Form No. 02B is used to prepare a report on appraisal of contractor selection plan.
Subject | Ministry of Planning and Investment | Code | 2B |
Category | Circulars | Signer | Nguyễn Chí Dũng |
Area | Đấu thầu | Publtime | 15/02/2024 |
Form No. 02B. Report on Evaluation of the Contractor Selection Plan
[EVALUATION UNIT] | SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness |
No.: ____ | ____ day ___ month___ year___ |
Contractor Selection Plan for Project, Procurement Estimate:___ [Enter the project name, procurement estimate]
To:____[Approver of contractor selection plan]
Based on the submission from ___[the submitting unit] regarding the approval of the contractor selection plan and the provided related documents,_____[evaluation unit] has evaluated the contractor selection plan for the project, procurement estimate___[enter the project name, procurement estimate] from day__month__year__[date of receipt of the complete submission dossier] and reports the evaluation results as follows:
1. Legal basis
- Based on __[Law on Bidding dated June 23, 2023; Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP providing detailed regulations and measures for the implementation of the Law on Bidding regarding contractor selection];
- Based on___[depending on the scale, nature, and requirements of the project, the appropriate legal basis will be specified];
- Based on ___[regulation documents specifying the functions, duties of the evaluation team, documents assigning the evaluation task].
2. Basic information
2.1. For the project, this section provides a general introduction of the project information as follows:
- Project name
- Total investment amount;
- Investor or the unit assigned to prepare the project in case the investor has not yet been identified;
- Funding source;
- Project implementation time;
- Location, project scale;
- Other information (if any).
2.2. For the procurement estimate, this section provides a general introduction of the procurement estimate information as follows:
- Investor;
- Value of the procurement estimate;
- Budget year, fiscal year of the procurement estimate.
3. Summary of the submission for approval of the contractor selection plan:
The evaluation unit summarizes the contents according to the submission from the submitting unit, specifically as follows:
a) Total value of completed work:___[enter value];
b) Total value of uncompleted work that cannot apply any form of contractor selection:___ [enter value];
c) Total value of work under the contractor selection plan:____ [enter value];
d) Total value of work not eligible for contractor selection planning (if any):___ [enter value];
e) Total value of the work:__[equal to the sum of values at points a, b, c, and d of this section];
f) Total investment amount of the project, procurement estimate, or preparation task estimate:___[enter value].
4. Evaluation organization:
a) Evaluation unit
The evaluation unit is:___[enter the name of the unit, department, or consultancy firm conducting the evaluation as per assigned duties or under contract].
b) Working method
This section details the working method of the evaluation unit, whether as a group or independently, during the evaluation process, and how evaluations are handled when one or more members hold differing opinions from the majority.
1. Legal basis for contractor selection planning:
a) Summary of the evaluation results on the legal basis:
The evaluation results on the legal basis of the contractor selection plan are summarized in Table 1 below:
Table 1
1. Legal basis
- Based on __[Law on Bidding dated June 23, 2023; Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP providing detailed regulations and measures for the implementation of the Law on Bidding regarding contractor selection];
- Based on___[depending on the scale, nature, and requirements of the project, the appropriate legal basis will be specified];
- Based on ___[regulation documents specifying the functions, duties of the evaluation team, documents assigning the evaluation task].
2. Basic information
2.1. For the project, this section provides a general introduction of the project information as follows:
- Project name
- Total investment amount;
- Investor or the unit assigned to prepare the project in case the investor has not yet been identified;
- Funding source;
- Project implementation time;
- Location, project scale;
- Other information (if any).
2.2. For the procurement estimate, this section provides a general introduction of the procurement estimate information as follows:
- Investor;
- Value of the procurement estimate;
- Budget year, fiscal year of the procurement estimate.
3. Summary of the submission for approval of the contractor selection plan:
The evaluation unit summarizes the contents according to the submission from the submitting unit, specifically as follows:
a) Total value of completed work:___[enter value];
b) Total value of uncompleted work that cannot apply any form of contractor selection:___ [enter value];
c) Total value of work under the contractor selection plan:____ [enter value];
d) Total value of work not eligible for contractor selection planning (if any):___ [enter value];
e) Total value of the work:__[equal to the sum of values at points a, b, c, and d of this section];
f) Total investment amount of the project, procurement estimate, or preparation task estimate:___[enter value].
4. Evaluation organization:
a) Evaluation unit
The evaluation unit is:___[enter the name of the unit, department, or consultancy firm conducting the evaluation as per assigned duties or under contract].
b) Working method
This section details the working method of the evaluation unit, whether as a group or independently, during the evaluation process, and how evaluations are handled when one or more members hold differing opinions from the majority.
1. Legal basis for contractor selection planning:
a) Summary of the evaluation results on the legal basis:
The evaluation results on the legal basis of the contractor selection plan are summarized in Table 1 below:
Table 1
No. | Content | Evaluation Results | |
Yes | No | ||
(1) | (2) | (3) | |
I | For the project | ||
1 | Approval decision for the project and related documents. For packages that need to be implemented before project approval, it is the decision of the head of the investor or the head of the unit assigned to prepare the project in case the investor has not yet been identified. | ||
2 | Approval decision for the overall contractor selection plan (if any) | ||
3 | Documents regarding the allocation of medium-term public investment plans, except in cases of emergency public investment projects as prescribed by law | ||
4 | Plans for allocating funds or sources for projects not subject to the cases specified in point c, clause 1, Article 38 of the Law on Bidding | ||
5 | International treaties, loan agreements for projects using ODA funds, concessional loans, except in cases of pre-bidding as specified in Article 42 of the Law on Bidding | ||
6 | Relevant legal documents | ||
II | For Procurement Estimates | ||
1 | Documents on standards, norms for the use of public assets by agencies, organizations, units, and officials, civil servants, public employees, workers (if any) | ||
2 | Relevant legal documents |
- Column (1) specifies the name, number, date, issuing authority, and summary of the document.
- Column (2) marks "X" in the corresponding boxes for each document in column (1) received by the appraisal unit.
- Column (3) marks "X" in the corresponding boxes for each document in column (1) not received by the appraisal unit (after requesting additional documents).
b) Appraisal opinions on the legal basis:___[based on the documents submitted by the investor and the results summarized in Table No. 1, the appraisal unit provides comments on the legal basis of the bidding plan and any necessary notes (if any)].
2. Division of the project into bidding packages:
[The appraisal unit checks and comments on the division of the project and procurement estimates into bidding packages based on technical nature, implementation order, project synchronization, and reasonable package size.]
3. Contents of the submission for approval of the bidding plan:
a) Work not included in the bidding plan:
- Completed work:___[the appraisal unit checks and comments on the conformity of the completed work with the previously approved bidding plan];
- Work not applicable to any form of bidding:___[the appraisal unit checks and comments on the work not applicable to any form of bidding];
- Work not yet eligible for a bidding plan (if any):___[the appraisal unit checks and comments on the work not yet eligible for a bidding plan].
b) Work included in the bidding plan:
The appraisal unit checks and comments on the bidding plan according to the content in Table No. 2 below:
Table No. 2
No. | Appraisal Content | Appraisal Results | |
Compliant, Appropriate | Non-compliant or Inappropriate | ||
(1) | (2) | (3) | |
1 | Name of the package, including the main work contents of the package | ||
2 | Package price | ||
3 | Capital Source | ||
4 | Selection Form of Contractors | ||
5 | Selection Method of Contractors | ||
6 | Time to Organize the Selection of Contractors | ||
7 | Time to Start Organizing the Selection of Contractors | ||
8 | Contract Type | ||
9 | Time to Implement the Package | ||
10 | Additional Purchase Options | ||
11 | Bidding Process Monitoring |
- Column (2): Mark "X" in the corresponding boxes for each content in column (1) if the inspection result of the content of the contractor selection plan by the appraisal unit complies with the provisions of bidding law and relevant laws; it is consistent with the project requirements and procurement estimate.
- Column (3): Mark "X" in the corresponding boxes for each content in column (1) if the inspection result of the content of the contractor selection plan by the appraisal unit does not comply with the provisions of bidding law and relevant laws, or is not suitable for the project requirements and procurement estimate. In this case, the reasons for non-compliance must be clearly stated or any content requiring amendment, supplementation, or improvement as per the provisions of bidding law and relevant laws, or if not suitable with the approved contractor selection plan, project nature, and package requirements must be addressed.
- Appraisal opinion on the contractor selection plan:___[based on the documents provided by the organization responsible for submitting the contractor selection plan for approval and the appraisal results summarized in Table 2, the appraisal unit will provide opinions on the contractor selection plan based on the provisions of bidding law, relevant laws, project requirements, procurement estimates, and other necessary notes (if any).
For the contractor selection plan content evaluated as non-compliant or unsuitable, or requiring amendment, supplementation, or improvement, this section will explain the reasons and methods to ensure compliance with the provisions of bidding law. Non-compliance or unsuitable content must be specified].
c) Appraisal opinion on the total value of the work components:___[inspect the total value of completed work components, incomplete work components that cannot apply any of the contractor selection methods, work components in the contractor selection plan, incomplete work components that are not eligible for the contractor selection plan (if any), and the value of packages approved in the contractor selection plan but with unsigned contracts, ensuring that the total investment, procurement estimates, or preparation estimates are not exceeded, while also listing necessary adjustments for alignment].
1. Comments on the content of the contractor selection plan
Based on the summarized appraisal results for each content mentioned above, the appraisal unit provides general comments on the contractor selection plan. This section should state whether the appraisal unit agrees or disagrees with the investor’s proposal for the contractor selection plan. In case of disagreement, specific reasons must be provided.
This section should also clarify any reserved opinions from appraisal members during the contractor selection plan appraisal process.
Depending on the scale and nature of the package, the appraisal unit should provide an opinion on whether the authorized individual or unit will be appointed to monitor the bidding activities.
2. Recommendations
a) In case the content of the contractor selection plan complies with the provisions of bidding law, relevant laws, and meets the requirements, the appraisal unit proposes the authorized individual to approve the contractor selection plan as follows:
Based on the proposal from ___[the investor] for approval of the contractor selection plan and the appraisal results and analysis as above, ___[the appraisal unit] proposes ___[the authorized individual]:
- Approve the contractor selection plan for the project, procurement estimate___[specify the project and procurement estimate].
- Assign individuals or units to monitor the bidding activities for the package:___[specify the package] in the contractor selection plan to ensure compliance with the provisions of bidding law (if applicable).
b) In case the appraisal unit does not agree with the proposal of the submitting unit, it should propose a resolution for the authorized individual to consider and decide.
Recipients: - As above; - Submitting unit; - Archive VT. | [LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPRAISAL UNIT] [enter name, title, signature, and stamp (if applicable)] |
(Attached to the Appraisal Report for the contractor selection plan)
(Attached to the Appraisal Report for the contractor selection plan)
No. | Content | Notes |
1 | Document submitting the contractor selection plan | Original/Copy |
2 | The document from the appraising unit requesting the submitting unit of the contractor selection plan to supplement documents or provide an explanation (if any) | Original/Copy |
3 | The explanation document, supplementary materials from the submitting unit of the contractor selection plan (if any) | Original/Copy |
4 | Opinions from relevant agencies (if any) | Original/Copy |
5 | The appraisal meeting minutes from the appraising unit (if any) | Original/Copy |
6 | The dissenting opinions of individuals from the appraising unit (if any) | Original/Copy |
7 | The list of members participating in the appraising unit and the division of tasks among members (if any); Professional qualification certificates in bidding (except for cases where members are not required to have professional qualification certificates as stipulated in Clause 2, Clause 3, Clause 4, Article 19 of Decree No. 24/2024/ND-CP); Other related certificates (if any). | Original/Copy |
8 | Other related documents. |
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