Laboratory address
187 Lê Thánh Tôn, phường 5, thành phố Tuy Hòa, tỉnh Phú Yên.
Recognition content
List of testing criteria qualified for specialized construction activities of LAS-XD 44.005 laboratory includes: Testing of cement, white cement, sulfate-resistant cement; Testing of concrete mixtures and heavy concrete; Testing of concrete aggregates, mortar, aggregates for asphalt concrete, sand, soil, graded crushed stone; Testing of soil mechanics in the laboratory; Testing of granular filter materials; Testing of metal and welding metal materials; Testing of asphalt concrete; Testing of bitumen, asphalt emulsion, acid asphalt emulsion; Testing of mineral powder in asphalt concrete, asphalt-mixed stone; Testing of joint-filling materials; Testing of construction mortar, premixed dry cement mortar; Testing of bentonite materials; Testing of water for construction; Testing of fired clay tiles; Testing of concrete tiles; Testing of glazed ceramic tiles; Testing of glazed tiles; Testing of fired clay bricks; Testing of self-locking concrete bricks; Testing of concrete bricks; Testing of Terrazo bricks; Testing of ceramic tiles, artificial and natural stone tiles; Testing of cement floor tiles; Testing of Granito tiles; Testing of lightweight concrete, autoclaved and non-autoclaved lightweight concrete bricks; Testing of plastic pipes; Testing of construction glass; Testing of wood; Testing of wall putty; Testing of gypsum boards; Testing of mortar, grout and tile adhesive; Testing of civil electrical wires and civil electrical pipes; Testing of precast hollow concrete wall panels; Testing of autoclaved aerated concrete wall panels; Testing of three-layer sandwiched lightweight wall panels; Testing of fiber cement panels; Testing of fiber reinforced concrete panels; Testing of precast reinforced concrete panels for reinforcing canal roofs and paving roads; Testing of precast concrete curbs; Testing of emulsion wall paint; Testing of waterproofing materials - PVC waterstop tape; Field testing (Soil, sand, rocks of all kinds; Concrete; Piles (filled, pressed); Roads (cement concrete, asphalt concrete); Other components) Technical standards used for the tests are fully listed, including Vietnamese and foreign standards (if any). When there is a new version of the technical standards replacing the old standards, the corresponding new standards must be applied. This certificate is valid for 05 years from the date of signing.