Form 02A

Form No. 02A is used to prepare the Bidder Selection Plan Proposal.

Subject Ministry of Planning and Investment Code 2A
Category Circulars Signer Nguyễn Chí Dũng
Area Đấu thầu Publtime 15/02/2024
Form No. 02A. Sample Bidder Selection Plan Proposal

Independence - Freedom - Happiness
No:____ ___, day___month___year___
Bidder Selection Plan
project, procurement estimate:___
[project name, procurement estimate]

To:___ [approving authority for the bidder selection plan]
[Presenting Unit] submits to  [approving authority for the bidder selection plan] for review and approval of the bidder selection plan based on the following contents:

I. Brief description of the project, procurement estimate

1. For the project, this section provides an overview of the project information as follows:
- Project name
- Total investment capital
- Investor or unit assigned to prepare the project in case the investor has not been identified;
- Source of funds;
- Project implementation time;
- Project location, scale;
- Other information (if any).

2. For the procurement estimate, this section provides an overview of the procurement estimate information as follows:
a) The state budget estimate approved by competent authorities according to the fiscal year or expected budget estimate for the following year(s); the estimated legal financial source for the fiscal year or following years in case of multi-year procurement;
b) Value of the procurement work completed in the fiscal year or budget year;
c) The budget portion not used for procurement;
d) The procurement estimate is determined by the budget mentioned in point a of this section minus the amounts mentioned in points b and c.

If the investor has available funds for procurement in the fiscal year and does not rely on projected revenue for the year, there is no need to determine the procurement estimate as described above. In this case, the procurement estimate is the available budget for procurement within the fiscal year. If the contract package duration is longer than 01 year, specify the procurement estimate for the fiscal year and the estimated procurement estimate for the following years.

This section also clearly states the name of the investor; the fiscal year of the procurement estimate.

II. Legal basis
Based on __[Law on Procurement No. 22/2023/QH15 dated June 23, 2023];
Based on __[Insert number, issuance date, and content of the document used as the basis for preparing the bidder selection plan:
- For the project, cite the basis according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 38 of the Law on Procurement No. 22/2023/QH15;
- For the procurement estimate, cite the basis according to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 38 of the Law on Procurement No. 22/2023/QH15].

III.  Work already completed
Table No. 1
No. Content or Package Name(2) Executing Unit(3) Value(4) Approval Document(5)
Total value [carry over to the corresponding section of Table No. 5]    


(1) The completed work section includes the content of work related to project preparation, packages, and other work that has been completed (including signed contracts and ongoing contracts) with corresponding values and the approval document as the legal basis for implementation.
(2) Summarize the content of the work or the names of the packages that have been completed.
(3) Specify the name of the executing unit.
(4) Record the value of the work, specifying the currency (based on liquidation, acceptance value, or contract value, etc., whichever is closest to the submission time).
(5) Specify the name of the approval document (Decision approving the bidder selection plan, Decision approving the bidder selection result, Work assignment decision, etc.).
IV. The work section that does not apply to any form of bidder selection(1)

Table No. 2
No. Content of Work(2) Executing Unit(3) Value(4)
Total value [carry over to the corresponding section of Table No. 5]  


(1) The work section that does not apply to any form of bidder selection includes: activities of the project management board, compensation and site clearance organization, loan interest payments; work performed by the investor, including the preparation and appraisal of the expression of interest document, pre-qualification document, bidding document, request document; evaluation of expressions of interest, pre-qualification documents, bids, proposals; appraisal of bidder selection results, and other work that does not apply to bidder selection forms with corresponding values.
(2) Provide a brief description of the work content, excluding the work listed in Table 1.
(3) Specify the name of the executing unit (if any).
(4) Record the value of the work; specify the currency.

V. Work items under the bidder selection plan

1. Summary table of work items under the bidder selection plan:
Table No. 3

Name of Investor(2)
Package Name(3) Package Value(4)
Source of Funds(5)
Bidder Selection Method(6)
Bidder Selection Procedure(7)

Time for Bidder Selection(8)

Start Time for Bidder Selection(9)
Contract Type(10)
Contract Execution Time(11)

Additional Purchase Options(12)

Procurement Supervision
Package Name  Summary of Main Tasks of the Package
Total Package Value
[carry over to Table No. 5]


(1) The tasks under the bidder selection plan must specify the number of packages and the content of each package. The unit submitting the bidder selection plan must clearly state the basis for dividing the project and procurement estimates into packages in Section V.2 of this proposal.
(2) Enter the name of the investor or the unit assigned to prepare the project in case the investor has not been determined for the pre-tender package as stipulated in Article 42 of the Bidding Law or for the package that needs to be implemented before project approval.
(3) Enter the name of the package in the "Package Name" column; summarize the main scope of work of the package in the "Summary of Main Work of the Package" column.
The content and scope of work of the package must align with the content stated in the project approval decision and match the procurement estimate. In cases where the package is divided into separate parts, the name of each part must reflect the basic content of each part.
(4) The package price is determined according to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 39 of the Bidding Law.
(5) The source of funds is determined according to the provisions of Point c, Clause 1, Article 38, and Clause 3, Article 39 of the Bidding Law.
(6) The bidder selection method in the bidder selection plan is determined according to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 39 of the Bidding Law; the application of each bidder selection method is based on the provisions of Section 1, Chapter II, and Clause 6, Article 43 of the Bidding Law.
For packages specified in Points a, b, c, and m, Clause 1, Article 23 of the Bidding Law, if proposing to apply the shortened process, write "shortened direct appointment" in this section; if proposing to apply the regular process, write "regular direct appointment" in this section.
(7) The bidder selection method is based on the provisions of Section 2, Chapter II of the Bidding Law. In which, the one-stage two-envelope method is only applied to: packages requiring high technical expertise as stipulated by law on science and technology as per Clause 1, Article 31 of the Bidding Law (for packages providing non-consulting services, procurement of goods, construction, mixed); consulting service packages.
For packages applying the direct appointment method according to the shortened process, price negotiation, self-implementation, community participation, this content is not mentioned.
(8) Indicate the total time for organizing bidder selection (the maximum number of days from the date of issuing the bidding documents, request for proposals, to the date of bidder selection results, including assessment time. If necessary, the evaluation time for bidding documents, proposal documents, and assessment time can be noted in this section.
If the package involves a shortlist selection, the bidder selection time includes the time for shortlist selection from the date of issuing prequalification documents, expression of interest documents to the date of shortlist selection results (evaluation time for prequalification documents, expression of interest documents, and assessment time may be noted).
(9) The time to start organizing bidder selection is in accordance with Clause 5, Article 39 of the Bidding Law.
(10) The type of contract is determined according to the provisions of Article 64 of the Bidding Law.
(11) The package implementation period is determined according to the provisions of Clause 7, Article 39 of the Bidding Law.
The package implementation period must be in line with the project schedule, procurement estimate. If the package includes multiple separate parts, the specific implementation period for each part must be stated.
For centralized procurement applying framework agreements, the package implementation time is based on the framework agreement.
(12) Additional purchase options are determined according to the provisions of Clause 8, Article 39 of the Bidding Law.
(13) For packages proposed to apply supervision, clearly indicate the individual or unit proposed to supervise the bidding activities, along with email, phone number, and contact address. For packages not proposed to apply supervision of bidding activities, indicate "no proposal."

2. Explanation of the bidder selection plan:

In this section, it is necessary to explain the content in Table No. 3, specifically as follows:
a) Basis for dividing the packages: ___ [explain the basis for dividing the project and procurement estimates into packages. The division of the project and procurement estimates into packages must be based on the project content, procurement estimate, nature of the work, implementation sequence according to time, and according to the following principles:
+ Ensure technical and technological consistency of the project and procurement estimate, avoiding splitting the project and procurement estimate into excessively small packages, which disrupt technical and technological consistency;
+ Ensure the project and procurement estimate progress;
+ Ensure reasonable scale (appropriate to the project's conditions, procurement estimate, current bidder capacity, and domestic market development...);
Dividing the project and procurement estimate into packages contrary to regulations to facilitate direct appointment or limit the participation of a few bidders is not in compliance with the provisions of the bidding law];
b) Package price;
c) Source of funds;
d) Method and process of bidder selection;
đ) Time for organizing bidder selection;
e) Time to start organizing bidder selection;
g) Type of contract;
h) Package implementation period;
i) Additional purchase options (if any);
l) Supervision of bidding activities (if any).

VI. Tasks not yet eligible for bidder selection planning (if any)

If, at the time of bidder selection planning, the project or procurement estimate has tasks that are not yet eligible for bidder selection planning, specify the content and value of these tasks in Table No. 4.
Table No. 4
No. Content Value
Total value [carry forward to Table No. 5]  
VII. Total Value of Work Items
Table 5
No. Description Value
   1 Total value of completed work items  
2 Total value of work items not applicable for any bidder selection methods  
3 Total value of work items under the bidder selection plan  
4 Total value of work items not yet eligible for the bidder selection plan (if any)  
   Total value of work items     
   Total investment cost of the project, procurement estimate or investment preparation task estimate    [enter value] 
VIII. Recommendations
Based on the above analysis, [submitting unit] proposes___[the individual approving the bidder selection plan] to review and approve the bidder selection plan for the project, procurement estimate:___[enter project name, procurement estimate].

Respectfully submitted to [the individual approving the bidder selection plan] for review and decision./.

- As above;
- Appraisal unit;
- Archive VT.
[enter name, title, sign, and stamp]
(Attached to the Proposal for Approval of the Bidder Selection Plan)
No. Content Note
I For the project  
1 Project approval decision and related documents. For a package that needs to be implemented before the project approval, the decision is made by the head of the investor or the head of the unit assigned the task of project preparation in case the investor has not yet been determined. Photocopy
2 Approval decision for the overall bidder selection plan (if any) Photocopy
3 Documents on the allocation of the medium-term public investment plan, except for emergency public investment projects as prescribed by law on public investment Photocopy
4 Capital allocation plan for project implementation or project funding source for projects not covered by point c, clause 1, Article 38 of the Bidding Law No. 22/2023/QH15. Photocopy
5 International treaty or loan agreement for projects using ODA funds, concessional loans, except for pre-bidding as stipulated in Article 42 of the Bidding Law No. 22/2023/QH15. Photocopy
6 Related legal documents  
II For procurement estimates  
1 Documents on standards and norms for the use of public assets by agencies, organizations, units, and public officials, civil servants, and employees (if any) Photocopy
2 Related legal documents Photocopy
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