List of individuals certified with basic procurement certification

STT Student Hometown Grade Date of birth ID/Passport number
Student name: Chu Lệ Hằng
Certificate code: EXCEL0486
Certificate issuance date: 30/10/2023

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Student name: Trần Hải Vân
Certificate code: 26/25-27/04/2017
Certificate issuance date: 28/04/2017

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Student name: PHẠM HÙNG
Certificate code: 022/ĐTCB2023/048
Certificate issuance date: 06/12/2023

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Student name: Tạ Hồng Lê
Certificate code: PVMTC/ATC/2021-634
Certificate issuance date: 08/04/2021

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Student name: Nguyễn Huy Chuyên
Certificate code: 127/ĐTCB
Certificate issuance date: 23/05/2017

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Student name: Ngô Thục Trinh
Certificate code: 002/ĐTCB21/007
Certificate issuance date: 15/04/2021

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Student name: Lữ Quốc Dũng
Certificate code: 028ĐT0621
Certificate issuance date: 27/04/2021

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Student name: Đoàn Văn Sỹ
Certificate code: 104-76/2023/ĐT-EDUV
Certificate issuance date: 24/11/2023

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Student name: Đỗ Văn Đùm
Certificate code: 86-41/2017/ĐTCB-IID
Certificate issuance date: 30/07/2017

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Certificate code: 061-16/2021/ĐT-IEDU
Certificate issuance date: 08/07/2021

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Student name: LÊ HUYỀN TRANG
Certificate code: QĐ37-021/2023/ĐTCB-TTV
Certificate issuance date: 20/10/2023

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Student name: NGUYỄN ĐỨC ANH VŨ
Certificate code: QĐ32-002/2023/ĐTCB-TTV
Certificate issuance date: 18/08/2023

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Student name: Nguyễn Mạnh Tùng
Certificate code: 12/13-15/04/2018
Certificate issuance date: 20/04/2018

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Student name: Nguyễn Thị Ngân
Certificate code: 483/ĐTCB
Certificate issuance date: 26/04/2018

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Student name: PHẠM TIẾN DŨNG
Certificate code: 020-25/2023/ĐT-IEDU
Certificate issuance date: 26/07/2023

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Student name: Hoàng Gia Quang
Certificate code: 04016/05/18 – CDMS
Certificate issuance date: 28/05/2018

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Student name: Ngô Thị Phương Lan
Certificate code: 615- 045
Certificate issuance date: 22/06/2023

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Student name: Nguyễn Hoàng Lệ Quyên
Certificate code: 41-04CFTD-INN/2023
Certificate issuance date: 22/06/2023

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Student name: Nguyễn Thanh Danh 
Certificate code: 086ĐT0522
Certificate issuance date: 01/06/2022

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Student name: Trần Thị Kim Loan
Certificate code: 092ĐT0822
Certificate issuance date: 03/08/2022

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