Lab Name
Construction specialized laboratory.
Laboratory address
Số 139 Nguyễn Trung Trực, ấp Mỹ Thạnh, xã Mỹ Phong, thành phố Mỹ Tho, tỉnh Tiền Giang.
Recognition content
The list of testing criteria is eligible for specialized construction activities of Las-XD 57.004 laboratory including: Cement mechanical test; Experimental test for concrete and mortar; Testing soil mechanics in the room; Testing concrete and heavy concrete mixture; Construction mechanical experiments; Water analysis for construction; Testing baked clay brick mechanics; Testing concrete brick mechanics; Terazzo brick testing; Self -inserting concrete brick mechanical experiments; Bitum test; Asphalt testing; Liquid asphalt test; Experimental mineral powder material in asphalt concrete; Test metal materials and welding bonds; Test tiles; Testing roof tile; Geotextile testing; Testing flight ash for concrete; Construction wood; PVC pipe testing; HDPE pipes, HDPE twisted plastic pipes; Testing wires, electric cable; Stone carpets and plastic wire; Traffic signals - Materials of thermoplastic reflective lines; Testing reinforced concrete box sluice; Aluminum shaped in construction; Testing at the scene; Natural paving stone test; Testing of drainage concrete sewers; Test composite materials.
When there is a new version of replacement technical standards, the corresponding new standard must be applied.
This certificate takes 05 years from the date of signing
Last update
04/02/2025 - First update