference to the corresponding content regarding technical requirements/technical instructions to perform the relevant work item in Chapter V of Electronic Bidding Document or in the technical guidance documents (name of section, page number, volume number…) to facilitate the bidder in reviewing and studying the technical requirements/technical instructions as a basis for their bid.
(*) Contingency Costs:
In Electronic Bidding Document, the percentage of contingency for additional quantities and price adjustment (b2%) must be clearly stated for the bidder to base their bid. When participating in the bidding, the bidder must quote contingency costs for additional quantities and price adjustment costs equal to the percentage (%) specified in Electronic Bidding Document (b2%) multiplied by the costs of the items quoted by the bidder. Contingency costs can only be used when there is an actual increase in the work volume or price adjustment.

IV. Items applicable for output-based contracts
No. Description of Bid Work Technical Requirements/Main Technical Guidelines Bid Quantity Unit
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Item 1      
2 Item 2      

(1), (2), (4), (5) The investor specifies the names of the items, specific tasks, quantities, and units of measurement for the bidder to base their bid on.
(3) The investor specifies a reference to the corresponding content regarding technical requirements/technical instructions to perform the relevant work item in Chapter V of Electronic Bidding Document or in the technical guidance documents (name of section, page number, volume number…) to facilitate the bidder in reviewing and studying the technical requirements/technical instructions as a basis for their bid.
Form No. 01F (Webform on the System)
No. Project Location Completion Time
of the project
Earliest completion time of the project [enter number of days from the contract effective date] Latest completion time of the project [enter number of days from the contract effective date]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(2):  Extract the name of the bidding package.
(3): Enter the location where the bidding package is implemented.
(4): The investor fills in but ensures that the time in this column is less than the time in column (5).
(5): Extract the implementation time of the bidding package.
Form No. 02 (webform on the System)
(part of Electronic Technical Proposal Document)

Date: ___ [System automatically extracts]
Bid Package Name: ___ [System automatically extracts]
To: ___ [System automatically extracts]
After studying the Electronic Bidding Document, we:
- bidder Name: ___ [System automatically extracts], Tax Code: ___ [System automatically extracts]commits to implementing the bidding package ____ [System automatically extracts] Electronic Invitation To Bid number: ___ [System automatically extracts] as required in the Electronic Bidding Document.
Validity of the Electronic Bid Documents: ____ [System automatically extracts]
Bid Guarantee: ___ [ state the value in numbers, in words, and the currency of the bid guarantee]
Validity of the Bid Guarantee(2): ____ [state the period of validity from the bid closing date]

We commit to:
1. Not undergoing the process of dissolution or having their business registration certificate, cooperative registration certificate, cooperative union registration, or cooperative group registration revoked, and not being in a state of insolvency according to the law on bankruptcy (not in the process of ceasing operations or having their business registration certificate revoked if the bidder is a business household).
2. Not violating the regulations on ensuring competition in bidding.
3. Having fulfilled tax obligations for the most recent fiscal year compared to the bid closing date.
4. Not being under a ban from participating in bidding according to the provisions of the bidding law;
5. Not being prosecuted for criminal liability (the household head is not being prosecuted for criminal liability in the case that the bidder is a business household);
6. Within three years prior to the bid closing date, the bidder has not had personnel (under labor contracts with the bidder at the time the personnel engaged in violations) convicted by the court for violating the regulations on bidding causing serious consequences according to criminal law for the purpose of ensuring that the bidder wins the bid.(3)
7. Not engaging in acts of corruption, bribery, collusion, obstruction, and other violations of the bidding law when participating in this bidding package.
8. Meeting the regulations on enterprise classification as required by Electronic Bidding Document for bidding packages with a value not exceeding 5 billion VND.
9. The information declared in the Electronic Bid Documents is truthful.
10. In the event of winning the bid, the Electronic Bid Documents and supplementary documents that clarify the Electronic Bid Documents shall constitute a binding agreement between both parties until the contract is signed.
11. If our Electronic Bid Documents is accepted, we will implement measures to ensure the performance of the contract as stipulated in Section 40.1 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology of the Electronic Bidding Document.
12. In the case that we do not submit the original bid guarantee as required by the Bidder stipulated in Section 18.5 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology; if the value of the bid guarantee is less than 20 million VND, not submitting cash, bank draft, bid guarantee letter, or insurance guarantee certificate according to the provisions in Section 18.7 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, then we will be named on the System and our account will be locked for 06 months from the date the Bidding Management Department of the Ministry of Planning and Investment receives the request letter from the Investor.
  1. The bid is signed with the digital signature of the bidder when the bidder submits the Electronic Bid Documents.
  2. In cases where the value of the bid guarantee is less than 20 million VND, this content does not apply.
  3. Electronic Bidding Document does not require the bidder to submit a judicial record of personnel to substantiate this evaluation.
Form No. 03 (Webform on the System)
Date: ___ [System automatically extracts]
Bid Package:        [System automatically extracts ]
Part of the project/purchase estimate: ­­­­____ [System automatically extracts]
Based on (1)       [System automatically extracts]
Based on(1)        [System automatically extracts]
Based on Electronic Bidding Document Bid Package: ­­­­­______ System automatically extracts] with the number Electronic Invitation To Bid:__ [System automatically extracts]
We, representing the parties signing the PARTNERSHIP agreement, include:
Name of the first PARTNERSHIP member:____ [System automatically extracts]
Tax Code: ___ [System automatically extracts];
Represented by Mr./Ms.:                                                                              
Name of the second PARTNERSHIP member:____ [System automatically extracts]
Tax Code: ___ [System automatically extracts];
Represented by Mr./Ms.:                                                                    
The parties (hereinafter referred to as members) agree to sign a PARTNERSHIP agreement with the following contents:
  Article 1. General Principles
  1. The members voluntarily form a PARTNERSHIP to participate in the bid for package____ [System automatically extracts] belonging to the project/purchase estimate ____ [System automatically extracts].
  2. The members agree on the name of the PARTNERSHIP for all transactions related to this bid package as: ____ [Enter the name of the PARTNERSHIP].
  3. The members commit that no member shall independently participate or form a PARTNERSHIP with other bidders to bid for this package. In the event of winning the bid, no member has the right to refuse to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations specified in the contract. If a member of the PARTNERSHIP refuses to complete their individual responsibilities as agreed, that member shall be handled as follows:
- Compensate for damages to the parties in the PARTNERSHIP;
- Compensate for damages to the Investor as specified in the contract;
- Other forms of handling ____ [specify the form of other handling].
Article 2. Assignment of Responsibilities
The members agree to assign responsibilities for implementing the package ____ [System automatically extracts] belonging to the project/purchase estimate ____ [System automatically extracts] for each member as follows:
1. Lead member of the PARTNERSHIP:
The parties agree to assign ____ [System automatically extracts PARTNERSHIP member] as the lead member of the PARTNERSHIP, representing the PARTNERSHIP in the following tasks(2):
- Use the account and digital certificate to submit the Electronic Bid Documents for the entire PARTNERSHIP.
[-Sign documents to communicate with the Investor, the Inviting Party during the bidding process, and documents for clarification or withdrawal of Electronic Bid Documents;
- Ensure the bid security for the entire PARTNERSHIP;
- Participate in document verification, negotiation, and contract finalization;
- Sign the petition in case the bidder has any requests;
- Other tasks except for signing the contract ____ [specify the content of other tasks (if any)].
2. The members in the PARTNERSHIP agree to assign responsibilities for performing tasks according to the table below(3):
No. Names of members
Content of responsibilities Percentage of responsibility value compared to total bid value
1 Lead member of the PARTNERSHIP
(System automatically extracts)
- ___
- ___
- ___%
- ___%
2 Second member - ___
- ___
- ___%
- ___%
.... .... .... ......
Total All tasks of the package 100%
Article 3. Effectiveness of the PARTNERSHIP Agreement
          1. The PARTNERSHIP agreement is effective from the date of signing.
          2. The PARTNERSHIP agreement terminates in the following cases:
          - The parties fulfill their responsibilities and obligations and proceed to liquidate the contract;
          - The parties mutually agree to terminate;
          - The PARTNERSHIP bidder does not win the bid;
          - The bid for package ____ [System automatically extracts] related to the project/procurement estimate ____ [System automatically extracts] as notified by the Investor.
          The PARTNERSHIP agreement is established with the approval of all members.

[confirmation, digital signature]
[confirmation, digital signature]

(1) The system automatically updates legal documents according to current regulations.
(2) The assignment of responsibilities includes one or more tasks as stated.
(3) The bidder must specify the specific tasks and the estimated corresponding value that each member in the PARTNERSHIP will perform, general responsibilities, and specific responsibilities of each member, including the lead member of the PARTNERSHIP.
The division of work in the PARTNERSHIP must be based on the items stated in the summary table of the bid price in Form No. 11 (11A or 11B or 11C or 11D or 11E) of this Chapter; tasks that do not fall under these items or do not belong to the production process of these items are not allowed.
Form No. 04A (Attached Scan)
(applicable in the case of an independent bidder)
Beneficiary (The party receiving the guarantee): ___ [write the name and address of the Investor specified in Item 1.1 E-Bidding Documents List or the name of the Bidder specified in Item 5.1(c) E-Bidding Documents List]
Date of issuance of the guarantee: ___ [write the date of issuance of the guarantee]
BID BOND No: ___ [write the summary number of the Bid Bond]
Guarantor: ___ [write the name and address of the issuing place, if this information is not shown in the header of the printed paper]
We have been informed that the guaranteed party is _____ [write the name of the bidder] (hereinafter referred to as “bidder”) will participate in bidding to implement package _____ [write the name of the package] related to the project/procurement estimate ____ [write the name of the project/procurement estimate] according to Invitation to Bid/Electronic Invitation To Bid No.____ [write the summary number of Invitation to Bid/Electronic Invitation To Bid].
We commit to the Beneficiary that we guarantee the bidder with an amount of____ [write clearly the value in numbers, in words and the currency used].
This guarantee is valid for ___(2) days, from the date____ month___ year___(3).
At the request of the bidder, we, as the Guarantor, commit(4) to pay the Beneficiary an amount of____ [write clearly the value in numbers, in words and the currency used] upon receiving a notification from the Beneficiary about the bidder's violation in the following cases:
1. After the bid closing time and during the validity period of Electronic Bid Documents, the bidder submits a written withdrawal of Electronic Bid Documents or refuses to perform one or more tasks proposed in Electronic Bid Documents as required by Electronic Bidding Document;
2. The bidder violates the provisions of Article 16 of the Bidding Law or violates the law on bidding leading to bid cancellation as specified in points d and e of Clause 1, Article 17 of the Bidding Law;
3. The bidder does not implement the measures to ensure contract performance as specified in Article 68 of the Bidding Law;
4. The bidder does not proceed or refuses to verify documents, negotiate the contract (if any) within 05 working days from the date of receiving the invitation to verify documents, negotiate the contract (if any) or has verified the documents, negotiated the contract (if any) but refuses to finalize, sign the verification record of documents, negotiate the contract (if any), except in cases of force majeure;
5. The bidder does not proceed or refuses to finalize the contract within 10 days from the date of receiving the notification of winning the bid from the bidder, except in cases of force majeure;
6. The bidder does not proceed or refuses to sign the contract within 10 days from the date of completing the contract, except in cases of force majeure.
In the case of the bidder winning the bid, this guarantee will be invalidated immediately after the bidder signs the contract and submits the contract performance guarantee to the Beneficiary as per the agreement in that contract.
In the case of the bidder not winning the bid, this guarantee will be invalidated immediately after we receive a copy of the notification of the bidder selection results or within 30 days from the expiration date of Electronic Bid Documents, whichever comes first.
Any claim for compensation under this guarantee must be sent to our office before or on the last day of validity of this guarantee.
Legal representative of the bank
[write name, title, sign, and seal]

(1) In case the bid guarantee violates any of the regulations such as: having a lower value, a shorter validity period than required in Section 18.2 E-Bidding Documents List, incorrect name of the beneficiary, not being the original, lacking valid signatures, signing before the Investor issues Electronic Bidding Document, or includes conditions that disadvantage the Investor, the Bidder, the bid guarantee shall be considered invalid. This bid guarantee is an irrevocable bid guarantee. If necessary, for large-scale packages, to ensure the rights of the Investor, the Bidder in confiscating the value of the bid guarantee when the bidder violates the provisions stated in the Bid Guarantee, the Investor or the Bidder may request the bidder to provide documents to prove that the bid guarantee submitted in Electronic Bid Documents is an irrevocable bid guarantee.
(2) Write according to the regulations on the validity period in Section 18.2 E-Bidding Documents List. 
(3) Write the date of the bid closing time as specified in Electronic Invitation To Bid. The validity period of the bid guarantee is calculated from the date of the bid closing time to the last valid date of the bid guarantee (the termination of the bid guarantee falls within the last day of the validity of the bid guarantee without needing to last until 24 hours of that day).

(4) In case the bid guarantee lacks one or more of the committed contents mentioned above, it will be deemed as a condition disadvantageous to the Investor, the Bidder according to the provisions in Section 18.3 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, and the guarantee letter will be considered invalid.
Form No. 04B (Attached Scan)
(applicable in the case of a PARTNERSHIP bidder)

Beneficiary (The party receiving the guarantee):___ [write the name and address of the Investor specified in Item 1.1 E-Bidding Documents List or the name of the Bidder specified in Item 5.1(c) E-Bidding Documents List]
Date of issuance of the guarantee:___ [write the date of issuance of the guarantee]
BID BOND No:___ [write the summary number of the Bid Bond]
Guarantor:___[write the name and address of the issuing place, if this information is not shown in the header of the printed paper]
We have been informed that the guaranteed party is ____ [write the name of the bidder](2) (hereinafter referred to as “bidder”) will participate in bidding to implement package____ [write the name of the package] related to the project/procurement estimate ____ [write the name of the project/procurement estimate] according to Invitation to Bid/Electronic Invitation To Bid No____ [write the summary number of Invitation to Bid/Electronic Invitation To Bid].

We commit to the Beneficiary that we guarantee the bidder participating in this bid package with an amount of ____ [write clearly the value in numbers, in words and the currency used].
This guarantee is valid for___(3) days, from the date____month___ year___(4).
At the request of the bidder, we, as the Guarantor, commit(5) to pay the Beneficiary an amount of___ [write clearly the value in numbers, in words and the currency used] upon receiving a notification from the Beneficiary about the bidder's violation in the following cases:
1. After the bid closing time and during the validity period of Electronic Bid Documents, the bidder has a written withdrawal of Electronic Bid Documents or refuses to perform one or more of the proposed tasks in Electronic Bid Documents as required by Electronic Bidding Document;
2. The bidder has committed violations specified in Article 16 of the Bidding Law or violated the law on bidding leading to cancellation of the bidding according to the provisions in points d and đ clause 1 Article 17 of the Bidding Law;
3. The bidder fails to implement the measures to ensure the contract as stipulated in Article 68 of the Bidding Law;
4. The bidder does not proceed or refuses to verify documents, negotiate the contract (if any) within 05 working days from the date of receiving the invitation to verify documents, negotiate the contract (if any) or has verified the documents, negotiated the contract (if any) but refuses to finalize, sign the verification record of documents, negotiate the contract (if any), except in cases of force majeure;
5. The bidder does not proceed or refuses to finalize the contract within 10 days from the date of receiving the notification of winning the bid from the bidder, except in cases of force majeure;
6. The bidder does not proceed or refuses to sign the contract within 10 days from the date of completing the contract, except in cases of force majeure.”.
7. If any member of the PARTNERSHIP ____ [write the full name of the PARTNERSHIP bidder] violates the provisions of the law leading to the bid guarantee not being refunded according to the provisions in point b clause 18.5 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, then the bid guarantee of all members in the PARTNERSHIP will not be refunded.
In the case of the bidder winning the bid, this guarantee will be invalidated immediately after the bidder signs the contract and submits the contract performance guarantee to the Beneficiary as per the agreement in that contract.
In the case of the bidder not winning the bid, this guarantee will be invalidated immediately after we receive a copy of the notification of the bidder selection results or within 30 days from the expiration date of Electronic Bid Documents, whichever comes first.
Any claim for compensation under this guarantee must be sent to our office before or on the last day of validity of this guarantee.
Legal representative of the bank
[write name, title, sign, and seal]

(1) In case the bid guarantee violates any of the regulations such as: having a lower value, a shorter validity period than required in Section 18.2 E-Bidding Documents List, incorrect name of the beneficiary, not being the original, lacking valid signatures, signing before the Investor issues Electronic Bidding Document, or includes conditions that disadvantage the Investor, the Bidder, the bid guarantee shall be considered invalid. This bid guarantee is an irrevocable bid guarantee. If necessary, for large-scale packages, to ensure the rights of the Investor, the Bidder in confiscating the value of the bid guarantee when the bidder violates the provisions stated in the Bid Guarantee, the Investor or the Bidder may request the bidder to provide documents to prove that the bid guarantee submitted in Electronic Bid Documents is an irrevocable bid guarantee.
(2) The bidder's name may be one of the following cases:
- The name of the entire PARTNERSHIP bidder, for example, if the PARTNERSHIP bidder A + B participates in the bidding, the bidder's name is recorded as “PARTNERSHIP bidder A + B”;
- The name of the member responsible for providing the bid guarantee for the entire PARTNERSHIP or for another member in the PARTNERSHIP, for instance, if the PARTNERSHIP bidder A + B + C participates in the bidding, and in the PARTNERSHIP agreement, bidder A is assigned to provide the bid guarantee for the entire PARTNERSHIP, the bidder's name is recorded as “bidder A (on behalf of PARTNERSHIP bidder A + B + C)”; if in the PARTNERSHIP agreement, bidder B is assigned to provide the bid guarantee for bidders B and C, the bidder's name is recorded as “bidder B (on behalf of bidders B and C)”;
- The name of the PARTNERSHIP member providing the bid guarantee separately.
(3) Write according to the regulations on the validity period in Section 18.2 E-Bidding Documents List. 
(4) Write the date of the bid closing time as specified in Electronic Invitation To Bid. The validity period of the bid guarantee is calculated from the date of the bid closing time to the last valid date of the bid guarantee (the termination of the bid guarantee falls within the last day of the validity of the bid guarantee without needing to last until 24 hours of that day).
(5) In case the bid guarantee lacks one or more commitments in the contents mentioned above, it shall be deemed as having conditions that disadvantage the Investor, the Bidder according to the provisions in Section 18.3 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology, and the guarantee letter shall be considered invalid.
Form No. 05 (Webform on the System)
bidder's name: _____[write the full name of the bidder].
Information about each contract, each contract needs to ensure the following information:
Name and contract number        [write the full name of the contract, reference number]
Date of contract signing       [write date, month, year]
Completion date [write date, month, year]
Contract value [write total contract value in currency and amount signed] Equivalent ____ VND
In case of being a member of the PARTNERSHIP, summarize the part of the work undertaken in the PARTNERSHIP and the value of the part of the contract undertaken by the bidder [write a summary of the part of the work undertaken in the PARTNERSHIP] [write the percentage of the contract value undertaken in the total contract value; amount and currency signed] Equivalent ___ VND
Project name/purchase estimate: [write the full name of the project/purchase estimate with the contract being declared]
Investor's name: [write the full name of the Investor in the contract being declared]
[write the full current address of the Investor]
[write phone number, fax number including country code, area code]
[write e-mail address]
Description of the similar nature as stipulated in Section 2.1 Chapter III (2)
1. Type of structure, construction grade [write information in the contract]
2. Contract value executed [write the actual contract value executed based on the accepted value, contract liquidation]
3. Scope of execution [write information in the contract]
4. Methods, technology [write information in the contract]
5. Other contents [write information (if any)]

The bidder thoroughly studies the Electronic Bidding Document and proposes similar contracts to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Electronic Bidding Document.
(1) In case of a PARTNERSHIP, each member in the PARTNERSHIP must declare according to this Form. If the bidder has multiple similar contracts, each contract must be declared using this Form.
(2) The bidder only declares contents similar to the requirements of the bid package. 
(3) In case the contract value is not calculated in VND, it must be converted to VND at the exchange rate as stipulated in Section 2.1 Chapter III to serve as a basis for evaluation. 
Form No. 06A (webform on the System)

The bidder must declare key personnel as stipulated in point a, Section 2.2, Chapter III, and must prove the ability to mobilize these personnel to participate in the execution of the bid package. Key personnel can be either employed by the bidder or mobilized by the bidder. In the event that the key personnel proposed by the bidder in the Electronic Bid Documents do not meet the requirements or fail to prove the ability to mobilize personnel (including cases where personnel have been mobilized for other contracts overlapping with the execution period of this bid package), the inviting party allows the bidder to supplement or replace them. The bidder is only allowed to supplement or replace once for each personnel position within a suitable period, but not less than 03 working days. If the bidder has no suitable substitute personnel for the requirements of the Electronic Bidding Document, the bidder will be disqualified. In any case, if the bidder declares personnel dishonestly, they will not be allowed to replace other personnel, the Electronic Bid Documents of the bidder will be disqualified, and the bidder will be considered fraudulent according to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 16 of the Law on Bidding and will be penalized according to the provisions of point a, Clause 1, Article 125 of Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP
No. Full Name Job Position
1  [the bidder selects key personnel from its database on the System] [specify the job position held in the bid package]
2 .  
Form No. 06B (Webform on the System)
Personnel Information   Current Job  
No. Name National ID/Passport Position Date of Birth Certificate/Professional Qualifications Employer's Name Employer's Address Title Years of Service with Current Employer Contact Person (Head of Department/HR Officer) Phone/Fax/Email
1  [enter name of key personnel 1]                    
2  [enter name of key personnel 2]                    
n  [enter name of key personnel n]                    
The bidder must provide all required information and prepare documents for verification (certified copies of relevant diplomas and certificates) during the document verification process.
Form No. 06C (Webform on the System)
No. Name of Key Personnel From Date To Date Company/Project/Position/Contract/
Related Professional Experience and
1 [enter name of key personnel 1] 
 …  …  …

List in chronological order the work history of the expert, without listing any irrelevant or unsuitable jobs related to the current request.
The bidder must provide all required information and prepare documents for verification during the document verification process.

Form No. 06D (Webform on the System)

The bidder must declare the main construction equipment according to the provisions in point b of Section 2.2 Chapter III and must prove the ability to mobilize this equipment to participate in the bidding package. The main construction equipment may be owned by the bidder or mobilized by the bidder. If the main construction equipment proposed by the bidder in the Electronic Bid Documents does not meet the requirements, the contracting authority allows the bidder to supplement or replace. The bidder is only allowed to supplement or replace once for each piece of equipment within a suitable period but not less than 03 working days. If the bidder does not have substitute equipment that meets the requirements of the Electronic Bidding Document, the bidder will be disqualified. In all cases, if the bidder declares equipment dishonestly, the bidder cannot replace personnel or other equipment, the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents will be disqualified, and the bidder will be considered fraudulent according to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 16 of the Bidding Law and will be handled according to the provisions in point a, Clause 1, Article 125 of Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP.
NO. Equipment Information Current Status
Type of Equipment Manufacturer Name Model (Type) Capacity Year of Manufacture Features Origin Registration/Inspection Number (if any) Current Location of the Equipment Information on Current Mobilization and Use of the Equipment Equipment Source
(Owned by bidder/Rented/Leased/Specially Manufactured)

For equipment not owned by the bidder, additional information below must be provided:
Owner Agreement
Type of Equipment Owner's Name Owner's Address Phone Number Fax Number Telex Detailed Information on Lease/Rental/Special Manufacturing Agreements for Project Equipment
Form No. 07 (Webform on the System)

bidder's Name: ________________
Date: ______________________
Name of the member of the PARTNERSHIP bidder (if any):_________________________
Construction contracts, EPC, EC, PC not completed due to the bidder's fault in the past as stipulated in Section 2.1 Chapter III
¨      No contracts for construction, EPC, EC, PC not completed due to bidder's fault since January 1st __ [write year]according to Evaluation Criterion 1 in the Standard Evaluation Criteria for Capacity and Experience in Section 2.1 Chapter III.
¨      There are construction contracts, EPC, EC, PC signed but not completed due to bidder's fault since January 1st ___ [write year]according to Evaluation Criterion 1 in the Standard Evaluation Criteria for Capacity and Experience in Section 2.1 Chapter III.
Year Uncompleted Contract Work Contract Description
Total Contract Value (value, currency type, exchange rate, equivalent value in VND)
    Contract Description: __________________
Client Name: ___________________
Address: _________________________
Reason for Uncompleted Contract: ________________________
(1) The bidder must accurately and honestly declare the construction contracts, EPC, EC, PC that were not completed due to the bidder's fault in the past; if the inviting party discovers that the bidder has uncompleted construction contracts, EPC, EC, PC due to the bidder's fault that were not declared, the bidder will be deemed to have acted fraudulently, and the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents will be rejected. In the case of a PARTNERSHIP bidder, each member must declare according to this template.

Form No. 08A (Webform on the System)

bidder's Name: ________________
Date: ______________________
Name of the PARTNERSHIP bidder member (if any):_________________________

  The bidder's financial year from ___ month ___ to ___ month ____ (the bidder fills in this content)
  Financial data for recent years as required by Electronic Bidding Document (The system automatically extracts based on the bidder's financial year)
  Year 1: Year 2: Year 3:
Total Assets      
Total Debt      
Net Asset Value      
Annual Revenue (excluding VAT)      
Average Annual Revenue (excluding VAT) (2) (The system calculates automatically)
Profit Before Tax      
Profit After Tax      
(1) In the case of a PARTNERSHIP bidder, each member must declare according to this template.
 (2) To determine the average annual revenue (excluding VAT), the bidder divides the total revenue of the years (excluding VAT) by the number of years based on the information provided.
Annual revenue is calculated as the total revenue in the financial report of that year (excluding VAT).
Average annual revenue (excluding VAT) = total revenue of each year (excluding VAT) as required by Electronic Bidding Document/number of years.
In the case of a newly established bidder that does not have enough years as required by Electronic Bidding Document, the average annual revenue (excluding VAT) is calculated based on the number of years for which the bidder has financial data.
Annual revenue (excluding VAT) is extracted from the bidder's capacity profile. If the bidder finds that the annual revenue (excluding VAT) in the bidder's capacity profile has not been updated by the Electronic Tax System and the National Business Registration Information System, the bidder must update the information on annual revenue (excluding VAT) in the capacity profile to participate in the bidding but ensure it matches the data the bidder has declared on the Electronic Tax System at the time of bid closure. In this case, the bidder must prepare documents to verify the information declared by the bidder during the document verification process and contract negotiation (if any) as follows:
Copies of financial reports (including balance sheets with all relevant notes, and income statements) for the years mentioned above, complying with the following conditions:
1. Reflect the financial situation of the bidder or PARTNERSHIP member (if a PARTNERSHIP bidder), not the financial situation of an affiliated entity like a parent company affiliated with a subsidiary or an affiliate company with the bidder or PARTNERSHIP member.
2. The financial reports must be complete and contain all the content required.
3. The financial reports must correspond to the completed accounting periods accompanied by a certified copy of one of the following documents:
- Minutes of the tax settlement inspection;
- Self-settlement tax declaration (value-added tax and corporate income tax) with confirmation from the tax authority regarding the time of filing;
- Documentation proving that the bidder has declared electronic tax settlement;
- Confirmation document from the tax management authority (annual payment confirmation) regarding the tax payment obligations;
- Audit report (if any);
- Other documents.
The above documents must match the data the bidder has declared on the Electronic Tax System at the time of bid closure.
Form No. 08B (Webform on the System)

Specify the anticipated financial sources, such as highly liquid assets, available credit limits (unused credit limits)(*) or other financial sources (excluding contract advance payments) available to meet the financial resource requirements stated in Form No. 08C of this Chapter.
Financial resources of the bidder
No. Financial Source Amount (VND)
Total financial resources of the bidder (Total financial resources)  
(1) Each bidder or member of the PARTNERSHIP must provide information about their financial resources, accompanied by supporting documents.
The financial resources that the bidder plans to mobilize to implement the bidding package are calculated using the following formula:
Financial capacity = Total financial resources – ĐTH
- Financial capacity is the financial resource that the bidder plans to mobilize to execute the bidding package;
- Total financial resources is the total financial resources of the bidder (stated in this Form);
- ĐTH is the total monthly financial resource requirement for the contracts currently being executed (stated in Form No. 08C).
The bidder is assessed to meet the financial resource requirements for the bidding package if the projected financial resource mobilization (Financial capacity) is at least equal to the required value at evaluation criterion 3.3 of Table No. 01: Financial Capacity and Experience Assessment Criteria, Section 2.1, Chapter III.
In case in the Electronic Bid Documents, the bidder submits a commitment to provide credit from a legally operating credit institution in Vietnam, which commits to providing credit to the bidder for the package under consideration that meets the requirements of evaluation criterion 3.3 of the Financial Capacity and Experience Assessment Criteria, Section 2.1, Chapter III, then the bidder is assessed to meet the financial resource requirements for the bidding package. The commitment to provide credit includes the conditions for obtaining credit from the bank in accordance with legal provisions on credit, which is still accepted; in addition to using the commitment to provide credit, the bidder must still declare information according to this Form and Form No. 08C.
(2) High liquidity assets are cash and cash equivalents, short-term financial instruments, securities ready for sale, easily sellable securities, trade receivables, short-term financial receivables, and other assets that can be converted into cash within one year.
(*) Available credit limit (unused limit) is the total remaining credit limit in all Credit Agreements that the bidder is permitted to use.
Form No. 08C (Webform on the System)
No. Contract Name Contact Person of Investor (address, phone, fax) Contract Completion Date Remaining Contract Duration in Months (A)(2)
Outstanding Contract Value, Including Tax
Monthly Financial Resource Requirement

A. Total Monthly Financial Resource Requirement for Current Contracts (ĐTH)  
(1) Each bidder or member of the PARTNERSHIP must provide the information below to calculate the total financial resource requirements, totaling: (i) the current commitments of the bidder (or each member of the PARTNERSHIP) in all contracts that the bidder (or each member of the PARTNERSHIP) is executing or will execute; (ii) the financial resource requirement for the contract under consideration. Additionally, the bidder must also provide information on any other financial obligations that may significantly affect the execution of the contract under consideration if the bidder is awarded the contract.
(2) The remaining duration of the contract is calculated as of 28 days before the bid closing date.
(3) The outstanding contract value not yet paid is calculated as of 28 days before the bid closing date.
Form No. 09A (Webform on the System)
No. Subbidder Name(2) Scope of Work(3) Volume of Work(4) Estimated % Value (5) Contract or Agreement with Subbidder(6)
(1) In cases where the Electronic Bidding Document stipulates the use of subbidders, the bidder must declare according to this form.
(2) The bidder must specify the name of the subbidder. If the identity of the subbidder is not yet determined at the time of bidding, it does not need to be declared in this column but only in the “Scope of Work” column. If the bidder is awarded the contract, using a subbidder for the declared work must be approved by the Investor.
(3) The bidder must specify the specific name of the work item assigned to the subbidder.
(4) The bidder must specify the specific volume of work assigned to the subbidder.
(5) The bidder must specify the percentage value of the work that the subbidder undertakes compared to the bid price.
(6) The bidder must specify the contract number or agreement and attach a scanned copy of these documents in the Electronic Bid Documents.
Form No. 09B (Webform on the System)

The bidder must provide documentation proving compliance with the requirements specified in clause 2.3, Section 2, Chapter III.
No. Special Subbidder Name(2) Scope of Work(3) Volume of Work(4) Estimated % Value (5) Contract or Agreement with Special Subbidder(6)

(1) In case of using special subbidders, fill out this form.
(2) The bidder specifies the name of the special subbidder.
(3) The investor specifies the name of the work item for which the special subbidder will be used.
(4) The bidder specifies the volume of work designated for the special subbidder.
(5) The bidder specifies the % value of the work undertaken by the special subbidder compared to the total value of the bid.
(6) The bidder specifies the number of the contract or agreement and attaches scanned copies of these documents in the Electronic Bid Documents.
Form No. 09C (Webform on the System)



Name of Subsidiary or Affiliate(2) Work Assumed in the Bid(3) % Value Compared to Bid Price(4) Notes
(1) In the case where the bidding bidder is the parent company (for example, a general corporation) mobilizing subsidiaries or affiliated companies to perform part of the work in the bidding package, this must be explicitly stated in this table. The evaluation of experience in performing similar contracts is based on the value and volume of work undertaken by the parent company and the subsidiaries in the bidding package. If the bidding bidder is not a parent company, this form does not apply.
(2) Specifically state the names of subsidiaries and affiliated companies.
(3) Specifically state the portion of work undertaken by subsidiaries and affiliated companies.
(4) Specifically state the percentage value of the work undertaken by subsidiaries and affiliated companies compared to the bid price.
Form No. 10 (Webform in the System)

The bidder proposes a implementation schedule that meets the requirements of the Investor and is consistent with the technical proposal of the bidder.
No. Project Location Completion Time
of the project
Proposed Completion Time by the bidder
[specify the number of days from the effective date of the contract]
Earliest completion time of the project [specify the number of days from the effective date of the contract] Latest completion time of the project[specify the number of days from the effective date of the contract]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(2), (3), (4), (5): Extracted from Form No. 01F of this Chapter.
(6): Proposed by the bidder.
Form No. 11A (Webform in the System)
(For fixed-price contracts)
No. Description of work (2) Unit of measure Price by items (3)
1 Work item 1    
2 Work item 2    
Total: [The system calculates automatically]  
(1) The bidder's bid price is considered to include all necessary costs to execute the bidding package according to the design and technical requirements specified in the Electronic Bidding Document, without making adjustments for discrepancies in the work items proposed by the bidder in the bid price summary compared to the work item list specified in the Electronic Bidding Document, except in cases where the proposed work is outside the requirements in the Electronic Bidding Document (beyond the volume needed to complete according to the design). In such cases, the work outside the scope required in the Electronic Bidding Document will be considered additional and will be adjusted according to regulations.
- The bid price is the total value of the items listed in the "Description of work" column. The bidder's bid must include costs for all types of taxes, fees, and contingencies (if any). The bidder must calculate these costs and allocate them within the bid price.
(2) The bidder is responsible for reviewing the work item list stated in the Electronic Bidding Document. The bidder must supplement and bid for any work items that are necessary to complete the work according to the design but are not included in the work item list. If the bidder does not supplement the missing work items compared to the design, the bidder is deemed to have allocated the price of these missing work items into other work items of the bidding package. The bidder is responsible for completing the work according to the design and meeting the technical requirements at the proposed price. In cases where it is discovered that there are surplus work items compared to the design, the bidder will remove the surplus items from the bid price summary.
(3) The bidder is responsible for allocating contingency costs (if any) into the bid price. The bidder is not allowed to separately quote contingency costs. If the bidder quotes contingency costs separately, it will be considered as an excess quote and will be adjusted for discrepancies.
(4) When executing the contract, if the bidder completes the entire bidding package according to the design documents and technical requirements, the total amount the bidder will be paid until all obligations under the contract are fulfilled will be exactly the price stated in the contract.
Form No. 11B (Webform in the System)
(For fixed-price contracts)
No. Description of bidding work Technical requirements/Main technical instructions Bidding volume Unit of measure Bid price Total amount  
(Column 4 x 6)  
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)  
I Items         A=A1+A2+…  
I.1 Item 1 A1
I.2 Item 2 A2
II Contingency Costs            
1 Contingency costs for incurred volume(*)   b1%     B1 = b1% x A  
2 Labor costs         Y1  
3 Expenses for other provisional items         Y2  
Total bid price (including taxes, fees, and charges (if any)) A+B1+Y1+Y2
(6): The bidder records the bid unit price for each item. The bidder's bid must include costs for all taxes, fees, and charges (if any) and contingency costs.
(7) Automatic calculation system.
(*): Extracted from the investor's bidding table. Contingency costs are only to be used when there is an actual increase in work volume.

Form No. 11C (Webform on the System)
(For adjusted unit price contracts)
No. Description of the bidding work Technical requirements/Main technical instructions Bid volume Unit Bid unit price Total amount  
(Column 4 x 6)  
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)  
I Items         A=A1+A2+…  
I.1 Item 1 A1
I.2 Item 2 A2
II Contingency Costs (*)            
1 Contingency costs for arising volumes and inflationary contingency costs   b2%     B2 = b2% x A  
2 Labor costs         Y1  
3 Costs for other provisional items         Y2  
Summary of bid prices (including taxes, fees, and charges (if any)) A+B2+Y1+Y2
(6) The bidder records the unit price for each item in the bid.
 (7) The system calculates automatically. The bidder's bid must include costs for all types of taxes, fees, and charges (if any) and contingency costs.
(*) extracted from the bidding table of the Investor. Contingency costs may only be used when there are additional volumes of work in practice and inflation occurs.
Form No. 11D (Webform on the System)
(For output-based contracts)
No. Description of bid work Technical requirements/Main technical guidelines Volume of bids Unit Bid price Total amount
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)=(4)x(6)
I.1 Item 1         A1
I.2 Item 2         A2
Summary of bidding prices (including taxes, fees, and charges (if any)) A1+A2

(6): The bidder records the bid prices for each item. The bidder's bid must include costs for all types of taxes, fees, and charges (if any).
(7) The system calculates automatically.

Form No. 11E (Webform in the System)
(For mixed contracts)

I. Items applying the fixed-price contract type(1)
No. Description of work (2) Unit Price according to
items (3)
1 Work Item 1    
2 Work Item 2    
Total: [System calculates automatically] X1
(1) The bid prices for these items are considered to include all necessary costs to implement according to the design and technical requirements stated in the Electronic Bidding Document, without making adjustments for deviations if the work items proposed by the bidder differ from those in the work item list (for items applying the fixed-price contract type) stated in the Electronic Bidding Document, except for the proposed different work outside the requirements in the Electronic Bidding Document (beyond the quantity required to complete according to the design). In this case, the work outside the requirements in the Electronic Bidding Document will be considered as excess and adjusted according to regulations.
- The bid price for these items is the total value of the items listed in the “Description of Work” column. The bidder's bid must include costs for all types of taxes, fees, and charges, as well as contingency costs (if any). The bidder must calculate the above costs and allocate them within the item prices.
(2) The bidder is responsible for reviewing the work item list (for items applying the fixed-price contract type) stated in the Electronic Bidding Document. The bidder must supplement and quote prices for work items that the bidder finds are not included in the work item list (for items applying the fixed-price contract type) but are necessary to complete the work according to the design. If the bidder does not add the missing work items according to the design, the bidder is considered to have allocated the prices of these work items into other items of the bidding package. The bidder is responsible for completing the work according to the design and meeting the technical requirements at the quoted price. If excess work items are discovered in the work item list compared to the design, the bidder will remove the excess items from the summary of bid prices.
(3) The bidder is responsible for allocating contingency costs (if any) into the prices of the items. The bidder is not allowed to quote contingency costs separately. If the bidder quotes contingency costs separately, it will be considered as an excess quote and will be subject to correction for deviation.
(4) When executing the contract, if the bidder completes all work items applying the fixed-price contract type according to the design documents and technical requirements, the total amount that the bidder is paid until fulfilling the obligations under the contract will be equal to the prices of the fixed-price contract type items stated in the contract.
II. Items applying the unit price contract type
No. Description of Work Technical Requirements/Main Technical Instructions Bid Quantity Unit Bid Price Total Price
(Column 4 x 6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
I Items         A=A1+A2+…
I.1 Item 1 A1
I.2 Item 2 A2
II Contingency costs for arising quantities(*)   b1%     B1 = b1% x A
Summary of bid prices (including taxes, fees, and charges (if any)) X2=A+B1
(6): the bidder records the bid price for each item. The bid price must include costs for taxes, fees, and charges (if any) and contingency costs.
(7) The system automatically calculates.
(*): extracted from the investor's bidding table. Contingency costs can only be used when there is an actual increase in work quantity.

III. Items applying the fixed unit price contract
No. Description of bidding work Technical requirements/Main technical instructions Bidding volume Unit of measurement Bid price Total
(Column 4 x 6)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
I Items         A=A1+A2+…
I.1 Item 1 A1
I.2 Item 2 A2
II Contingency costs (*)          
1 Contingency costs for arising workloads and inflation contingency costs   b2%     B2 = b2% x A
Summary of bid prices (including taxes, fees, and charges, if any) X3=A+B2
(6) the bidder records the bid price for each item.
(7) The system calculates automatically. The bidder's bid price must include costs for various taxes, fees, charges (if any), and contingency costs.
(*): extracted from the invitation to bid from the Investor. Contingency costs can only be used when there is an increase in actual workloads and inflation.
IV. Items applicable to the contract type based on output results
No. Description of bidding work Technical requirements/Main technical guidelines Bidding volume Unit of measure Bid price Amount
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)=(4)x(6)
I.1 Item 1         A1
I.2 Item 2         A2
Summary of bid prices (including taxes, fees, and charges, if any) X4=A1+A2
(6): The bidder records the bid price for each item.
(7) The system calculates automatically.

V. Summary of bid prices
No. Items Total Amount
I Items applicable to the lump-sum contract X1
II Items applicable to the fixed-price contract X2
III Items applicable to the adjustable-price contract X3
IV Items applicable to the contract based on output results X4
IV Daily labor costs Y1
V Costs for provisional amounts Y2
  Total (Extracted from the bid price) X=X1+X2+X3+X4+Y1+Y2
Form No. 12A (Webform on the System)
1. General Regulations
a) The labor cost table is generally applied to contracts that may incur additional work beyond the work specified in the summary of bid prices or cannot be included in the description, volume, and estimated quantity in the summary of bid prices.
In cases where it is necessary to include the Labor Cost Table in the Electronic Bidding Document, the quantities and nominal amounts for items that may require labor costs must be clearly stated so that the bidder can base their pricing on it. The bid price for the labor portion will be included in the Provisional Cost section of the Summary of Bid Prices. The Provisional Costs section, which includes labor costs, will be separated and not considered during the evaluation process of the Electronic Bid Documents to compare the Electronic Bid Documentss.
b) The winning bid price and the contract price will include the Provisional Costs quoted by the bidder in the Electronic Bid Documents. In the event that labor or other provisional work arises during the execution of the contract, the Investor will use the budget for provisional costs to pay the bidder according to the provisions of the contract.
c) Work will not be performed on a labor cost basis unless there is a written request from the Investor. The bidder must fill in the unit price and total amount for labor items in the Labor, Material, and Equipment Tables. The price quoted by the bidder will apply to any labor volume requested by the Investor. Unless otherwise stated in the contract, payments for labor will depend on the price adjustment provisions in the contract conditions.
2. Labor Calculated by Labor Cost
a) When calculating payments for the bidder based on labor costs, the hours for labor will be calculated from the time the labor arrives on-site to perform the labor tasks until the time they return to the original departure point, excluding lunch breaks and other break times. Only the time of direct laborers performing the work as required by the Investor and work that laborers are capable of performing will be considered for cost calculation. The time of the foreman participating in construction with the labor team will also be counted, but not the time of the bidder or other supervisory personnel.

b) The bidder will be paid for the total time that labor is hired on a labor cost basis. The payment amount will be calculated based on the unit price that the bidder quoted in The Labor Cost Table: 1. Labor. The unit price is considered to have included (but is not limited to) all costs payable to the bidder such as:
- The amount of wages paid to workers;
- Travel costs, overtime, living expenses;
- Social welfare-related costs;
- The bidder's profit, management, supervision, and insurance costs;
- Costs for electricity, water, security, office supplies, communication, administration, clerical, and other related costs.
3. Materials Calculated by Labor Cost
The bidder will be paid for materials used to perform work according to labor costs at the unit price quoted by the bidder in The Labor Cost Table: 2. Materials. The unit price must be quoted in VND and is considered to include management costs and profit as follows:
a) The material unit price will be calculated based on the price stated on the invoice plus the costs to deliver the materials to the warehouse at the site, including transportation costs, insurance, unloading costs, damages, losses, etc.;
b) The transportation costs for materials to be used for work requested to be performed according to labor costs from the storage warehouse at the site to the location where the materials will be used will be paid according to the terms regarding Labor and Equipment in this Table.
4. bidder's Equipment Calculated by Labor Cost
a) The bidder will be paid for the bidder's equipment already at the site and used for work according to labor costs at the unit price quoted by the bidder in The Labor Cost Table: 3. bidder's Equipment. The unit price must be quoted in VND and is considered to include (but is not limited to) the following costs:
  • Equipment depreciation costs;
  • Interest costs, compensation costs, insurance, repair, maintenance, materials, fuel, oil, and other consumable materials;
  • Profit and management costs related to the use of equipment.
Costs for operating staff and assistants will be paid separately as described in the Labor Cost section.
b) Only the actual operating hours of the equipment to perform the work according to labor costs will qualify for payment; unless the investor agrees to pay for the time required to move the equipment from the site where it is placed to the location where labor tasks will be performed and the time required to return the equipment to its original position.
The Labor Cost Table:  1. Labor
Job No. Description(1) Unit(2) Nominal Quantity(3) Unit Price(4) Total(5)
1 Team Leader hour 50    
2 General Labor hour 500    
3 Mason hour 200    
4 Plumber hour 200    
5 Carpenter hour 100    
6 Ironworker hour 100    
7 Driver up to 10 tons hour 100    
  Total cost for Daily Labor: Labor
(to be transferred to the Summary of Daily Labor table)

(1), (2), (3) The investor bases their decision on the potential for additional work outside of those mentioned in the Summary of Bid Prices or those that cannot be included in the description, volume, or estimated quantity in the Summary of Bid Prices, to estimate and specify the name of the work, unit of measure, and nominal quantity for tasks that may utilize daily labor for the bidder to base their bids on.
(4), (5) The bidder lists the unit prices and total amounts for each corresponding item in the column “Description.”
Daily Labor Unit Price Table:  2. Materials
Work No. Description(1) Unit(2) Nominal Quantity(3) Unit Price(4) Total Amount(5)
1 Portland Cement ton 0.5    
2 Steel Reinforcement Bar with diameter 16mmØ to M-31 or equivalent kg 100    
3 Ductile Iron Pipe (800mm Ø) m 12    
  Total Price for Daily Labor: Materials
(carried over to the Summary Daily Labor Table)

(1), (2), (3) The investor bases their assessment on the potential for additional work beyond the tasks mentioned in the Summary of Bid Prices or those that cannot be included in the description, volume, or estimated quantity in the Summary of Bid Prices to estimate and specifically record the name of the work, unit of measure, and nominal quantity for tasks that may use daily labor for the bidder to base their bids on.
(4), (5) The bidder lists the unit prices and total amounts for each corresponding item in the column “Description.”
Daily Labor Unit Price Table 3. bidder's Equipment
Work No. Description(1) Unit(2) Nominal Quantity(3) Unit Price(4) Total Amount(5)
1 Tracked crane, 10 -15 tons hour 10    
2 Crane truck, 25-50 tons hour 15    
3 Hydraulic excavator, 170Hp hour 10    
4 Bulldozer, 3m, 100Hp hour 20    
5 Water tank truck, 5000 liters hour 30    
6 Air compressor, 6000 liters/minute hour 40    
Total price for labor: Equipment of the bidder
(carried over to the Summary of Labor Table)

(1), (2), (3) The investor bases the possibility of additional work outside the tasks mentioned in the Summary of Bid Prices or that cannot be included in the description, estimated volume, and quantity in the Summary of Bid Prices to estimate and specifically record the name of the job, unit of measurement, and nominal quantity for tasks that may use labor for the bidder to base their bid.
(4), (5) The bidder records the unit price and the total amount for each corresponding item in the column “Description”.
Summary of Labor Table
  Total Amount
1.   Total price for labor: Labor (A1)
2.   Total price for labor: Materials (A2)
3.   Total price for labor: Equipment of the bidder. (A3)
Total price for labor
(carried over to the “amount” column of the labor cost in the Summary of Bid Prices)
Form No. 12B (Webform on the System)

The portion of costs for temporary items will be separated and not considered in the evaluation of Electronic Bid Documents to compare Electronic Bid Documents. The winning bid price and contract price will include the costs for temporary items offered by the bidder in the Electronic Bid Documents. If, during the execution of the contract, additional tasks arise as described, the investor will use the budget for temporary items to pay the bidder as stipulated in the contract.
Table No. Task No. Description(1) Total Amount
04 15 Supply and install equipment at the pump station  
06 19 Provide ventilation system in the underground pipeline  
….       Total of temporary items
(carried over to the “amount” column of the temporary cost in the Summary of Bid Prices)

(1) The Investor fills in the task details for the bidder to base their proposal in the Electronic Bid Documents according to the contents mentioned in the Electronic Bidding Document.
(2) The bidder states the total amount for each corresponding item in the column “Description”.

Form No. 12C (Webform on the System)


(applies to contracts with adjustment orders)

Filled by the Investor
Filled by the bidder
Description of Index Source of Index Base Value
and Base Date
Amount Score Coefficient
proposed by the bidder
  No adjustment


a:  0.10 ~ 0.20                 
      Total   1.00
Form No. 13 (Webform on the System)
(belonging to E-HSDXTC)

Date: ___ [System automatically extracts]
Tender package name: ___ [System automatically extracts]
Dear: ___ [System automatically extracts]
After studying the Electronic Bidding Document, we:
- bidder's name: ___ [System automatically extracts] commits to executing the tender package ____ [System automatically extracts] number Electronic Invitation To Bid: ___[System automatically extracts] according to the requirements stated in the Electronic Bidding Document with a bid price of ____[System automatically extracts] along with the attached bid price summary tables.
Additionally, we voluntarily reduce the bid price by a discount percentage of ___ [Specify the discount percentage (%)]. For fixed-price contracts, the discount value is calculated based on the bid price excluding contingency costs].
The bid price after deducting the discount value is: ___ [System automatically calculates based on the re-calculated contingency costs after the discount] (including all taxes, fees, and charges (if any)).
Validity of Electronic Financial Proposal Document: ____ [System extracts from Electronic Invitation To Bid].
We commit to:
1. The information declared in the Electronic Bid Documents is truthful.
2. If our Electronic Bid Documents is accepted, we will implement the performance guarantee as specified in Clause 40 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology of the Electronic Bidding Document.
(1) The bid document is signed with the bidder's digital signature when the bidder submits the Electronic Bid Documents.

I. Introduction to the tender package
1. Scope of work of the tender package.
2. Completion time.
II. Implementation schedule requirements
State the time requirement from the commencement to when the contract is completed by day/week/month.
In case, besides the completion time requirement for the entire project, there are also completion schedule requirements for each construction item, a completion schedule table should be prepared.
No. Construction item Start date Completion date
III. Technical requirements/technical instructions
1. Accurate and clear technical regulations are a prerequisite for bidders to meet the requirements of the Investor realistically and competitively without imposing conditions on the bidder's Electronic Bid Documents. Technical regulations must be drafted not to restrict competition while clearly stating the requirements for skill level, materials, and the performance of the goods and services provided. Technical regulations should require that all goods and materials used in the Project are new, unused, from the latest generation, and incorporate all improvements in design and materials unless specified otherwise in the contract.
2. The technical requirements should not impose conditions that restrict bidder participation or create advantages for one or a few bidders, resulting in unequal competition; they should also not set excessively high requirements that lead to increased bid prices and should not specify brands or specific origins for materials, machinery, or equipment.
3. In special cases where it is necessary to specify a brand, catalog of a particular manufacturer, or specific materials, machinery, or equipment for reference to illustrate the technical requirements, the phrase “or equivalent” must be added after the specified brand or catalog, and it should clearly define that the equivalent means having similar technical characteristics, performance capabilities equivalent to those specified materials, machinery, or equipment to avoid directing towards any specific product or bidder.
4. Requirements for warranty, maintenance, and repair (if any);
5. Sustainable bidding: In the case of requirements for sustainable bidding, the investor needs to ensure regulations guarantee environmental and social friendliness (using materials, construction materials, and equipment certified with energy labels, eco-labels, non-fired materials, sustainable, environmentally friendly materials, recyclable and reusable materials; construction measures to limit the level of emissions, waste, pollution, minimize negative impacts on the site and construction area…) but must ensure these regulations are clear and do not restrict the bidders.
6. For the scope of work of the tender package using the output-based contract type, the technical requirements set by the investor should focus on the output product such as standards, specifications, technical parameters, quality... of the project. The investor should also specify the construction standards that the bidder must meet; however, these standards should not aim to restrict bidder participation. bidders can apply other standards but must prove that these standards are equivalent to or higher than those required by the investor. Basically, the Electronic Bidding Document does not need to specify the processes or specific methods of providing services that the bidder must follow. The bidder has the right to propose processes and methods that they find suitable for executing the tender package.
The technical requirements should reflect the levels of compliance with the output requirements corresponding to the amount deducted from the payment value during the operation of the project; quality requirements, durability of the project, and other requirements.
IV. Drawings
This Electronic Bidding Document includes the drawings in the following list:
No. Symbol Drawing Name Version/Release Date
Contract conditions include E-ĐKC, E-ĐKCT of the Contract, and Appendices of the Contract (if any), which express the rights and obligations of the parties.
E-ĐKC of the Contract applies to all contracts for different tender packages.It may only be used without modification of the regulations in this Chapter.E-ĐKCT specifies the contentcorresponding to E-ĐKC when applied to each tender packageto supplement necessary information to complete the contract, ensuring the feasibility for signing and executing the contract
For the tender package applying the output-based contract type, depending on the quality of the output, the bidder will be paid different amounts. If the bidder meets the requirements of the Electronic Bidding Document, the bidder will be paid 100% of the contract value (for a lump-sum contract) or 100% of the value based on the actual volume of work multiplied by the unit price (for fixed unit price contracts, adjusted unit price contracts). If the bidder does not ensure the qualityof the project as proposed, the bidder will only be paid according to the quality completed.
To apply the payment deduction clause, the Investor and the Bidder need to build the contract appendix, which clearly states the requirements for output quality; the acceptable quality levels; inspection measures, assessment methods to determine the quality compliance of the works (e.g., sampling analysis, methods and procedures applied for evaluation…); the level of payment deduction according to the payment period.
In the case where the Investor and the Bidder have financial resources to incentivize the bidder when the bidder completes the service with excellent quality, they may add a clause for “increased payment value” based on similar principles as for the payment deduction clause in E-ĐKC and E-ĐKCT.
  1. General regulations
  1. Definitions
In this contract, the following terms are understood as follows:
    1. “Drawings” are the drawings of the project, including the drawings as per the contract and any adjustments or additional drawings issued by the Investor under the contract;
    2. “Force Majeure” refers to events or circumstances beyond the control of the parties that are unforeseen and unavoidable, where the cause is not due to negligence or lack of attention by the parties. Force Majeure events may include but are not limited to war, riots, strikes, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantines due to health inspections, and trade embargoes;
    3. Investor” is the party hiring the bidder to carry out the project as stipulated in E-Contract Conditions;
    4. “Certificate of Expiry of the warranty period for the project” is a certificate issued by the Investor based on the bidder having corrected the defects of the project during the warranty period;
    5. “Project” refers to both Permanent and Temporary Projects, or one of these types of projects as applicable under E-Contract Conditions;
    6. “Temporary Project” refers to the projects necessary for the construction and installation of projects designed, constructed, installed, and dismantled by the bidder;
    7. “Permanent Project” refers to projects that are permanent in nature carried out by the bidder according to the Contract;
    8. “Construction site” is the area defined in E-Contract Conditions;
    9.  “Contract price” is the total amount stated in the contract for the execution and completion of the project, including the costs for maintenance of the project. The contract price includes all costs related to taxes, fees, and charges (if any);
    10. “Contract” is the agreement between the Investor and the bidder to execute, complete, and maintain the project, expressed in writing, signed by both parties, including appendices and accompanying documents;
    11. “Year” means the calendar year;
    12. “Date” is the calendar date;
    13. “Completion Date” is the date of project completion confirmed by the Investor according to E-Contract Conditions;
    14. “Projected Completion Date” is the date when the bidder is expected to complete the project. The projected completion date is stipulated in E-Contract Conditions;
    15. “Commencement Date” is the date specified in E-Contract Conditions. It is the latest date by which the bidder must begin executing the project. The commencement date does not necessarily have to coincide with the date of site handover;
    16. “bidder” is the successful bidding bidder (which can be an independent bidder or a consortium) as stipulated in E-Contract Conditions;
    17. “Subbidder” is an organization or individual who signs a contract with the bidder to participate in the construction work;
    18. “Workshop” refers to any inseparable part of the project with electrical, chemical, or biological functions;
    19. “Defect” refers to any part of the project that has not been completed according to the contract;
    20. Compensation Events” are events defined in Section 41 of E-Contract Conditions;
    21. “Month” means the calendar month;
    22. “Change” refers to the written requests from the Investor that modify the project;
    23. “Equipment” refers to the factory, vehicles, and machinery of the bidder temporarily brought to the site for the execution of the project;
    24. “Construction warranty period” is the time during which the bidder is legally responsible for repairing any defects in the project. The warranty period is calculated from the date the project is accepted and handed over;
    25. “Technical specifications” are the technical requirements of the project included in the Contract and any changes or additions made by or approved by the Investor;
    26. “Supervisory consultant” is the consulting bidder selected by the Investor to operate continuously on-site to monitor the construction of the project and project components. The name of the supervisory consultant is specified in E-Contract Conditions;
    27. “Materials” refers to all items supplied, including consumables for the bidder's use in the project;
    28. “Contract performance time” is calculated from the date the contract takes effect until both parties have fulfilled their obligations under the signed contract.
  1. Contract documents and order of priority
2.1. For cases of partial completion as specified in E-Contract Conditions, the terms “Project,” “Completion Date,” and “Projected Completion Date” defined in E-Contract Conditions are understood to apply correspondingly to each part of the Project.
2.2. All documents mentioned in Section 2.3 of E-Contract Conditions (including parts of documents) will constitute the Contract to create a unified, interdependent, supplementary, and mutually explanatory whole.
2.3. The documents constituting the Contract are arranged in the following order of priority:
a) The contract, along with any appendices;
b) Minutes of document reconciliation, negotiation, and contract finalization (if any);
c) Approval letter for E-Bid Documents and contract award;
d) Decision approving the bidder selection results;
e) E-Contract Conditions;
g) E-Bid Documents and documents clarifying the E-Bid Documents of the bidder;
h) E-Technical Specifications and any amendments or supplements (if any);
i) Other documents stipulated in E-Contract Conditions.
  1. Law and Language
The governing law of the contract is Vietnamese law, and the language of the contract is Vietnamese..
  1. Notification
4.1. Any notification from one party to the other regarding the contract must be made in writing. The term “in writing” or “document” refers to a record that is handwritten, typed, printed, or in electronic form and then permanently stored.
4.2. A notification from one party will be deemed effective from the date the other party receives it or according to the effective date stated in the notification, whichever is later.
  1. Contract Performance Guarantee
5.1. The contract performance guarantee must be submitted to the Investor no later than the date specified in the E-Bid Approval Letter and contract award. The contract performance guarantee is provided in one or more of the following forms:
a) A cash deposit by a guarantee check for performance guarantees valued at less than 50 million VND, and the guarantee check must be valid for the duration of the bidding package;
b) Submission of a guarantee letter from a domestic credit institution or foreign bank branch established under Vietnamese law;
c) Submission of a guarantee insurance certificate from a domestic non-life insurance company or a foreign non-life insurance company established under Vietnamese law.
The performance guarantee as stipulated in points b and c of this Section is unconditional (payable upon request), in accordance with the form specified in Chapter VIII.
5.2. The performance guarantee must have value and validity as specified in E-Contract Conditions.
5.3. The performance guarantee will be paid to the Investor to compensate for any losses incurred due to the bidder's failure to fulfill its contractual obligations.
5.4. The timeframe for the return of the performance guarantee is specified in E-Contract Conditions.
  1. Safety, Fire Prevention, and Environmental Hygiene
Occupational safety, environmental protection, and fire prevention
6.1. Occupational Safety
a) The bidder must establish safety measures for people and the project on the construction site, including adjacent works;
b) Safety measures and occupational safety regulations must be publicly displayed on the construction site for everyone to know and comply with; dangerous areas on the site must have personnel to guide and warn against accidents;
c) Related parties must regularly check and supervise occupational safety on the construction site. When violations of occupational safety are discovered, construction work must be suspended. Organizations or individuals responsible for violations of occupational safety within their management scope must be held accountable under the law;
d) The bidder is responsible for training, guiding, and disseminating occupational safety regulations to its workers. For certain jobs requiring strict safety regulations, workers must possess certificates of occupational safety training;
The bidder is responsible for providing adequate personal protective equipment and occupational safety gear for workers.
In the event of an occupational safety incident, the construction bidder and related parties are responsible for organizing the handling and reporting to the state management agency on occupational safety as required by law, and are also responsible for remedying and compensating for damages caused by the bidder's failure to ensure occupational safety.
6.2. Environmental Protection
a) The bidder must implement measures to ensure the environment for workers on the construction site and protect the surrounding environment, including dust control measures, noise control, waste disposal, and site cleanup; measures must be taken to cover and properly dispose of waste;
b) During the transportation of construction materials and waste, safety measures must be implemented to ensure safety and environmental hygiene;
c) The parties involved are responsible for checking and supervising the implementation of environmental protection in construction, and are subject to the supervision of the state environmental management agency. If the construction bidder fails to comply with environmental protection regulations, the investor and the state environmental management agency have the right to suspend construction and require the bidder to properly implement environmental protection measures;
d) Organizations or individuals that cause environmental harm during the construction process must be held legally accountable and compensate for the damages caused by their fault.
6.3. Fire Prevention:
The parties involved in the construction contract must comply with state regulations on fire prevention.
  1. Subbidder
7.1. The bidder is allowed to enter into contracts with subbidders listed in E-Contract Conditions to perform a part of the work specified in the E-Bid Documents. The use of subbidders shall not alter the bidder's obligations. The bidder is responsible to the Investor for the volume, quality, schedule, and other obligations related to the work performed by the subbidder. Any substitution or addition of subbidders in the list mentioned in the E-Bid Documents, or changes to the subbidder content stated in the E-Bid Documents, can only be carried out with the approval of the Investor and the supervising consultant and shall not exceed the maximum value of the work designated for the subbidder specified in the contract; the use of subbidders must align with the bidder's needs in executing the contract, and the subbidder must meet the required capacity and experience of the bidder;
7.2. The value of the work carried out by the subbidders specified in Section 7.1 of the E-Contract Conditions must not exceed the percentage limit according to the contract value stated in E-Contract Conditions.
7.3. The bidder is responsible for fully and timely paying the subbidders according to the terms agreed upon between the bidder and the subbidder.
7.4. Other requirements for subbidders specified in E-Contract Conditions.
  1. Collaboration with Other bidders
During the execution of the contract, the bidder must collaborate with other bidders and related units working on the site during the working hours of those bidders and related units according to the schedule. In the event of changes to the work schedule of other bidders, the Investor will notify the bidder in writing of those changes.
If stipulated in the Technical Specifications or at the request of the Investor, the bidder must cooperate with and facilitate personnel from the Investor and other personnel to conduct environmental and social impact assessments. The Investor must notify the bidder in advance about this.
  1. Personnel and Equipment
    1. The bidder must mobilize key personnel and use the equipment declared in the E-Bid Documents or any additional equipment to execute the project. The Investor will only approve the proposal to substitute key personnel and equipment if the experience and capacity of the substitute personnel and the quality and performance of the substitute equipment are equivalent to or higher than those proposed in the E-Bid Documents.
    2. If the Investor requests the bidder to dismiss any of the bidder's personnel for legitimate reasons, the bidder must ensure that the person leaves the site within 7 working days from the date of receiving the Investor's request and is no longer allowed to perform any work related to the contract. If necessary, the bidder must immediately provide a competent substitute with equivalent or higher experience.
    3. In the event that the Investor determines that a member of the bidder's personnel has engaged in corruption, fraud, collusion, coercion, or obstruction during the execution of the project, that personnel will be required to be dismissed according to Section 9.2 of the E-Contract Conditions.
  1. Force Majeure
    1. The bidder shall not be liable for forfeiting the contract performance guarantee, nor shall it be liable for compensating damages or be penalized or have the contract terminated if it is hindered by force majeure events that impede the progress of the contract or make it impossible to fulfill its contractual obligations.
10.2. In the event of force majeure, a party's failure to perform any of its obligations shall not be considered a breach or default of the Contract, provided that the party affected by the event (a) has taken reasonable and prudent preventive measures and necessary alternative measures, all aimed at fulfilling the terms and conditions of this Contract, and (b) continues to fulfill its obligations under the Contract as long as such fulfillment remains reasonable and practical.
10.3. In this contract, force majeure is understood as events beyond the control of the parties that are unforeseeable, unavoidable, and render the performance of the contract impossible, without any negligence or lack of attention from the parties. Force majeure events may include, but are not limited to, war, riots, strikes, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine isolation, or state policies and regulations.
10.4. When a force majeure event occurs, the party affected by the force majeure event must promptly notify the other party in writing about the event and the cause of the event within 14 days from the date the force majeure event occurs. At the same time, the affected party must provide the other party with a confirmation document regarding the force majeure event issued by an authority at the location where the force majeure event occurred.

The bidder affected by the force majeure event must continue to fulfill its contractual obligations to the extent permitted by actual circumstances and must take all reasonable measures to mitigate the consequences of the force majeure event.

10.5. The time for one party to complete a task under this Contract is extended by the exact amount of time that party was unable to perform the work due to the force majeure event.
  1. Risks of the Investor and the bidder
The Investor bears all risks identified in this Contract as the Investor's risks, and the bidder bears all risks identified in this Contract as the bidder's risks.
  1. Investor's Risks
12.1. From the Commencement Date until the Investor issues the Certificate of Expiration of the Warranty Period for the Project, the Investor is responsible for the following risks:
a) Risks of injury or death to individuals, loss or damage to property (excluding the Project, Materials, Workshops, Equipment) due to the fault of the Investor or the Investor's personnel;
b) Risks of loss or damage to the Project, Materials, Workshops, Equipment due to the fault of the Investor, due to the Investor's design, or due to force majeure.
12.2. From the Completion Date until the Investor issues the Certificate of Expiration of the Warranty Period for the Project, the Investor is responsible for risks of loss or damage to the Project, Workshops, Materials, except for losses or damages originating from:
  1. An existing defect on the Completion Date;
  2. An event that occurred before the Completion Date and is not a risk of the Investor;
  3. The bidder's activities at the Site after the Completion Date.
  1. bidder's Risks
The bidder is responsible for risks that are not the Investor's risks, including risks of injury, death, loss, or damage to property (including the Project, Materials, Workshops, Equipment) from the Commencement Date until the Investor issues the Certificate of Expiration of the Warranty Period for the Project.
  1. Insurance
 Insurance requirements are stipulated in E-ĐKCT.
  1. Site Information
The bidder is responsible for studying the information about the Site mentioned in E-ĐKCT and other related information.
  1. Site Security
The bidder is responsible for ensuring the security of the Site. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed to enter the Site. Those permitted to enter the Site include only the bidder's personnel, the Investor's personnel, and individuals who have been notified in writing by the Investor to the bidder regarding their permission to enter the Site (including other bidders of the Investor on the Site).
According to the provisions of Clause 22.2 E-ĐKC, the bidder must submit a security plan for the Site for the Investor's approval.
The bidder must (i) conduct background checks (if necessary) on personnel assigned security tasks for the Site; (ii) train security personnel (or ensure they have been fully trained) regarding the use of force, and appropriate behavior towards the bidder's personnel, the Investor's personnel, and affected communities; (iii) require security personnel to comply with legal regulations and other requirements stipulated in the technical specifications.
The bidder shall not permit security personnel to use force in the course of carrying out their duties except in cases of prevention and self-defense appropriate to the nature and level of the threats.
When arranging security tasks for the Site, the bidder must comply with other requirements stipulated in the technical specifications.
  1. Artifacts Discovered at the Site
17.1. Any object of historical significance or considerable value discovered at the site shall be the property of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The bidder must take all reasonable protective measures, including erecting a fence around the area where the discoveries were made to avoid further impact and prevent the bidder's personnel or others from moving or destroying those findings. The bidder must promptly notify the Investor of this discovery for resolution according to the law.
17.2. In the event that the execution of the contract is delayed due to the discovery of artifacts or the bidder must participate in the processing, preservation, or transportation of artifacts, the bidder must notify the Investor to review and resolve.
  1. Rights to Use the Site
The Investor must grant the bidder rights to use the Site on the date specified in E-ĐKCT. If any part of the Site has not been granted to the bidder for use by the date specified in E-ĐKCT, the Investor shall be deemed to have caused a delay in starting the related activities, and this will be considered a compensable Event.
  1. Access to the Site
The bidder must allow the Investor or any other person authorized by the Investor to enter the Site and any location where work related to the Contract is being carried out or is planned to be carried out..
  1. Supervision
    1. The supervising consultant is responsible for performing the tasks outlined in the Contract.
    2. The supervising consultant may provide guidance to the bidder regarding the construction of the Project and correction of errors at any time. The bidder must comply with the instructions of the supervising consultant.
The bidder and subbidders are responsible for maintaining accurate and systematic records, reports, and documentation regarding the Project, clearly reflecting any changes in time and costs related to the Project.
    1. In case the Investor changes the supervising consultant, the Investor will notify the bidder in writing.
  1. Dispute Resolution
    1. The Investor and the bidder are responsible for resolving disputes arising between the two parties through negotiation and mediation.
    2. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation and mediation within the time specified in E-ĐKCT from the date of occurrence, either party may request to bring the dispute to be resolved through the mechanism specified in E-ĐKCT.
  B. Time Management
  1. Commencement Date and Estimated Completion Date
The bidder may commence work on the Project on the Commencement Date specified in E-ĐKCT and must carry out the work according to the detailed construction schedule presented by the bidder and approved by the Investor. The bidder must complete the Project by the Estimated Completion Date specified in E-ĐKCT.
  1. Detailed Construction Schedule
    1. During the time specified in E-ĐKCT, the bidder must present the detailed construction schedule to the Investor for review and approval, including the following contents:
a) The sequence of tasks for the bidder and the estimated construction time for each main phase of the Project;
b) The process and duration of inspections and tests specified in the Contract;
c) An accompanying report, including: a general report on the methods the bidder intends to apply and the main phases of the construction project; the number of personnel and equipment required by the bidder on the Site for each main phase.
For lump-sum contracts, the activities in the detailed construction schedule must align with the Activity Listing.
    1. The bidder must adhere to the detailed construction schedule after this schedule has been approved by the Investor.
    2. The Investor's approval of the detailed construction schedule will not replace the bidder's obligations. The bidder may adjust the detailed construction schedule (clearly showing the impact of Changes and Compensable Events) and present it to the Investor at any time.
    3. The bidder must monitor the progress of the Project and present the updated progress report and detailed construction schedule (clearly showing the actual progress and impact on remaining tasks) to the Investor at intervals not later than the times specified in E-ĐKCT. If the bidder fails to submit the updated detailed construction schedule by the specified times, the Investor may withhold a certain amount specified in E-ĐKCT from the next payment. This amount will be paid in the next payment after the bidder submits the updated detailed construction schedule. For lump-sum contracts, the bidder must submit the updated Activity Listing within 14 days of the Investor's request.
In addition to the progress reports, the bidder must promptly inform the Investor of any suspicions, incidents, or accidents occurring at the Site that have or will certainly have a significant adverse impact on the environment or affected communities, the Investor's personnel, or the bidder's personnel. This includes any incidents or accidents resulting in death or serious injury, causing significant adverse effects.
The bidder must promptly inform the Investor of any suspicions, incidents, or accidents occurring at the premises of subbidders or suppliers related to the Project that have or will certainly have a significant adverse impact on the environment or affected communities, the Investor's personnel, the bidder's personnel, and personnel of subbidders and suppliers, as soon as they become aware of such suspicions, incidents, or accidents. The bidder's notification must include complete information regarding such incidents and accidents. The bidder must provide full details of these incidents or accidents to the Investor within a timeframe approved by the Investor.
The bidder must require its subbidders and suppliers to promptly notify the bidder of any incidents and accidents as stipulated in this Clause.
  1. Changes to the Contract Duration
The Investor and the bidder will negotiate the extension of the Contract execution period in the following cases:
24.1. The Investor does not hand over the right to use the Site to the bidder by the time specified in Clause 18 of E-ĐKC;
24.2. The Investor delays without reason in issuing the Acceptance Record for the work;
24.3. Other cases described in E-ĐKCT.
  1. Accelerating Progress
    1. In the event that the Investor requires the bidder to complete before the Estimated Completion Date, the Investor must request the bidder to propose any additional costs incurred to expedite the progress. If the Investor accepts the costs proposed by the bidder, the Estimated Completion Date will be adjusted accordingly and confirmed by both the Investor and the bidder.
    2. If the costs proposed by the bidder to expedite progress are approved by the Investor, the Contract Price will be adjusted and the incurred costs will be considered a change to the contract.
  1. Delays at the Investor's Request
The Investor may request the bidder to delay the commencement or to slow down any activities of the Project.
  C. Quality Management
  1. Quality Inspection of Materials, Machinery, and Equipment
    1. The bidder must ensure that all materials, machinery, and equipment meet the technical requirements.
    2. The bidder must provide samples and test results for materials, machinery, and equipment specified in E-ĐKCT for inspection and as a basis for project acceptance.
    3. The Investor will inspect materials, machinery, and equipment at the extraction sites, production sites, or at the project site at any time.
    4. The bidder must ensure to arrange staff and necessary conditions for the inspection of the aforementioned materials, machinery, and equipment.
  1. Identifying Defects in the Project
The Investor must inspect and evaluate the quality of the bidder's work and notify the bidder of any defects discovered. The Investor's inspection does not alter the bidder's responsibilities. The Investor may instruct the bidder to investigate whether there are defects in the Project, and the bidder must inspect and test any part of the work that the Investor deems potentially defective.
  1. Testing
If the Investor instructs the bidder to conduct a test not specified in the Technical Specifications to check for defects, and the test results indicate a defect, the bidder shall bear the costs of sampling and testing. If no defect is found, the sampling and testing will be considered a Compensation Event.
  1. Repairing Defects
    1. From the Completion Date until the end of the Warranty Period, the Investor must notify the bidder of any defects in the project. The warranty period must be extended until all defects are repaired.
    2. For each notification of defects in the Project, the bidder must repair those defects within the time frame specified by the Investor.
  1. Uncorrected Defects
If the bidder does not repair the defects within the period specified by the Investor in the notification of defects in the Project, the Investor may hire another organization to rectify the defects, determine the costs of rectifying the defects, and the bidder will have to reimburse these costs.
  1. Incident Forecasting
The bidder needs to provide early warnings to the Investor about events that may soon occur which could negatively affect the quality of the project, increase contract prices, or delay contract performance. The Investor may request the bidder to forecast the impact of these events on the contract price and contract duration. The bidder must cooperate with the Investor to propose remedial measures.
  D. Cost Management
  1. Contract Type
The type of contract is defined in E-ĐKCT.
  1. Contract Price and Contract Price Table
34.1. The contract price is stated in E-ĐKCT.
34.2. For fixed-price contracts, The contract price table specified in the contract price table appendix is an integral part of this contract, including the items of work that the bidder must perform and the monetary value of those items.
34.3. For unit price contracts with fixed unit prices, the contract price table specified in the contract price table appendix is an integral part of this contract, including the items of work that the bidder must perform and the monetary value of those items.
  1. Errors Not Corrected
If the bidder does not correct the Errors within the period stipulated by the Investor in the Error notice for the Project, theInvestor is entitled to hire another organization to rectify the errors, determine the cost of correction, and the bidder will have to reimburse this cost.
  1. Incident Forecast
The bidder must promptly forecast to the Investor any upcoming events that may negatively affect the quality of the project, increase contract costs, or delay the contract execution. The Investor may require the bidder to forecast the impact of this event on the contract price and the execution timeline. The bidder must cooperate with the Investor to propose remedial measures.
  D. Cost Management
  1. Contract Type
The type of contract as stipulated inE-ĐKCT.
  1. Contract Price and Contract Price List
34.1. The contract price is stated inE-ĐKCT.
34.2. For lump-sum contracts,the Contract Price List stipulated in the Contract Price List Appendix is an integral part of this contract, includingthe work itemsand the cost of those items. The bidder must complete all work items to complete the project according to the approved design, ensuring the progress and quality as required by the contract package. The contract price includes all taxes, fees, charges (if any), and contingency costs. The contract price remains unchanged throughout the contract execution period for the work scope, technical requirements, and terms stipulated in the contract, except in cases of force majeure or changes in the work scope that result in a price adjustment.
34.3. For fixed-unit-price or adjustable-unit-price contracts, the Contract Price List stipulated in the Contract Price List Appendix is an integral part of this contract, including the work items that the bidder must complete and their associated costs.
  1. Advance Payment
35.1. The Investor must provide the bidder with an advance payment as stipulated in E-ĐKCT, after the bidder submits an advance payment guarantee equivalent to the advance amount. The advance payment guarantee must be issued by a bank or credit institution legally operating in Vietnam or an advance payment guarantee insurance certificate issued by a domestic non-life insurance company or a branch of a foreign non-life insurance company established under Vietnamese law and valid until the full repayment of the advance. The value of the advance payment guarantee or insurance certificate will gradually decrease as the advance is repaid. No interest is charged on the advance.
35.2. The bidder may only use the advance payment for paying labor wages, purchasing or mobilizing equipment, factories, materials, and necessary mobilization costs for contract execution. The bidder must demonstrate that the advance payment was used appropriately by submitting copies of relevant invoices or documents to the Investor. The bidder’s advance payment guarantee will be forfeited if the advance is misused.
35.3. The advance payment must be repaid by deducting a specific percentage from the payments due to the bidder, based on the percentage of work completed as the basis for payment. The advance payment or its repayment will not be considered when valuing the work performed, contract changes, compensation events, contract bonuses, or damage compensation.
  1. Payment Documentation Payment
36.1. Payment documents for lump-sum contracts:
a) The acceptance record of the completed work volume during the payment stage, certified by representatives of the Investor and the bidder; this acceptance record confirms the completion of the project, project items, and work volume in accordance with the scope of work under the contract, without the need for a detailed confirmation of the completed volume;
b) The bidder's payment request should include the following: the value of the completed work according to the contract, the value of any arising work (if any), deductions for the advance payment, and the value requested for payment during the stage after offsetting these amounts, certified by representatives of the Investor and the bidder.
36.2. Payment documents for fixed-unit-price contracts:
a) The acceptance record of the completed work volume during the payment stage, certified by representatives of the bidder, the Investor, and the supervising consultant (if any);
b) The confirmation of adjusted increased or decreased work volume compared to the contract, certified by representatives of the bidder, the Investor, and the supervising consultant (if any);
c) The calculation of the requested payment value based on the confirmed completed work volume and the unit price stated in the contract;
d) The bidder's payment request, clearly stating the completed work volume and value, the increase (decrease) in value compared to the contract, the value of the advance payment, and the payment value requested during the payment stage.
36.3. Payment documents for adjustable-unit-price contracts:
a) The acceptance record of the completed work volume during the payment stage, certified by representatives of the bidder, the Investor, and the supervising consultant (if any);
b) The confirmation of adjusted increased or decreased work volume compared to the contract, certified by representatives of the bidder, the Investor, and the supervising consultant (if any);
c) The calculation of the requested payment value based on the confirmed completed work volume and the unit price stated in the contract or the adjusted unit price as stipulated by the contract;
d) The bidder's payment request, clearly stating the completed work volume and value, the increase (decrease) in value compared to the contract, the value of the advance payment, and the payment value requested during the payment stage.
  1. Payment
37.1. Payment is made in accordance with E-ĐKCT. In case of delayed payment by the Investor, the bidder shall be paid interest on the delayed payment amount in the next payment. The interest rate on delayed payments is calculated from the due payment date according to the agreement or payment plan until the actual payment date, and the applicable interest rate is the current interest rate for commercial loans in VND.
37.2. The payment currency is: VND.  
  1. Tax Adjustments
Tax adjustments are made in accordance with E-ĐKCT.
  1. Retention Money
39.1. For each payment to the bidder, the Investor will retain a portion as stipulated in E-ĐKCT until the entire project is completed.
39.2. The retention money will be returned to the bidder at the end of the Warranty Period, once the Investor has confirmed that all defects notified to the bidder before the end of that period have been corrected. The bidder may replace the retention money with a guarantee letter from a bank or credit institution legally operating in Vietnam.
  1. Contract Amendments
40.1. The Investor may request the bidder to modify or supplement the following aspects within the scope of the contract:
a) Changes in the quality and specifications of any specific work item;
b) Changes in design;
c) Changes in completion milestones and contract implementation time;
d) Other cases stipulated in E-ĐKCT
40.2. If modifications or supplements to the work scope stipulated in Section 40.1 of the E-ĐKC lead to changes in cost or time of any contract provision, the contract price or completion date must be adjusted accordingly, and both parties shall proceed with contract amendments. The bidder's request to adjust the contract price or completion date must be submitted within 28 days from the day the bidder receives the Investor’s request to modify or supplement the contract work.
40.3. The Investor and the bidder will negotiate to establish the basis for signing a contract amendment in the case of contract modifications.
40.4. In case the adjustment of contract progress does not extend the project completion schedule, the Investor and bidder will agree on the adjustment. If the contract progress adjustment extends the project completion schedule, the Investor and bidder can only agree to the adjustment after obtaining approval from the competent authority.
40.5. If changes in the work scope affect the contract price, both parties must agree on the work changes and contract price adjustments as the basis for signing a contract amendment.
40.6. During contract performance, the bidder may propose cost-saving solutions, including at least the following:
a) The content of the solution, explaining the differences compared to the contract requirements;
b) A comprehensive analysis of the solution’s costs and benefits, including a description and estimate of costs (including life cycle costs) that may arise for the Investor if the bidder’s proposal is accepted;
c) The impact of the solution on the efficiency of contract execution;
d) A description of the necessary work to be carried out.
40.7. The Investor may approve the bidder’s proposal if it demonstrates any of the following benefits without affecting the required functionality of the Project:
a) Reducing contract execution time;
b) Reducing contract price or life cycle costs for the Investor;
c) Enhancing the quality, efficiency, or sustainability of the Project;
d) Any other benefit for the Investor.
If the bidder’s proposal is approved by the Investor and results in a reduction of the contract price, the Investor will pay the bidder according to the percentage stipulated in E-ĐKCT for the reduced contract value.
If the bidder’s proposal is approved by the Investor and increases the contract price but reduces life cycle costs due to the factors outlined in points a, b, c, and d of this section, the Investor will pay the bidder according to the increased contract value.
  1. Compensation Events
    1. The following events will be considered Compensation Events:
a) The Investor fails to deliver part of the Site on the Site Handover Date as stipulated in Section 18 of the E-ĐKC;
b) The Investor modifies the schedule of other bidders, affecting the bidder’s work under this Contract;
c) The Investor delays work or fails to provide necessary Drawings, Specifications, or instructions to complete the Work on time;
d) The Investor requests additional tests, but no Errors are found;
e) The Investor fails to approve the subbidder agreement without valid, reasonable justification;
f) The Site’s ground conditions are significantly worse than expected at the time of the Letter of Acceptance, with this expectation being reasonably based on the information provided to the bidders (including Site Survey Reports), other available information, and the results of the Site inspection.
g) The Investor requests to address an emergency or arising work necessary to ensure the safety of the project or for other reasons;
h) Other bidders and related agencies or the Investor do not work on the dates specified in the Contract or under the conditions specified in the Contract, causing delays or additional costs to the bidder.
i) Delayed advance payment;
j) The bidder is affected by risks from the Investor;
k) The Investor delays issuing the project completion certificate without reasonable justification.
    1. If the Compensation Event increases costs or impedes completion of the work before the scheduled Completion Date, the contract price will be increased, and the contract period will be extended. The Investor must review and decide on the adjustment of the contract price and the extension of the contract period.
    2. After the bidder provides information proving the impact of each Compensation Event on the bidder's cost estimates, the Investor must review, assess, and adjust the contract price accordingly. If the bidder's estimate is unreasonable, the Investor will adjust the contract price based on a reasonable estimate in accordance with the Investor’s regulations.
    3. The bidder may not be compensated if the Investor's interests are severely affected due to the bidder's failure to provide early warnings or to cooperate with the Investor.
  1. Penalties for Breach and Contract Bonuses
    1. The bidder will be penalized as stipulated in E-ĐKCT for each day of delay in completing the project beyond the scheduled Completion Date or the extended Completion Date. The total penalty amount shall not exceed the total amount stipulated in E-ĐKCT. The Investor may deduct the penalty amount from the payments due to the bidder.
    2. Compensation for damages shall be made in accordance with E-ĐKCT.
    3. Contract bonuses shall be awarded in accordance with E-ĐKCT.
  1. Dayworks
43.1. In case Dayworks arise, the Daywork costs proposed by the bidder in the Electronic Bid Documents will only apply if the Investor provides prior written notice that the additional work will be paid for as Dayworks.
43.2. All Daywork payments must be recorded by the bidder.
43.3. The bidder will be paid the Daywork costs after the Investor approves the Daywork cost statement.
  1. Repair Costs
Any damage or loss to the Project or materials used for the Project occurring from the Start Date to the end of the Warranty Period shall be repaired by the bidder at their own expense if such damage or loss is caused by the bidder's actions or negligence.
  E. Contract Termination
  1. Acceptance
The Investor shall conduct the acceptance as stipulated by current construction laws. The acceptance record must be signed by representatives of the Investor, the Supervising Consultant, and the bidder.
  1. Completion
The bidder must request the Investor to issue a Certificate of Completion, and the Investor will provide the Certificate after determining that the Project has been completed.
  1. Handing over
The Investor must take over the construction site and the project within the time specified in E-ĐKCT from the time the bidder is issued the Minutes of Acceptance of the work.
  1. As-built drawings, operation manual
48.1. The bidder must complete and submit to the Investor the as-built drawings in accordance with the current legal regulations, and the operational procedure manual for the installed equipment (if any) by the date specified in E-ĐKCT.
48.2. If the bidder fails to submit the as-built drawings or operation manual by the date specified in E-ĐKCT or if these documents are not accepted by the Investor, the Investor will withhold the amount specified in E-ĐKCT from the payment due to the bidder.
  1. Settlement
The bidder must provide the Investor with a detailed statement for the amount that the bidder requests payment for under the Contract before the end of the Warranty Period. The Investor must issue a Certificate of Completion of the Warranty Period and confirm the settlement for the bidder within 56 days from the date of receipt of the accurate and complete detailed statement from the bidder. In the event of not issuing the Certificate of Completion of the Warranty Period and confirming the settlement for the bidder, the Investor must provide a written notice describing the points that need to be corrected or supplemented. If the final detailed statement submitted by the bidder still does not meet the requirements, the Investor decides the amount to be paid to the bidder.
  1. Termination of the contract
    1. The Investor or bidder may terminate the Contract if the other party has committed a fundamental breach of the Contract.
    2. Fundamental breaches of the Contract include, but are not limited to, the following cases:
a) The bidder stops construction for 28 days while this stoppage is not in the Construction Schedule and has not been approved by the Investor;
b) The Investor requests the bidder to delay the progress of the Project and does not withdraw this directive within 28 days from the date of issuing the request for the bidder to delay the progress;
c) The Investor or bidder goes bankrupt or must liquidate assets for restructuring or merger;
d) The bidder has a payment request for the completed work quantities that have been accepted according to regulations but are not paid by the Investor within 28 days from the date the bidder submits the payment request;
đ) The bidder does not rectify defects affecting the progress and quality of the Project within the period requested by the Investor;
e) The bidder fails to maintain the Advance Payment Guarantee, Performance Guarantee as required;
g) The bidder is delayed in completing the Project, and the penalty amount is equivalent to the maximum penalty amount;
h) There is evidence that the bidder has violated one of the prohibited acts stipulated in Article 16 of the Bidding Law during the bidding process or in the performance of the Contract.
    1. When the bidder breaches the Contract due to a reason other than those listed in Section 50.2 of E-ĐKC above, the Investor will decide whether it constitutes a fundamental breach of the Contract.
    2. If the Contract is terminated, the bidder must stop work immediately, keep the site safe, and leave the site as soon as possible.
  1. Payment upon contract termination
    1. If the contract is terminated due to the fault of the bidder as stipulated in Section 50 E-ĐKC, the Investor will prepare a record confirming the value of the work performed, the materials purchased, minus the advance payment the bidder has received. If the advance payment exceeds the value of the work performed and the materials purchased, the bidder shall be responsible for reimbursing the Investor for this excess amount. Conversely, the Investor is responsible for paying the bidder.
    2. If the contract is terminated due to the fault of the Investor as stipulated in Section 50 E-ĐKC or due to force majeure, the Investor will prepare a record confirming the value of the work performed, the materials purchased, reasonable costs for relocating machinery, equipment, repatriating personnel hired by the bidder for the project, and the bidder's costs for protecting the project, minus the advance payment received by the bidder. The Investor is responsible for paying the bidder this difference amount.
  1. Assets
All materials on the site, factory, equipment, temporary works, and works shall be the property of the Investor if the Contract is terminated due to the fault of the bidder.
  1. Termination of the contract due to force majeure
If the execution of the contract is suspended due to force majeure, the Investor must certify that the contract is terminated due to force majeure. The bidder must ensure safety on the site and stop work as soon as possible after receiving the Investor's certificate; the bidder will be paid for all work performed before receiving the certificate of termination of the contract due to force majeure.

Unless otherwise provided, the entire E-ĐKCT must be fully recorded by the Investor before the release of the Electronic Bidding Document.
A. General Provisions
E-ĐKC 1.3 The Investor is: [insert name, address, account number, tax code, phone number, fax, email of the Investor and authorized representative (if any)].
E-ĐKC 1.5 The project includes [insert a brief summary of the name, location of the contract package, including information about its relation to other packages in the Project].
E-ĐKC 1.8 The construction site is at [insert the address of the site] and is specified in Drawing No. [insert number].
E-ĐKC 1.13 The completion date is: ___ [insert date]
E-ĐKC 1.14 The expected completion date for the entire Project is: ___ [insert date].
[If the regulations specify different dates for completing various parts of the Project (“partial completion” or milestones), they must be listed here].
E-ĐKC 1.15 The commencement date is: ___ [insert date].
E-ĐKC 1.16 The bidder is: ___ [insert name, address, account number, tax code, phone number, fax, email of the bidder].
E-ĐKC 1.26 The supervising consultant is: [insert name, address, phone number, fax, email of the supervising consultant].
E-ĐKC 2.1 Partial completion: ___ [Investor to fill]
E-ĐKC 2.3 (i) The following documents are also part of the Contract: [list documents].
E-ĐKC 5.2 - The contract performance guarantee value: ____% of the contract value [insert specific value based on the scale and nature of the package, from 2% to 10% of the contract value].
- The validity period of the contract performance guarantee is: The performance guarantee is effective from the date of issuance until __ [based on the nature and requirements of the package to specify this period, for example: The performance guarantee must be valid until the project is accepted, handed over, and the bidder has transitioned to warranty obligations as required].
E-ĐKC 5.4 The time frame for returning the contract performance guarantee:____ [specify the exact time frame for returning the contract performance guarantee based on the nature and requirements of the package.]
For example: The Investor must return the contract performance guarantee to the bidder immediately after or no later than ____ days from the time the project is accepted and handed over, provided that the bidder has transitioned to warranty obligations as required].
E-ĐKC 7.1 List of subbidders: [insert list of subbidders that corresponds with the list of subbidders mentioned in the Electronic Bid Documents].
E-ĐKC 7.2 The value of the work performed by the subbidder shall not exceed: ____ contract value [Extracted system according to Section 27.3 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology].
E-ĐKC 7.4 State any other necessary requirements for subbidders [insert other requirements for subbidders (if any)].
E-ĐKC 14 Insurance requirements: [based on the scale and nature of the package to state the insurance requirements, including construction insurance in accordance with construction laws for both the Investor and the bidder. For example, from the commencement date until the end of the project warranty period, the bidder must purchase insurance for materials, machinery, equipment, workshops serving construction, insurance for workers, civil liability insurance for third parties for the bidder’s risks…].
E-ĐKC 15 Information about the site is: [list the information and data about the site].
E-ĐKC 18 The date of acceptance and use of the site is: [insert location and date].
E-ĐKC 21.2 The time frame for mediation: [insert maximum number of days for mediation].
Dispute resolution: [specify the time frame and mechanism for dispute resolution based on the scale and nature of the package. This should clearly state the time frame for submitting dispute resolution requests, the organization for dispute resolution, costs for dispute resolution...].
B. Time Management
E-ĐKC 22 - Commencement date: [insert planned commencement date].
- Expected completion date: [insert expected completion date].
E-ĐKC 23.1 The bidder must submit the detailed construction schedule to the Investor within [insert number of days] from the date of signing the Contract.
E-ĐKC 23.4 - Time to update the detailed construction schedule: [insert time to update the detailed construction schedule].
- The penalty amount if the detailed construction schedule is submitted late will be [insert amount].
E-ĐKC 24.3 Other cases: [list other cases for extending the contract execution time (if any)].
C. Quality Management
E-ĐKC 27.2 Materials, machinery, and equipment: [insert name, type of materials, machinery, and equipment required for the bidder to provide samples and test results (if any)].
D. Cost Management
E-ĐKC 33
Type of contract:___[insert type of contract according to the approved bidder selection plan].
E-ĐKC 34.1 Contract price: ___ [insert “Fixed” for lump-sum contracts, fixed unit price contracts or “price-adjustable” for adjusted unit price contracts according to the type of contract mentioned in Section 33 E-ĐKCT or “based on output results” for output-based contracts].
If the contract specifies price adjustment, then choose the direct compensation method or the adjustment method based on the price index.
- The direct compensation method is implemented according to the construction laws.
- The adjustment method based on price index adjustment is:
The contract price is adjusted according to the changes in input costs. The contract price adjustment is calculated according to the formula below or another formula in accordance with the relevant construction laws:
Pc = Ac + (Bc x Imc/Ioc)
+ Pc is the adjustment coefficient for the portion of the contract price paid in the specific currency “c”;
+ Ac and Bc are coefficients[8] specified, where Ac is the coefficient of the non-adjusted portion and Bc is the coefficient of the adjusted portion in the contract price paid in the specific currency “c”;
+ Imc is the current input price index at the end of the billing month and Ioc is the current input price index 28 days prior to the bid opening; both are denominated in the specific currency “c”.
If the index value changes after it has been calculated, the calculation result will be adjusted and recorded in the next payment confirmation document. The value of the index must take into account all changes in costs due to price fluctuations.
- In cases where the output-based contract type is applied:
The Investor proposes content to determine payment value based on output results as follows:
+ Requirements for output quality and acceptable quality levels;
+ Inspection, evaluation measures, and determining the degree of compliance with the quality of services provided by the bidder (e.g., sampling and analysis);
+ The level of payment reduction or increase in payment value according to the payment period;
+ Other necessary contents.
E-ĐKC 35.1 - Advance payment: [insert amount of advance payment, documents required for the advance, method of advance payment… in accordance with the construction laws].
- Advance payment time:___days___months___years__ [insert specific advance payment time].
E-ĐKC 37.1 Payment method:_____ [based on the nature and requirements of the package, specify this content in accordance with the construction laws. Payment to the bidder may specify payment by bank transfer… the number of payments is multiple during the implementation process or one-time payment upon completion of the contract. The payment period may specify payment immediately or within no more than a certain number of days from the date the bidder submits all required documents. Additionally, specific payment documentation requirements should comply with the law].
E-ĐKC 38 Tax adjustments: _____[insert “allowed” or “not allowed” for tax adjustments. In cases where tax adjustments are permitted, state: “during the implementation of the contract, if there is a change in tax policy (increase or decrease) at the time of payment and the contract provides for tax adjustments, and the bidder presents documents clearly defining the amount of tax incurred, then the tax difference will be adjusted according to the contract regulations”].
E-ĐKC 39.1 The amount retained from the payment is:____ [insert percentage]
[the retained amount usually approximates 5% and does not exceed 10% in allcases].
E-ĐKC 40.1 (d) In the case of contract amendments: ____ [specify the specific cases where contract amendments are associated with the rights and obligations of the relevant parties, ensuring compliance with legal regulations].
E-ĐKC 40.7 In the case where the cost-saving solution proposed is approved by the Investor and helps reduce the contract price, the Investor will pay the bidder ____ % [state the payment rate, usually not exceeding 50%] of the contract price reduction.
E-ĐKC 42.1 Penalty amount: [state penalty content, penalty amount, and total maximum penalty value in accordance with construction law regulations].
E-ĐKC 42.2 Compensation for damages: ___ [state “Applied” or “Not applied”. In cases where compensation for damages is applied, based on the scale and nature of the package, compensation for damages shall be determined in one of the following two ways:
- Fullcompensation for the actual damages incurred;
- Compensation for damages based on a determined level. In this case, specify the level of compensation, method of compensation… in accordance with civil law].
E-ĐKC 42.3 Contract bonus: ___ [state “applied” or “not applied”].
In the case of “applied”, specify the specific content regarding the contract bonus according to legal regulations.
  E. Contract termination
E-ĐKC 47 Time to hand over the project: [state the handover time of the project].
E-ĐKC 48.1 Time to submit completion drawings: [state the time to submit completion drawings].
E-ĐKC 48.2 Retention amount: [state the retention amount].

This section includes forms that, after filling in the information, will become part of the Contract. The contract performance guarantee template and the advance payment guarantee template for the winning bidder will be filled out and completed after the contract is awarded.

Form No. 14

____, day ____ month ____ year ____

 To: [state the name and address of the winning bidder, hereinafter referred to as “bidder”]
 Regarding: Notification of Electronic Bid Documents approval and contract award  

Based on Decision No.___ dated___ month___ year___ of the Investor [state the name of the Investor, hereinafter referred to as “Investor”] regarding the approval of the bidder selection result for the package [state the name, number of the package], the bidding party [state the name of the bidding party, hereinafter referred to as “Bidding Party”] would like to inform that the Investor has approved the Electronic Bid Documents and awarded the contract to the bidder to implement the package [state the name, number of the package] at the contract price of ____ [state the winning bid amount in the decision approving the bidder selection result] with the implementation time of the package is ____[state the implementation time of the package inthe decision approving the bidder selection result].
We kindly request the legal representative of the bidder to complete and sign the contract with the Investor, Bidding Party as planned as follows:
  • Contract completion time: [state the contract completion time], at the location [state the contract completion location];
  • Contract signing time: [state the contract signing time]; at the location [state the contract signing location], along with the Draft contract.
It is requested that the bidder implement the contract performance assurance measures according to Form No. 16 Chapter VIII of Electronic Bid Documents with the amount of ___ and validity period ___[state the amount and validity period as specified in Section 5 Chapter VII of Electronic Bid Documents].
This document is an integral part of the contract file. Upon receiving this document, the bidder must have a written approval to complete, sign the contract, and implement the contract performance assurance measures as stated above, in which the bidder must commit that their current capacity still meets the requirements stated in Electronic Bid Documents. The Investor will refuse to complete and sign the contract with the bidder if it is found that the bidder's current capacity does not meet the requirements for implementing the package.
If by ___ month ___ year ___ [based on the size and nature of the package to determine the final deadline for implementing the contract performance assurance measures, completing, signing the contract but no later than 28 days from the date of issuance of the notification of Electronic Bid Documents approval and contract award] the bidder does not proceed to complete, sign the contract or refuses to complete, sign the contract or does not implement the contract performance assurance measures as required above, the bidder will be disqualified and will not have their bid security returned.
Legal representative of the Bidding Party
[state name, title, sign, and seal]
Attached documents:  Draft contract.
Form No. 15
____, day ____ month ____ year ____
Contract No: _________            
Package: ____________ [state the name of the package]
Under project: _________ [state the name of the project]

- Basis(2) ___(Civil Code No. 91/2015/QH13 dated 24/11/2015);
Based on the Bidding Law No. 22/2023/QH15 dated 26/11/2013 of the National Assembly;
Based on(2) ____
Based on Decision No. ____ dated ____ month ____ year ____ of ____ regarding the approval of the bidder selection results for the package ____ [state the name of the package] and the notification of bid-winning No. ____ dated ____ month ____ year ____ of the Bidding Party;
Based on document No. ____ dated ____ month ____ year ____ of ____ regarding the notification of Electronic Bid Documents approval and contract award,
We, representing the contracting parties, include:

Investor (hereinafter referred to as Party A)
Investor's Name: [state the investor's name]
Tax Code:
Representative is Mr./Ms.:
Power of attorney for contract signing No. ____ dated ____ month ____ year ____ (in case of authorization).
bidder(3) (hereinafter referred to as Party B)

bidder's Name: [state the name of the selected bidder]
Tax Code:
Representative is Mr./Ms.:
Power of attorney for contract signing No. ____ dated ____ month ____ year ____ (in case of authorization).
Both parties agree to sign the construction contract with the following contents:

Article 1. Contract Subject
Party A assigns Party B to carry out the construction work, installation of the works according to the approved design.
Article 2. Contract Components
The components of the contract and their legal priority are as follows:
    1. Contract;
    2. Approval letter for Electronic Bid Documents and contract award;
    3. bidder's Electronic Bid Documents;
    4. Specific conditions of the contract;
    5. General conditions of the contract, including appendices;
    6. Technical specifications;
    7. Drawings;
    8. Description of the bidding works mentioned in the summary table of bidding prices;
    9. Other accompanying documents (if any).
Article 3. Responsibilities of the bidder
The bidder commits to executing the project according to the design and commits to fulfilling all obligations and responsibilities stated in the general and specific conditions of the contract.
Article 4. Responsibilities of the Investor
The investor commits to paying the bidder according to the contract price and the payment method stipulated in Article 5 of this contract and to fully comply with other obligations and responsibilities specified in the general and specific conditions of the contract.
Article 5. Contract Price and Payment Method
1.  Contract Price: ____________[clearly state the value in numbers, words, and the currency of the contract].
2.  Payment Method: Payment according to the method stated in the specific conditions of the contract as stipulated in Section 37.1 E-ĐKCT.
Article 6. Type of Contract: ________
Article 7. Contract Execution Time: _______________
[state the execution time of the contract in accordance with Electronic Bidding Document, Electronic Bid Documents, and negotiation results (if any), completing the contract between the two parties]. 
Article 8. The value of the work performed by subbidders (not including the portion of work for special subbidders, if any) shall not exceed: ____ [extracted according to Section 30.3 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology] of the contract price.
Article 9. Validity of the Contract
1.  The contract is effective from _____ [specify the effective date of the contract].
2.  The contract shall terminate after both parties proceed to liquidate the contract in accordance with the law.
The contract is made in ____ copies, the Investor keeps ____ copies, the bidder keeps ____ copies, all copies of the contract have the same legal validity.
[write name, title, sign, and seal]
[write name, title, sign, and 
(1) Based on the nature and requirements of the bidding package, the content of the contract in this template may be modified and supplemented accordingly.
(2) Update the current legal documents related to the contract.
(3), (4) In the case of a PARTNERSHIP bidder, the contract must include information from all PARTNERSHIP members. The legal representatives of each member in the PARTNERSHIP must sign and seal the contract.

(Attached to contract number _____,  date ____ month ____ year ____)

This appendix is established based on the requirements stated in the Electronic Bidding Document, Electronic Bid Documents and the agreements reached during the negotiation process (if any), completing the contract, including the price (total amount) for each item, work content.
The price (total amount) for each item, work content has included costs related to taxes, fees, charges (if any) according to the tax rate, fee levels at the time of 28 days prior to the deadline for bid submission and contingency costs.
(applied for lump-sum contracts)
No. Description of Work (2) Unit Price by items (3)
1 Work Item 1    
2 Work Item 2    
Total: [System auto-calculation]  
[write name, title, sign and seal]
[write name, title, sign and 
(applied for unit price contracts)
No. Description of Work Technical Requirements/ Technical Instructions Unit Volume Unit Price Total Amount
I Item 1:          
II Item 2:          
III Item…          
Contract Price
(Transferred to Article 5 of the Contract)
[insert name, title, sign and seal]
[insert name, title, sign and 
Form No. 16
________, date ____ month ____ year ____

To: _______________[insert name of the Investor]
(hereinafter referred to as the Investor)

At the request of ____ [insert name of the bidder] (hereinafter referred to as the bidder) who is the bidder awarded the package ____  [insert name of the package] and is committed to signing the construction contract for the above package (hereinafter referred to as the contract); (1)
According to the provisions in Electronic Bidding Document (or contract), the bidder must submit to the Investor a guarantee from a bank with a specified amount to ensure its obligations and responsibilities in performing the contract;
We, ____ [insert name of the bank] located in ____ [insert name of the country or territory] registered at ____ [insert address of the bank(2)] (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”), commit to guarantee the execution of the contract of the bidder with an amount of ____ [specify the amount in numbers, words, and currency as required in Article 5 E-ĐKCT]. We commit to unconditionally and irrevocably pay the Investor any amount up to ____ [insert guaranteed amount] as mentioned above when there is a document from the Investor notifying that the bidder has violated the contract during the validity of the performance guarantee.
This guarantee is effective from the date of issue until the end of the day ____ month ____ year ____.(3)
                                                           Legal representative of the bank
                                                       [insert name, title, sign and seal]
(1) If the guaranteeing bank requires a signed contract before issuing the guarantee, the Bidder will report to the Investor for consideration and decision. In this case, the above clause can be modified as follows:
“At the request of ____  [insert name of the bidder] (hereinafter referred to as the bidder) who is the successful bidder for the package ____ [insert name of the package] has signed contract number [insert contract number] dated ____ month ____ year ____  (hereinafter referred to as the Contract).”
(2) Bank address: clearly state the address, phone number, fax number, and email for contact.
(3) Specify the duration in accordance with the requirements in Article 5 E-ĐKCT.
Form No. 17
________, date ____ month ____ year ____

To: _____________[insert name of the Investor ]
                                        (hereinafter referred to as the Investor)
[insert name of the contract, contract number]

According to the advance payment provisions specified in the specific conditions of the contract, ____ [insert name and address of the bidder] (hereinafter referred to as the bidder) must submit to the Investor a bank guarantee to ensure that the bidder uses the advance payment of ____ [specify the amount in numbers, in words, and the currency used] for the execution of the contract;
We, ____ [insert name of the bank] located in ____ [insert name of the country or territory] registered at ____ [insert address of the bank(2)] (hereinafter referred to as “the bank”), at the request of the Investor, agree unconditionally, irrevocably, and without requiring the bidder to review beforehand, to pay the Investor upon the Investor's request an amount not exceeding ____ [specify the amount in numbers, in words, and the currency used as required by Section 35 E-ĐKCT].
In addition, we agree that any changes, additions, or adjustments to the conditions of the contract or any related documents concerning the contract signed between the bidder and the Investor will not alter any of our obligations under this guarantee.
          The value of this guarantee will decrease correspondingly with the advance payment that the Investor recovers through the payment periods specified in Article 5 of the Contract after the bidder presents the Investor's confirmation document regarding the amount recovered during the payment periods.
This guarantee is effective from the date the bidder receives the advance payment under the contract until ____, month ____ year ____ (3) or when the Investor fully recovers the advance payment, whichever comes first.

                                                               Legal representative of the bank
                                                              [insert name, title, sign and seal]

(1)  Depending on the specific conditions of the bidding package that comply with the requirements in Section 35.1 E-ĐKCT.
(2)  Bank address: clearly state the address, phone number, fax number, and email for contact.
(3)  The date specified in Section 35 E-ĐKCT.
Form No. 18


Today, date ____ month ____ year ____, at ____

I am ____[insert name, ID number or passport number, title of the legal representative of the bidder], the legal representative of ____[insert name of the bidder] with an address at ____[insert address of the bidder] hereby authorize____[insert name, ID number or passport number, title of the authorized person] to perform the following tasks during the bidding process for package ____[insert name of the package] related to the project/procurement estimate____[insert name of the project/procurement estimate] organized by ____[insert name of the Investor] :
- Participate in the negotiation and finalization of the contract;
- Sign the contract with the Investor if selected(2).
The authorized person mentioned above may only perform tasks within the scope of the authorization as the legal representative of ____[insert name of the bidder]. ____[insert name of the legal representative of the bidder] is fully responsible for the tasks performed by ____[insert name of the authorized person] within the scope of the authorization.
This power of attorney is effective from the date ____ to the date  ____(3). This power of attorney is made in ____ copies, all of which have equal legal value, the authorizer keeps ____ copies, the authorized person keeps ____ copies, and the bidding party keeps ___ copies..
Authorized Person
[insert name, title, signature, and
 stamp (if any)]
Authorizing Person
[insert name of the legal representative of the bidder, title, signature, and stamp]

(1) In case of authorization, the original power of attorney must be sent to the bidding party during contract negotiation (if any) and contract signing. The authorization of the legal representative of the bidder to deputies, subordinates, branch directors, or heads of the bidder's representative office to act on behalf of the legal representative of the bidder to perform one or more of the tasks mentioned above. The use of stamps in case of authorization may be the bidder's stamp or the stamp of the unit to which the authorized individual belongs. The authorized person may not further delegate authority to others.
(2) The scope of the authorization includes one or more tasks mentioned above.
(3) Specify the effective date and expiration date of the power of attorney in accordance with the contract negotiation process (if any) and contract signing. The power of attorney must ensure validity before the date of performing the authorized tasks.

[1] Only evaluate this content for bidders who are public service units.
[2] bidders who are non-public service units established under the provisions of law must meet the conditions specified in Section 5 Electronic Content Delivery Network Technology when participating in the bidding.
[3] In case of applying this method, remove section 3.2 of this chapter.
[4] In case of applying this method, remove section 3.1 of this chapter.
[5] In case of applying this method, remove section 4.2 and section 4.3 of this chapter.
[6] In case of applying this method, remove section 4.1 and section 4.3 of this chapter.
[7] In case of applying this method, remove section 4.1. Lowest price method and section 4.2. Evaluation price method.
[8] The total of the coefficients Ac and Bc must equal 1 (one) in the formula used for each currency (typically, the coefficient A for the non-adjustable payment part (fixed cost factors or other non-adjustable components) is 0.15). Typically, these two coefficients must be the same in the formula for all currencies. The total adjusted value for each currency will be added to the Contract Price.
Documents of the Same Type "Circulars"
Form No. 3C used to make a report on the evaluation of contractor selection results
Form No. 3C used to make a report on appraisal of contractor selection results.
Form No. 3B used to make a list of contractors' lists
Form No. 3B is used to make a report on appraisal of contractors to meet the technical requirements for the bidding package to apply the method of one phase of two dossiers, the bidding package applies the form of online price welcome according to the usual process;
Form No. 3A used to make a report on appraisal of bidding documents
Form No. 3A used to make a report on appraisal of bidding documents
Circular 09/2024/TT-BXD
Circular No. 09/2024/TT-BXD of the Ministry of Construction: Amending and supplementing a number of construction norms issued in Circular No. 12/2021/TT-BXD dated August 31, 2021 of the Minister of Construction
Appendix VIII attached to Circular 12/2021/TT-BXD
Appendix VIII attached to Circular No. 12/2021/TT-BXD dated August 31, 2021 of the Minister of Construction
Documents of the Same Field "Đấu thầu"
Circular 06/2024/TT-BKHDT
Instructions for submitting and posting bidder selection and bidding document templates on the National Bidding System
Form 02C
Form No. 02C is used to prepare the Decision approving the bidder selection plan.
Form 02B
Form No. 02B is used to prepare a report on appraisal of contractor selection plan.
Form 02A
Form No. 02A is used to prepare the Bidder Selection Plan Proposal.
Form 01C
Form No. 01C is used to prepare the Decision approving the master plan for contractor selection.
Documents of the Same Issuing Authority "Ministry of Planning and Investment"
Form No. 3C used to make a report on the evaluation of contractor selection results
Form No. 3C used to make a report on appraisal of contractor selection results.
Form No. 3B used to make a list of contractors' lists
Form No. 3B is used to make a report on appraisal of contractors to meet the technical requirements for the bidding package to apply the method of one phase of two dossiers, the bidding package applies the form of online price welcome according to the usual process;
Form No. 3A used to make a report on appraisal of bidding documents
Form No. 3A used to make a report on appraisal of bidding documents
Form 1D used to make a dossier of request for consulting service bidding package
Form 1D is used to make a dossier of request for consulting service bidding package.
Form No. 1C used to make a dossier to request a non -advisory service bidding package
Form No. 1C used to make a dossier of request for non -advisory service bidding package;
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