Las - XD construction laboratories list in Thanh Hoá

Code - Laboratory name
Tax code
No.: 41
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 1130 - Geotechnical laboratory - construction materials

Address: 04/02 Nguyễn Hiệu - phường Đông Hương - thành phố Thanh Hóa
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 2801048864
No.: 42
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 519 - Laboratory and testing of construction materials.

Address: Số 479 Đường Trần Hưng Đạo, P. Nam Ngạn, TP. Thanh Hoá, Tỉnh Thanh Hóa.
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 2801023549
No.: 43
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 804 - Construction materials laboratory.

Address: Phố Đà, Xã Thọ Dân, Huyện Triệu Sơn, Tỉnh Thanh Hoá.
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 2801393250
No.: 44
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 1787 - Materials laboratory and construction quality inspection;

Address: Số 51, Đường Đông Tác, Phường Đông Thọ, Tp. Thanh Hóa;
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 2802553820
No.: 45
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 1050 - Laboratory and construction quality inspection.

Address: Thôn Đình Bảng, Xã Hoằng Lộc, Huyện Hoằng Hóa, Tỉnh Thanh Hóa.
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 28024893327
No.: 46
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 109 - Construction laboratory.

Address: Số 36 Đại lộ Lê Lợi, P. Điện Biên, TP. Thanh Hóa, Tỉnh Thanh Hóa.
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 2800991459
No.: 47
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 1701 - Laboratory and construction quality inspection

Address: Thôn Bắc Hải, Xã Hải Thượng, Huyện Tĩnh Gia, Tỉnh Thanh Hóa
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 0107743054
No.: 48
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 246 - Construction materials laboratory.

Address: Quốc lộ 1A, Xã Quảng Thịnh, TP. Thanh Hóa, Tỉnh Thanh Hóa.
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 1702064976
No.: 49
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 1822 - Materials laboratory and construction quality inspection

Address: Số 10/616, Đường Nguyễn Trãi, P. Phú Sơn, Tp. Thanh Hóa
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 2802540684
No.: 50
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 1574 - Traffic construction testing and inspection center.

Address: Thôn 8, Xã Hoằng Thịnh, Huyện Hoằng Hóa, Tỉnh Thanh Hóa.
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 2802389987
No.: 51
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 453 - Project testing and inspection branch.

Address: Số 7 Cao Sơn, Phường An Hoạch, Thành phố Thanh Hóa, Tỉnh Thanh Hóa.
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 2800177056
No.: 52
Code - Laboratory name:

LAS-XD 1499 - Center for testing and quality control of works.

Address: số nhà 56, Phố Cao Thắng, Phường Lam Sơn, Thành Phố Thanh Hóa.
Province/City: Thanh Hoá
Tax code: 0106866014

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